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دراسة مخبريّة للانطباق الحفافيّ لطريقتي صنع الجسور الزيركونيّة CAD\CAM و Slip-Casting

دراسة مخبريّة للانطباق الحفافيّ لطريقتي صنع الجسور الزيركونيّة CAD\CAM و Slip-Casting

1338   0   11   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2015
  fields Dentistry
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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Recent development in dental materials had led to the fabrication of metal free fixed prosthodontics to improve the mechanical and aesthetic properties to restore posterior teeth depending on many techniques, therefore came the propose of this study to compare the marginal fit of Zirconia bridges made by CAD/CAM and Slip-Cast techniques. 30 Bridges were fabricated to restore missing first lower molar, they were divided into two groups (15 CAD\CAM, 15 Slip-Cast). The marginal fit was evaluated by measuring the thickness of light body silicone that made using Replica technique. Depending on T-test, the mean marginal discrepancy for CAD/CAM groups was 13.92μ and 11.30μ for Slip-Cast techniques. Therefore, it was concluded that the marginal fit of Slip-Cast techniques was significantly better than CAD/CAM techniques.

Artificial intelligence review:
Research summary
تتناول هذه الدراسة المقارنة بين تقنيتين لصنع الجسور الزيركونية الخلفية: Slip-Casting و CAD/CAM. تم تصنيع 30 جسرًا خزفيًا لتعويض رحى أولى سفلية مفقودة، حيث تم تقسيمها إلى مجموعتين: 15 جسرًا بتقنية CAD/CAM و 15 جسرًا بتقنية Slip-Casting. تم تقييم الانطباق الحفافي من خلال قياس سماكة السيليكون الخفيف باستخدام تقنية النسخ المضاعف. أظهرت النتائج أن متوسط الفراغ الحفافي لجسور CAD/CAM كان 13.92 ميكرون، بينما كان 11.30 ميكرون لجسور Slip-Casting. خلصت الدراسة إلى أن الانطباق الحفافي لجسور Slip-Casting كان أفضل بشكل ملحوظ من جسور CAD/CAM. تشير النتائج إلى أن تقنية Slip-Casting توفر انطباقًا أفضل للجسور الخلفية مقارنة بتقنية CAD/CAM، مما يجعلها الخيار الأفضل في سياق الدراسة الحالية.
Critical review
دراسة نقدية: على الرغم من أن الدراسة تقدم مقارنة شاملة بين تقنيتي Slip-Casting و CAD/CAM، إلا أن هناك بعض النقاط التي يمكن تحسينها. أولاً، كان من الممكن توسيع حجم العينة لتشمل عددًا أكبر من الجسور لتحسين دقة النتائج. ثانيًا، لم يتم مناقشة تأثير العوامل السريرية الأخرى مثل نوع المادة المستخدمة في الطباعة أو مهارة الطبيب في تحضير الأسنان، والتي قد تؤثر على النتائج. ثالثًا، كان من الممكن تضمين مقارنة مع تقنيات أخرى لصنع الجسور الزيركونية للحصول على صورة أكثر شمولية. أخيرًا، لم يتم التطرق إلى التكلفة والوقت المستغرق لكل تقنية، وهو ما يمكن أن يكون عاملًا مهمًا في اختيار التقنية المناسبة في الممارسة السريرية.
Questions related to the research
  1. ما هي التقنيتان المستخدمتان في الدراسة لصنع الجسور الزيركونية؟

    التقنيتان المستخدمتان هما Slip-Casting و CAD/CAM.

  2. ما هو متوسط الفراغ الحفافي لجسور CAD/CAM حسب الدراسة؟

    متوسط الفراغ الحفافي لجسور CAD/CAM كان 13.92 ميكرون.

  3. ما هي التقنية التي أظهرت نتائج أفضل في الانطباق الحفافي؟

    تقنية Slip-Casting أظهرت نتائج أفضل في الانطباق الحفافي.

  4. ما هي العوامل التي لم يتم مناقشتها في الدراسة والتي قد تؤثر على النتائج؟

    العوامل التي لم يتم مناقشتها تشمل نوع المادة المستخدمة في الطباعة، مهارة الطبيب في تحضير الأسنان، التكلفة، والوقت المستغرق لكل تقنية.

References used
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BESCHNIDT, S.M ; STRUB, J.R . Evaluation of the Marginal Accuracy of Different All Ceramic Crown Systems After Simulation in the Artificial Mouth. J Oral Rehabil 1999;26:582-93
rate research

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Replica technique remain most commonly used technique for measuring the marginal fit in the medical literature, the silicone rubber addition is considered most accurate and least changing dimensions. Aim of study to compare the accuracy and simpl icity of traditional replica technique and modified replica technique to measure marginal fit of zirconium posterior bridges manufactured by CAD\CAM. After removal of first lower molar from TYPODENT (Frasco, Tettnang, Germany), the second lower molar and premolar neighboring were prepared commensurate with full ceramic restoration. Final impression of this bridge was taken by silicone rubber addition (Zhermack Elite HD+) with the aid of custom tray. The impression was condensed with amalgam to make the main metal cast. Fifteen custom acrylic resin trays were used for fabricate fifteen impressions of main metal cast that were used for fabricate 15 zirconium bridges by CAD\CAM technique According to the manufacturer's instructions. Tow rubber thicknesses were taken for the marginal fit of each bridge over its cast gypsum by used light silicone rubber addition. Then the first rubber thickness was treated by developed replica technique to form the Group (A) of the study and the second rubber thickness was treated by replica technique to form the group (B) of the study. Depending on T-test, no significant difference between two techniques was detected. We conclude that developed replica technique reliable technique to study and measure the marginal gap of bridge and crown, and it is statistically more accurate than the traditional technique.
Background& Objective: This study was carried out to test fracture resistance of crowns with Zirconia core made by CAD/CAM of two thicknesses, and test the influence of decreasing the core thickness on its fracture resistance, and study the patterns of failure.
Online abuse can inflict harm on users and communities, making online spaces unsafe and toxic. Progress in automatically detecting and classifying abusive content is often held back by the lack of high quality and detailed datasets.We introduce a new dataset of primarily English Reddit entries which addresses several limitations of prior work. It (1) contains six conceptually distinct primary categories as well as secondary categories, (2) has labels annotated in the context of the conversation thread, (3) contains rationales and (4) uses an expert-driven group-adjudication process for high quality annotations. We report several baseline models to benchmark the work of future researchers. The annotated dataset, annotation guidelines, models and code are freely available.
In this paper samples of poly vinyl chloride PVC ,pure, irradiated with Gama rays, were prepared by casting method in room temperature and light, and under atmosphere pressure. It was observed from this research that irradiation made real effect on some of the studied optical properties, the irradiation increased the transmittance while the electronic transitions kind remained indirect before and after the irradiation.
This research aims to convert CT data of hip bone that sufferining cancer to 3D model, and designing metal implant of the infected area on the mechanical analysis programs, to study operability and convenience in terms of distribution of stresses a nd forces just as in patient’s body after installation and under the guidance of the bone surgeon.By depending on Mimics software to read the CT image and 3MATIC to convert the image to 3D digital model after generation the surface and the volume of the implant, the analysis process of stresess and forces in COMSOL software. Where after design and analysis the metal implant was appropriate mechanicaly and do not contain dangerousareas after the application of the expected forces.

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