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Inverted Papilloma Role of Endoscopic Sinus Surgery in Its Mangment

الورم الحليمي المنقلب دور جراحة الجيوب التنظيرية في علاجه

1508   0   132   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2011
  fields Medicine
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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To evaluate the role of Endoscopic Sinus Surgery ( ESS ) in excision of inverted papillomas , and to compare the recurrence rate in this approache with that of external one . Background: Assessment of new surgical technique in the management of the most important benign para-nasal sinuses tumor.

References used
Kraft M, Simmen D, Kaufmann T,Et all. Long-term results of endonasal sinus surgery in sinonasal papillomas. Laryngoscope. 2003 Sep;113(9):1541-7
Eduardo Macoto Kosugi; Rodrigo de Paula Santos et al . Inverted papilloma in the sphenoethmoidal recess . Rev. Bras. 1999Aug:35(5):213-4
(Byron J. Bailey et. Al. Sinus Imaging:Bening tumors of soft tissue origin. Head and Neck Surgery- Otolaryngology .2003 electronic second edition.v(1)p(1)chap(32
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Here, we present our experience in endoscopic surgical treatment of sinonasal inverted papilloma extending to one or both frontal sinuses to show that the use of endoscopic median drainage( Modified Lothrope procedure) to manage sinonasal inverted papillomas extending to frontal sinuses is feasible and seems effective.
We conducted a randomized clinical trial on 32 subjects in 2 groups with chronic diseases of the sphenoid sinus (each consisting of 16 patients) to evaluate CT navigation during Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery. All patients registered in our st udy met the widely accepted criteria to be treated with FESS. 16 patients were operated on with FESS with CT navigation while 16 patients were operated on with FESS without navigation. The result drawn showed no significant statistical difference in the outcome of the operations when we used the CT navigation during FESS compared with the time we did not use it. However, we believe it is an asset to the ENT surgeon in difficult and critical operations like the sphenoid sinus surgery as it brings precision and peace to the surgeon. We recommend using CT navigation as a useful adjunct added to the surgeon’s knowledge & experience but not as a replacement to these necessities.
جرت هذه الدراسة على 78 مريضاً و تم تقييم نتائجها من خلال 57 مـنهم اسـتمروا فـي المتابعة، خضعوا جميعاً لعملية جراحة جيوب تنظيرية بسبب إصابتهم بداء البوليبات الأنفية المتعدد (Polyposis nasal) ، بالتهاب جيوب مزمن (sinusitis chronic) . و قد تـم تطبيـق مادة الميتومايسين c في نهاية العمل الجراحي داخل إحدى الحفرتين الأنفيتين الخاضـعتين للجراحة و كانت دائماً اليسرى و قد اعتمد بروتوكول مشابه لبروتوكول مجرى فـي دراسـة عالمية حديثة مع تعمد تطبيق المادة الدوائية بالتركيز نفسه الموصى به و إنما لفترة أطول. كما أنه في دراستنا خلافاً للدراسة الأخرى فقد جرى اختبار تأثير هذه المـادة أيضـاً فـي المرضى الخاضعين لعمل جراحي بسبب إصابتهم بداء البوليبات الأنفية، و هو الأكثر مشاهدة لدينا من بين الأمراض المعالجة بجراحة الجيوب التنظيرية. و قد خلصت هذه الدراسة إلى تأكيد فائدة هذه المادة الدوائية و لا سيما فيما يتعلق بإنقاصـها لاحتمال النكس في داء البوليبات الأنفية و تشكل التندبات و الالتصاقات المرضـية و تضـيق فتحات الجيوب. كما خلصت أيضاً إلى بعض النتائج الأخرى التي يمكن أن تعود بالفائدة على هذه الجراحة و مجال استخدام هذه المادة فيها.
Gastroesophageal reflux is one of the most common diseases in the world and his most important symptoms is the heartburn. He requires surgical treatment in some advanced cases. The study was performed on 20 patients who underwent laparoscopic anti -reflux surgery in Al-Assad and tishreen university hospitals in Lattakia between 2011-2017 and were followed for at least six months after surgery. The analysis of the results showed a complete efficacy of this surgery in terms of absence of clinical symptoms in patients and no need for medical treatment after surgery, Absence of major complications and temporary swallowing only in 15% of cases. Comparison with other studies has shown similar results in terms of effectiveness and complications. As a result of the study, we concluded that this surgery is low risk, highly effective, and has few complications.
the aim of this study is to prove that laparoscopic approach in experienced hands is the treatment of choice for adrenal masses (up to 10 cm) the study was conducted in Al Asad University hospital between 2004-2006.By reviewing the files of 22 p atients with adrenal mass retrospectively and prospectively all of them were done laparoscopicaly except one case in which the operation was converted to open approach .the variables that considered in this study were the difficulty of the procsdure,time of surgery, the ratio of conversion to the classic approach (open adrenalectomy ^morbidity and mortality rates.

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