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About the gravitation of material straight lines and rays

حول جاذبية المستقيمات و أنصاف المستقيمات المادية

1265   0   31   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2015
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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In this paper, we study the gravitational field generated by a material straight line around itself. We show the simplicity of the studied field, and we show its relation with the arc of half circle. We discussed also the subject of attracting two spacious straight lines, and we show the absence of relation between the mutual force and the distance. Also we study the field generated by a ray, where we present the different formulas for this field, and we show its geometrics properties, and its relation to a circular arc sees through it. Also studied the previous field lines, and we show that it are parabolas, and we appear by different ways that the equivalent surfaces are parabolic surfaces of revolution.

References used
Isaac Newton, Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica, Edmond Halley, London, 1687
K. Abdullah, Propriétés du système séculaire, thèse de doctorat de l'Observatoire de Paris, Paris 2001
K. Abdullah, A Albouy, "On a strange resonance noticed by M. Herman", REGUL CHAOTIC DYN, 2001, 6 (4), 421-432
rate research

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In this search, we study the gravitational field engendered by a material segment around itself. In the beginning, we discuss the concept of the gravitational field generated by arbitrary curve. It turns out that this field depends on the concept of linear mass, and is directly relate to the distance of the position, to which we calculate the field from the tangents of curve, and not from the curve itself. Material segment is a special case of material curves, and characterized by the confusability of all its tangents, that allow simplify the calculations, and find a simplified formula of the field. We end our research by comparing the field of material segment, with a field of appropriate circular arc. Contrary to what it is expected, it appear in the end that the field of material segment is inversely proportional to the distance from that segment, and not to the square of distance
In the paper, we study gravitational field generated by a special type of homogeneous material curves that are denoted circumscribed curves. Characteristic state of these curves is the linking of each one of them to a circle, and the circumscribing of him around the circle, or an arc of him, according to a precise meaning. The circumscribed curve consists of arcs of a circle, and straight segments, their right supports are tangents to the circle. In special case, where this curve is a polygon, the sides are tangents to a circle. In this case, we call the polygon, circumscribed polygon. The study shows that the center of the circle, around it, a homogeneous material curve circumscribed, is an equilibrium center.
Could Buddhism really comptete Marxism in its material tendency? This would be the point of focus of this piece of research through a comparative study between Buddhism and Marxism in the light of the viewpoint of each of them toward materialism an d such relevant issues as the cosmos, God, religion, consciousness, dialectics….etc. therefore, we shall endeavor basically to prove that Buddhism was not---- as is believed ---- a philosophical spiritual school, quite contrastively, it was a realistically dynamic materialistic school. If we could strike this point, Buddhism would be in the same domain as Marxism. This is so if we did not consider them two cumulative school. Needless to say that a few discrepancies whether relating to methodological or to the change of the spaciotemporal or social change have been closely scrutinized.
In this paper, we study the gravitational field generated by a straight material segment around itself. At first we discuss the calculation of the field, outside the support of the segment, and on this support, then we discuss the self field. We a lso study values of this field in special points. We also study the field generated by a set of segments,, where we interest in the value of this field in the common special points, and show the cases where this field is finite, or infinite. We provide a set of properties concerning the components of this field. We also discussed the concept of falling on the material segment, where we define the particular type of motion which we call successive motion, and we show its conditions. This motion really present a falling on the material segment.
The extended crack resistance of concrete is necessary in the desisn of nonlinear behavior of structural It can be described through the intensity stress factor and the critical crack opening under maximum force. The length of the crack is necessary for calculating intensity stress factor and the critical crack opening under maximum force. The aim of this work is to conehede the relations between intensity stress factor and the critical crack opening under maximum force with the material properties of concrete such as paste volume, compressive strength and maximum aggregate diameter. The length of crack is calculated using the analytical model of Olesen that depends on bilinear softening, and the parameters of the softening curve were found using inverse analysis. The experimental results of three point bending test for beams with different sizes which are made from concretes with different compressive strengths are used in the inverse analysis. It is found that intensity stress factor and the critical crack opening under maximum force depend on paste volume and they increase when F'c increases, while they are independent from maximum aggregate size.
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