درسنا في هذا البحث حقل الجاذبية الذي يولده مستقيمٌ ماديٌ حوله. بينا بساطة الحقل المدروس، ثم بينا علاقته بقوس نصف الدائرة. ناقشنا أيضاً موضوع جذب مستقيمين متخالفين لبعضهما، و بينا عدم تعلق قوة الجذب المتبادلة بينهما بالمسافة.
درسنا أيضاً الحقل الذي يولده نصف مستقيم، حيث قدمنا الصيغ المختلفة لهذا الحقل، و بينا خواصه الهندسية، و علاقته بقوس دائري يُرى من خلاله.
درسنا أيضاً خطوط الحقل السابق، و بينا أنها قطوع مكافئة، و بينا بطرق مختلفة أن سطوح السوية هي سطوح لمجسمات دورانية مكافئة.
In this paper, we study the gravitational field generated by a
material straight line around itself. We show the simplicity of the
studied field, and we show its relation with the arc of half circle. We
discussed also the subject of attracting two spacious straight lines,
and we show the absence of relation between the mutual force and
the distance.
Also we study the field generated by a ray, where we present the
different formulas for this field, and we show its geometrics
properties, and its relation to a circular arc sees through it.
Also studied the previous field lines, and we show that it are
parabolas, and we appear by different ways that the equivalent
surfaces are parabolic surfaces of revolution.
References used
Isaac Newton, Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica, Edmond Halley, London, 1687
K. Abdullah, Propriétés du système séculaire, thèse de doctorat de l'Observatoire de Paris, Paris 2001
K. Abdullah, A Albouy, "On a strange resonance noticed by M. Herman", REGUL CHAOTIC DYN, 2001, 6 (4), 421-432
In this search, we study the gravitational field engendered by a
material segment around itself. In the beginning, we discuss the
concept of the gravitational field generated by arbitrary curve. It turns out
that this field depends on the concept
In the paper, we study gravitational field generated by a special type of homogeneous material curves that are denoted circumscribed curves.
Characteristic state of these curves is the linking of each one of them to a circle, and the circumscribing
Could Buddhism really comptete Marxism in its material tendency? This would be
the point of focus of this piece of research through a comparative study between Buddhism
and Marxism in the light of the viewpoint of each of them toward materialism an
In this paper, we study the gravitational field generated by a
straight material segment around itself. At first we discuss the
calculation of the field, outside the support of the segment, and on
this support, then we discuss the self field. We a
The extended crack resistance of concrete is necessary in the desisn of nonlinear behavior of structural It can be described through the intensity stress factor and the critical crack opening under maximum
force. The length of the crack is necessary