ندرس في هذا البحث حقل جاذبية الذي تولده قطعة مستقيمة مادية حولها. تطرقنا في البداية لمفهوم حقل جاذبية الذي يولده منحنٍ كيفي. يتبين أن هذا الحقل يعتمد على مفهوم الكتلة الخطية، و يرتبط مباشرةً ببعد الموقع الذي نحسب الحقل فيه عن مماسات ذلك المنحني، وليس عن المنحني نفسه.
القطعة المستقيمة المادية هي حالة خاصة من المنحنيات المادية، تتميز بانطباق جميع مماساتها مما يسمح بتبسيط الحسابات، و ايجاد صيغة مبسطة للحقل. نختم بحثنا بمقارنة حقل القطعة المستقيمة المادية، بحقل قوس دائري مناسب، حيث نستنتج تساويهما.
لقد تبيّن في النهاية، على عكس ما هو متوقع، أنّ حقل قطعة مستقيمة مادية يتناسب عكساً مع البعد عن حامل تلك القطعة، و ليس مع مربع ذلك البعد.
In this search, we study the gravitational field engendered by a
material segment around itself. In the beginning, we discuss the
concept of the gravitational field generated by arbitrary curve. It turns out
that this field depends on the concept of linear mass, and is directly relate to the distance of the position, to which we calculate the field from the tangents of curve, and not from the curve itself.
Material segment is a special case of material curves, and characterized by the confusability of all its tangents, that allow simplify the calculations, and find a simplified formula of the field. We end our research by comparing the field of material segment, with a field of appropriate circular arc.
Contrary to what it is expected, it appear in the end that the field of material segment is inversely proportional to the distance from that segment, and not to the square of distance
References used
WESTFALL Richard, « Newton », Figures de la science, Flammarion, Paris, 1994
Galileo Galilei, Dialogue sur les deux grands systèmes du monde, Paris, Seuil, 1992
K. Abdullah, Propriétés du système séculaire, thèse de doctorat de l'Observatoire de Paris, Paris 2001
K. Abdullah, Développement réduit de la fonction perturbatrice, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, t.332, Série 1 (2001) p. 541-544
P. Chenevier, Cours de GÉOMÉTRIE, Librairie Hachette, Paris, 1946
In this paper, we study the gravitational field generated by a
straight material segment around itself. At first we discuss the
calculation of the field, outside the support of the segment, and on
this support, then we discuss the self field. We a
This paper discusses the escape velocity for a limited material
distribution in a gravity field. This requeres examining the Newton’s
law of gravitation , the gravitational field vector of a limited material
distribution in a specific point and po
In this paper, we study the gravitational field generated by a
material straight line around itself. We show the simplicity of the
studied field, and we show its relation with the arc of half circle. We
discussed also the subject of attracting two
In the paper, we study gravitational field generated by a special type of homogeneous material curves that are denoted circumscribed curves.
Characteristic state of these curves is the linking of each one of them to a circle, and the circumscribing
The Earth's gravity field is related to the Earth's mass and shape and to the
position, where we apply the measurement.The measured value in any place
depends on the altitude of the place angle and Earth's rotation speed around
In the pap