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Data Compression Techniques

تقنيات ضغط البيانات

4707   7   970   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2013
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Alhasan Abo Obaid

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No English abstract

References used
Fundamentals of Multimedia, Ze-Nian Li, and Mark S. Drew, Pearson Prentice Hall, October 2003
David Salomon ,Data Compression The Complete Reference. 3rd edition , 2004
Entropy And Information Theory - Robert M. Gray
نظرية المعلومات و الاتصالات, جامعة تشرين, كلية الهندسة المعلوماتية, الدكتور المهندس أحمد صقر أحمد
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The compression data problem is one of most important problems nowadays, because it saves storage requirements, and reduces the time for the processing, The compressed data give the returns of main data in few times. In this article, we offer an al gorithm for recognizing the closed and unclosed shapes, and that was done by compressing the images using haar wavelet, and we noted that the compressed images give the wanted returns in about quarter the time that main images take. This algorithm was done using the Mathematica 8.0 program as one of the most powerful programming languages.
Educational data mining aims to study the available data in the educational field and extract the hidden knowledge from it in order to benefit from this knowledge in enhancing the education process and making successful decisions that will improve th e student’s academic performance. This study proposes the use of data mining techniques to improve student performance prediction. Three classification algorithms (Naïve Bayes,J48, Support Vector Machine) were applied to the student performance database, and then a new classifier was designed to combine the results of those individual classifiers using Voting Method. The WEKA tool was used, which supports a lot of data mining algorithms and methods. The results show that the ensemble classifier has the highest accuracy for predicting students' levels compared to other classifiers, as it has achieved a recognition accuracy of 74.8084%. The simple k-means clustering algorithm was useful in grouping similar students into separate groups, thus understanding the characteristics of each group, which helps to lead and direct each group separately.
This paper describes and examines different systems to address Task 6 of SemEval-2021: Detection of Persuasion Techniques In Texts And Images, Subtask 1. The task aims to build a model for identifying rhetorical and psycho- logical techniques (such a s causal oversimplification, name-calling, smear) in the textual content of a meme which is often used in a disinformation campaign to influence the users. The paper provides an extensive comparison among various machine learning systems as a solution to the task. We elaborate on the pre-processing of the text data in favor of the task and present ways to overcome the class imbalance. The results show that fine-tuning a RoBERTa model gave the best results with an F1-Micro score of 0.51 on the development set.
This research presents literature review on using Artificial intelligence and Data Mining techniques in Anti Money Laundering systems. We compare many methodologies used in different research papers with the purpose of shedding some light on real life applications using Artificial intelligence
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