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The escape velocity for a limited material distribution in a gravity field

سرعة الإفلات في حقل جاذبية توزيعة مادية محدودة

975   0   4   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2014
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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This paper discusses the escape velocity for a limited material distribution in a gravity field. This requeres examining the Newton’s law of gravitation , the gravitational field vector of a limited material distribution in a specific point and potential function togother with the potential energy. In paper, have proved that potential energy vanished in infinity . This requires also examining Hamilton’s function then we have found the escape velocity of a material point from a sphere’s surface ,when the motion of the material point is vertical , horizontal or oblique . We found the escape velocity for a material point from a disk in the vertical and oblique cases. In paper, we also find out the escape velocity from a ring in both vertical and oblique cases . It is appeared that the escape velocity from the ring identifies with that we get from the sphere case.

Artificial intelligence review:
Research summary
تناقش هذه الورقة البحثية سرعة الإفلات في حقل جاذبية توزيعة مادية محدودة، مع التركيز على قانون نيوتن في الجاذبية، ودراسة حقل الجاذبية لتوزيعة مادية محدودة في نقطة معينة، ودالة الكمون والطاقة الكامنة. أثبتت الدراسة أن الطاقة الكامنة تنعدم في اللانهاية، كما تم دراسة تابع هاملكون. تم حساب سرعة الإفلات لنقطة مادية من سطح كرة في حالات الحركة الشاقولية، الأفقية، والمائلة، وكذلك من قرص وحلقة في الحالتين الشاقولية والمائلة. توصلت الدراسة إلى أن سرعة الإفلات من الحلقة تتطابق مع تلك التي نحصل عليها في حالة الكرة.
Critical review
دراسة نقدية: تعتبر هذه الورقة البحثية مهمة في مجال الفيزياء النظرية، حيث تقدم تحليلاً شاملاً لسرعة الإفلات في حقل جاذبية توزيعة مادية محدودة. ومع ذلك، يمكن ملاحظة بعض النقاط التي قد تحتاج إلى تحسين. أولاً، يمكن توضيح بعض المفاهيم الرياضية بشكل أكثر تفصيلاً لتسهيل الفهم على القراء غير المتخصصين. ثانياً، قد يكون من المفيد تضمين تطبيقات عملية للنظريات المقدمة في الورقة لربطها بالواقع العملي. وأخيراً، يمكن تعزيز الورقة بمزيد من الرسوم البيانية التوضيحية لتبسيط الفهم البصري للمعادلات والنظريات المقدمة.
Questions related to the research
  1. ما هي النقطة الرئيسية التي أثبتتها الدراسة بخصوص الطاقة الكامنة؟

    أثبتت الدراسة أن الطاقة الكامنة تنعدم في اللانهاية.

  2. ما هي الحالات التي تم فيها حساب سرعة الإفلات لنقطة مادية من سطح كرة؟

    تم حساب سرعة الإفلات لنقطة مادية من سطح كرة في حالات الحركة الشاقولية، الأفقية، والمائلة.

  3. هل تتطابق سرعة الإفلات من الحلقة مع أي شكل آخر؟

    نعم، تتطابق سرعة الإفلات من الحلقة مع تلك التي نحصل عليها في حالة الكرة.

  4. ما هي التوزيعات المادية التي تم دراستها في الورقة؟

    تم دراسة التوزيعات المادية في أشكال الكرة، القرص، والحلقة.

References used
M.L.Boas,Mathematical methods in Physical Sciences,3rd edition, Wiley ,2006
Michael Fowler, University of Virginia, Physics 152 Notes, May, 2007
K. Abdullah, Propriétés du système séculaire, , thèse de doctorat de l'Observatoire de Paris, Paris 2001
rate research

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In this search, we study the gravitational field engendered by a material segment around itself. In the beginning, we discuss the concept of the gravitational field generated by arbitrary curve. It turns out that this field depends on the concept of linear mass, and is directly relate to the distance of the position, to which we calculate the field from the tangents of curve, and not from the curve itself. Material segment is a special case of material curves, and characterized by the confusability of all its tangents, that allow simplify the calculations, and find a simplified formula of the field. We end our research by comparing the field of material segment, with a field of appropriate circular arc. Contrary to what it is expected, it appear in the end that the field of material segment is inversely proportional to the distance from that segment, and not to the square of distance
In this paper, we study the gravitational field generated by a straight material segment around itself. At first we discuss the calculation of the field, outside the support of the segment, and on this support, then we discuss the self field. We a lso study values of this field in special points. We also study the field generated by a set of segments,, where we interest in the value of this field in the common special points, and show the cases where this field is finite, or infinite. We provide a set of properties concerning the components of this field. We also discussed the concept of falling on the material segment, where we define the particular type of motion which we call successive motion, and we show its conditions. This motion really present a falling on the material segment.
Singularities in general are considered to be one of the important issues in algebraic geometry and applied mathematics, among them the ADE or simple singularities which drew attention since they have appeared separately in various areas of scient ific applications. The name comes from three graphs characterized by letters A, D and E denoting types of Lie groups. Arnold stated them in a direct manner. Many people gave studies about the subject like Roczen.M who presented the canonical resolution in dimension 3 and Char ≠ 2. giving an equivalent non-singular variety is what meant by resolution, Canonical resolution adds a description of the exceptional loci.
Within the last thirty years, the recent development in GPS, satellite tracking techniques and processing strategies has revolutionized development of Earth gravity field models. In addition, the increase of gravity data coverage led to an increase i n the resolution and accuracy of these models. This in turn led to a noticeable improvement in determination of geoid surfaces which are essential in transformation of the geodetic height to the orthometric height. This study utilizes the normal gravity field for estimating offsets the Syrian leveling network from the EGM2008 geoid defined by its geopotential value W0=62636856.0 m2s-2. This approach uses the average of the gravity potential values at the GPS/levelling points in some areas in Syria. The gravity potential value in the study regionis estimated using the Earth gravity field model EGM2008. The residuals between the actual gravity potentials and the values at the Syrian height reference surface are estimated in the range between [-4.51 m2s-2 ~ 10.62m2s-2] and a mean value of -6.72±0.70 m2s-2 with 95% confidence level. This corresponds to [-46.0 cm ~ 108.4 cm] and a mean value of -63.7±7.1 cm which means that the Syrian height datum is located underneath the global geoid.
In the paper, we study gravitational field generated by a special type of homogeneous material curves that are denoted circumscribed curves. Characteristic state of these curves is the linking of each one of them to a circle, and the circumscribing of him around the circle, or an arc of him, according to a precise meaning. The circumscribed curve consists of arcs of a circle, and straight segments, their right supports are tangents to the circle. In special case, where this curve is a polygon, the sides are tangents to a circle. In this case, we call the polygon, circumscribed polygon. The study shows that the center of the circle, around it, a homogeneous material curve circumscribed, is an equilibrium center.
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