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Analytical Study of Spatial Organization of facilities and amenities Network and Service Centers in Towns

دراسة تحليلية للتنظيم المكاني لشبكة المنشآت و المراكز الخدمية في المدن

2117   1   82   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2015
and research's language is العربية
 Created by zeina alrostum

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Spatial organization of facilities depend on the analyzing of the distribution of the networks of establishments and service centers in cities with focus on the study of complementarity and comparability of the place, place settlement (place distribution and density), service areas, wider access of shopping service, in addition to a good coordination (administrative, technical and consumptive) forming the place service construction. This should all lead in the end to the best geographic distribution of the networks of facilities and service centers within a comprehensive and complete system in cities at present and in the future. Good geographical distribution of service location must reduce the consumers' time and create the largest possible social and economic set of activities. There must be justice in distribution, and equal access to the services, in addition to satisfactory quality for the population in quantity and variety, in a way that corresponds with the natural, social, demographic, economic and constructive conditions of the place (like city size, shape, functions, location, the population and their qualifications, the opening times during which the city can provide the service to the residents, the percentage of service consumers and their class, the nature of the organizing plan of the city and the use of the land there, the road net, and means of transport and others.) The establishments, service centers, facilities and the services are distributed to suit in quantity and variety with the residential districts and territories. The central part of the city contains most service activities, because it forms the easiest way of getting transport, and this identifies the great importance in place in organizing services in the city. The smallest the city is, the better the access to services. It is necessary here to distribute the service establishments among the city quarters, regions, places of work, social and scientific centers, and locations of access to means of transport. It must emerge from the consumers' preferences and their interests, the state capacities, and the constant need to develope the planning of residential services in the city

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Research summary
تتناول الدراسة التحليلية للتنظيم المكاني لشبكة المنشآت والمراكز الخدمية في المدن، حيث تسعى إلى تحقيق التنظيم المكاني الصحيح للخدمات السكانية بما يلبي حاجات السكان الخدمية ويحقق العدالة الاجتماعية في التوزيع وأكبر فعالية ممكنة. توضح الدراسة العلاقة بين مفهومي التوزع الجغرافي والتنظيم المكاني لمنشآت الخدمات السكانية ومراكزها، وتبرز أهميتها في الدراسة الجغرافية لقطاع الخدمات السكانية وفي التخطيط الإقليمي والقطاعي. كما تحلل مفهوم التنظيم المكاني للخدمات السكانية في المدن من وجهة نظر الباحثين وتدرس منظومة العوامل المؤثرة في هذا التنظيم. تهدف الدراسة إلى تصميم لوحة تنظيمية-تخطيطية لتوزع الخدمات مكانياً في أحياء المدينة وأقاليمها السكنية وجزئها المركزي بالشكل الأمثل، بما يلبي حاجات السكان الخدمية ويحقق العدالة الاجتماعية في التوزيع وأكبر فعالية ممكنة.
Critical review
دراسة نقدية: تعتبر الدراسة شاملة ومفصلة في تحليلها للتنظيم المكاني لشبكة المنشآت والمراكز الخدمية في المدن. ومع ذلك، قد يكون من المفيد تقديم أمثلة عملية أو دراسات حالة لتوضيح كيفية تطبيق المبادئ والنظريات المذكورة في الدراسة على أرض الواقع. كما يمكن تعزيز الدراسة بمزيد من البيانات الإحصائية والميدانية لدعم النتائج والاستنتاجات. إضافة إلى ذلك، يمكن توسيع نطاق الدراسة ليشمل تأثير التكنولوجيا الحديثة والتحولات الرقمية على التنظيم المكاني للخدمات السكانية.
Questions related to the research
  1. ما هي الأهداف الرئيسية للدراسة؟

    تهدف الدراسة إلى توضيح العلاقة بين مفهومي التوزع الجغرافي والتنظيم المكاني لمنشآت الخدمات السكانية ومراكزها، وتحليل مفهوم التنظيم المكاني للخدمات السكانية في المدن، ودراسة منظومة العوامل المؤثرة في هذا التنظيم، وتصميم لوحة تنظيمية-تخطيطية لتوزع الخدمات مكانياً في أحياء المدينة وأقاليمها السكنية.

  2. ما هي أهمية التنظيم المكاني للخدمات السكانية؟

    يسهم التنظيم المكاني للخدمات السكانية في تلبية حاجات السكان بسهولة ويسر، ويحقق العدالة الاجتماعية في التوزيع، ويزيد من فعالية الخدمات المقدمة، ويجعلها سهلة المنال مسافياً وزمنياً.

  3. ما هي العوامل المؤثرة في توطن الخدمات في بعض أجزاء المدينة دون سواها؟

    تؤثر العوامل المحلية مثل الكثافة السكانية، المستوى المعيشي والمعرفي للسكان، والبنية التحتية المتاحة في توطن الخدمات في بعض أجزاء المدينة دون سواها.

  4. كيف يمكن تحسين مستوى معيشة السكان من خلال التنظيم المكاني للخدمات السكانية؟

    يمكن تحسين مستوى معيشة السكان من خلال الإدارة الحكيمة للهيئات الخدمية المسؤولة، وإشراك المختصين ذوي الصلة في التخطيط والتنفيذ، وتوزيع الخدمات بشكل عادل وفعال لتلبية حاجات السكان.

References used
أبو عيانة محمد فتحي، جغرافية العمران- دراسة تحليلية للقرية و المدينة، دار المعرفة الجامعية 2005 م.
اسماعيل علي أحمد، دراسات في جغرافية المدن، ط 2، القاهرة 1982 م
امصيلحي محمد فتحي، جغرافية الخدمات – الإطار النظري و تجارب عربية، جامعة المنوفية، 2001 م.
ايلين. س، موتيليف.أ، ما هو الاقتصاد السياسي، باللغة العربية، ترجمة فهد كم نقش، دار التقدم، موسكو 1987 م.
rate research

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The study and evaluation of the circumstances and the factors that affect the geography of the inhabitants services in terms of the needs of services, the use of it and the spatial arrangement is considered one of the major trends in the geographical studies of the sector of population services, and without it, the geographical study of any of the geographical phenomena of services cannot be complete.
The study assesses the impact of economic factors in the geography of services in terms of need, consumption and spatial organization are topics and trends in a study in this new world. These economic factors form a stand-alone system that belongs to the larger system that includes all the factors in the geography of services. System of these economic factors is composed of the five factors that constitute the elements of this system as follows : 1 - the geographical economic location. 2 - transport routes, and means . 3 - Capital . 4 - SOA (substructure of service) . 5 - economic resources and aspects of economic activity in urban centers and regions. Economic factors interact with each other within the system, and in at the same time they interact with the system of human factors and the system of natural factors for shaping the service sectors of the place by showing the spatial variation in the needs of the population to services and they use them, and its spatial organization of place in urban centers and regions. Economic factors are different in the strength of their impact in this variation and spatial organization of the services sector of the population, depending on different areas or trends in the study in of the geography of services, and the first trend studies the needs of the population is services. The quality of these to services, and the second trend studies consumption of the population to these services, and the third trend studies the spatial organization of the services sector of the population. A system of economic factors forms inputs which interact together, and at the same time interact with the system of natural factors and human factors, to give outputs that show the nature of services for the population and the characteristics of its distribution and development in place .
This study aimed to identify the four industrial estates in the Syrian Arab Republic, And knowing the size of expenditure and income for these cities, in addition to the knowledge and the number of licensed projects executed in these cities. And di stribution switches between different types of industries, as well as to study the correlation between the many variables of the study. The researcher used the descriptive analytical method. It has also been studying and analyzing the data using the program spss. After analysis of the data shows decline in the number of projects implemented, the lack of correlation between most of the variables of the study, the lack of a clear vision in the cities for the distribution of plots by investment type.
The stability of geometrical structure considered as the basic standard for it’s safety regardless of it’s different parameters (Hydrology, morphology ,geology and geodesy).But the geodetical study of the horizontal vertical (deforms) ultimately gi ves the safety because it uses the digital result about the construction safety. This research aims at studying the horizontal and vertical deforms of the ALDOYSAT werenear by ALDOYSAT village –Idleb- city-on the Syrian and Turkish border. For this reason in first step we surveyed the area installing topographic cally and acontrolling network to be able to achieving a topographical schema. In the next step: we did the periodical measurements throughout chronological times. At the end of every period we dealt the measurements and the shifts via visual basic program. The search was ended with the best results and recommendations.
The idea of spatial interpolation stands of great importance depending on the accuracy of estimated (Hydrogeological) parameters of this area, which reduces excessive efforts to reach the best Hydrogeological model of the region with as little as p ossible, thus reducing the overall cost of the project. The studied area is located within the Sin plain (the southern part of the JABLEH plain). A free layer of water, ranging between 1m and 30m in thickness. The study relied on groundwater level data, soil thickness and type in 339 wells. The importance of this research Lies in mapping the best spatial distribution of characteristics using spatial statistical methods The aim of the research is to estimate the Coefficient of Permeability of the aquifer layer and its effective thickness using the two methods of spatial statistics methods (Kriging and IDW) for Hydrogeological parameters in the southern part of the Jableh plain.
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