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Study Of Microbiological and Morphological Changes in The Eggs During Storage

دراسة التغييرات الميكروبيولوجية و المورفولوجية في البيض خلال التخزين

2098   3   65   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2014
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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The egg has important role in the food , different food industries, and scientific researches , this is because of its high nutrition value and its special properties that give color and improve texture of food . The microbial content and its changes were studied during storage of washed and unwashed egg and that with cooling and without cooling in different Temperature , also morphology description was studied for all existed microorganisms . This study indicated that microbial growth increases and egg quality decreases in storage egg in natural Temperature and We must not wash egg with cooling and without cooling before storage for long time to prevent the microorganisms from enter through shell of the egg during washing specially without controlled Temperature of washing water ., but it may wash the egg to remove of existing microorganisms on shell .

Artificial intelligence review:
Research summary
تتناول هذه الدراسة التغييرات الميكروبيولوجية والمورفولوجية التي تحدث في البيض أثناء التخزين. البيض له دور كبير في التغذية والصناعات الغذائية بسبب قيمته الغذائية العالية وخصائصه الفريدة في تحسين القوام وإكساب اللون. تم تحليل الحمولة الميكروبية للبيض المغسول وغير المغسول والمبرد وغير المبرد في درجات حرارة مختلفة. أظهرت النتائج أن غسل البيض قبل التخزين لفترات طويلة يمكن أن يزيد من سرعة فساده بسبب دخول الجراثيم عبر القشرة أثناء الغسيل، خاصة إذا لم تؤخذ درجة حرارة ماء الغسيل في الاعتبار. ومع ذلك، يمكن غسل البيض المعد للاستهلاك الفوري للتخلص من الأوساخ والجراثيم العالقة على القشرة. كما تبين أن تخزين البيض في الثلاجة يزيد من مدة حفظه ويقلل من نمو الجراثيم مقارنة بالتخزين في درجة حرارة الغرفة. الدراسة توصي بعدم غسل البيض المعد للتخزين الطويل وتخزينه في درجات حرارة منخفضة للحفاظ على جودته.
Critical review
دراسة نقدية: الدراسة قدمت معلومات قيمة حول تأثير الغسيل والتبريد على جودة البيض، ولكنها لم تتناول بشكل كافٍ تأثير العوامل البيئية الأخرى مثل الرطوبة والتهوية على جودة البيض أثناء التخزين. كما أن الدراسة اعتمدت بشكل كبير على التجارب المخبرية دون تقديم توصيات عملية واضحة يمكن تطبيقها في البيئات المنزلية أو التجارية. كان من الأفضل تضمين دراسات مقارنة مع طرق تخزين أخرى مثل استخدام المواد الحافظة أو التغليف المحكم. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، لم تتناول الدراسة تأثير هذه العوامل على القيمة الغذائية للبيض بشكل مفصل.
Questions related to the research
  1. ما هو الهدف الرئيسي من الدراسة؟

    الهدف الرئيسي هو دراسة التغيرات الميكروبيولوجية والمورفولوجية في البيض أثناء التخزين وتأثير الغسيل والتبريد على جودة البيض.

  2. ما هي التوصيات الرئيسية التي خلصت إليها الدراسة؟

    التوصيات الرئيسية تشمل تخزين البيض في الثلاجة وعدم غسله قبل التخزين لفترات طويلة، وغسله فقط عند الاستهلاك الفوري.

  3. ما هي العوامل التي تؤدي إلى فساد البيض أثناء التخزين؟

    العوامل تشمل دخول الجراثيم عبر القشرة أثناء الغسيل، التغيرات في درجة حرارة التخزين، وزيادة حجم الحجرة الهوائية في البيض.

  4. كيف يؤثر غسل البيض على جودته أثناء التخزين؟

    غسل البيض قبل التخزين يمكن أن يزيد من سرعة فساده بسبب دخول الجراثيم عبر القشرة، خاصة إذا لم تؤخذ درجة حرارة ماء الغسيل في الاعتبار.

References used
أبو الخير ، صالح .2000 ، فساد الأغذية ،جامعة دمشق
AGGARWAL, D 2008–Egg Quality and Salmonella spp Growth in Shell Eggs Packaged in Modified Atmosphere Packaging MASTER OF SCIENCE ,Texas Tech University
JIN T., ZHANG H., BOYD G., TANG J , 2008–Thermal resistance of Salmonella enteritidis and Eschericha coli K12 inliquid egg determined by thermal-death-time disk. Journal of Food Engineering, 84: 608–614
rate research

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This investigation was conducted to study the effect of cooling preservation on some microbiological (total count of organism, yeast and fungi, Coliform bacteria), chemical (total soluble solids, total acids, vitamin C) parameters and sensory eval uation of Broccoli during refrigerated storage and to determine the acceptability of the best treatment of the broccoli by customer during refrigerated storage. Two hybrids of broccoli, F1 Kondi and F1 Kibbah grow at Abi Jarash farms of Damascus University in 2011/2012 season were used. Three treatments were applied on two hybrids of broccoli. Treatments 1 (broccoli was stored without any packaging), treatments 2 (broccoli was stored after packaging without vacuum sealed) and treatments 3 (broccoli was stored after packaging with vacuum sealed). Results showed and based on microbiology, chemically and sensory evaluation that the best treatment to save the broccoli reverberated was treatment 3 for the both hybrids of broccoli F1 Kondi and F1 Kibbah (broccoli was stored after packaging with vacuum sealed) where the broccoli F1 Kondi was preserved without any changes in sensory parameters and accepted qualities for 15 days and for 10 days for broccoli F1 Kibbah.
The aim of present research was to study chemical, microbial and sensory changes of commercial eggs during refrigerated storage and after treatment with two different chlorinated water concentrations (100 ppm and 200 ppm) and two different tempera tures (20ºC and 40ºC) for 1 minute. Microbial analysis showed that all eggs samples were free of Pseudomonas, Salmonella, E.coli bacteria, molds and yeasts. The best treatment was (100 ppm at 20 °C), followed by treatment with 100 ppm at 40 ° C and the third one was control sample.
Flower buds of capers were processed by some common methods as pickling, salting, and other uncommon like freezing with and without blanching and canning. The results showed that there was no microbiological growth in all methods since the fourth month of storage. Best growth for lactobacillus bacteria was in 5% brine (8.2 × 106) and then in 8% brine (1.2 × 106)CFU.g-1 . while there wasn’t any growth of this bacteria by using other methods like using high concentration of salt 23%. On other hand, the results showed that this bacteria existed in small account (1.4 × 102) and (1.1 × 102) CFU.g-1 after a week in brine 16% and the freezed sample respectively. There was no statistical difference between the two storage solutions as there wasn̓ t any microbiological growth in both of them through 8 months.
The aim of this research is to study the most important physical, chemical and microbial changes in several kinds of infant milk available in local markets. The milk samples were studied in conditions similar to those used by mothers when they prep are infant milk bottles at their houses. The results showed that moisture content increased in all samples from approximately 1% to 3.2-4.4% after storage for 9 days. Acidity increased considerably from 0.14% to 0.2%. The results showed that peroxide value passed the allowable limits (0.25) and reached about (0.47) in samples stored for 9 days at room temperature. However, the value for samples stored in the refrigerator ranged between (0.25-0.29). The free acidity number of fat for all samples specially the refrigerated ones was within the natural limits (<0.5). Chromatographic analyses showed apparent differences in fatty acid percentages between the kinds of milk. The rate of lenoleic acid (C 18-2 ) decreased during storage in all samples and in all conditions. Soluble nitrogen increased in all samples at the end of storage and the highest value was 0.49% in Nido milk samples. The solubility of milk samples was checked during storage and was found to decrease very little ( 1%). The total count of aerobic bacteria showed that all samples conform to the Syrian standards (No. 197, 1996) during the first six days of storage, but they passed the upper limits at the end of storage. However, all samples were free of pathogenic microbes .
The present study was performed on blood samples belong to 15 patients( 12 males,3 females) infected with cutaneous leishmaniasis, and their healing was also proved after submitting local treatment. Study tests were performed on 2 stages, the first after infection, and the second two months at least after healing. Every patient was subject of the following tests: total, and differential white blood cells count and hematocrit value. In addition ,a study of the morphological changes of white blood cells was conducted.
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