يتعلق حقل الجاذبية الأرضية بكتلة الأرض و شكلها و المكان الذي يتم فيه القياس, كما تتأثر القيمة
المقاسة في مكان ما بعرض هذا المكان و بسرعة دوران الأرض حول نفسها.
قدمنا في هذا البحث عرضا" نظريا" يربط قيمة حقل الجاذبية بالمقادير المذكورة أعلاه, ثم قمنا
بحساب قيمة هذا الحقل في بعض المدن السورية.
تسمح لنا العلاقات المستخدمة بحساب قيمة ذلك الحقل في أي مكان على سطح الكرة الأرضية.
الملاحظة الجوهرية في هذا المجال هي أن قيمة ذلك الحقل تتعلق بعرض المكان و لا تتعلق
The Earth's gravity field is related to the Earth's mass and shape and to the
position, where we apply the measurement.The measured value in any place
depends on the altitude of the place angle and Earth's rotation speed around
In the paper we present a theoretical idea connecting the value of gravity with
the above mentioned amounts. Next we calculated the value of this field in
some Syrian cities.
The paper is ended by important note, that the obtained relations allowing to
calculate the value of the gravity field depends on the place altitude, not on the
one's Longitude.
References used
TARDIEUX.R, 2005- champ de gravitational terrestre . ENS science de Lyon .DSM-Physique
SA'NCHEZ.M, 2006- On causality and closed geodesics of compact Lorentzian manifolds and static space times. differential geometry and its applications, 21–32
LAMBERT.W.D,1945- the international gravity formula .united states coast and geodetic survey, 365-374
In this paper, we study the gravitational field generated by a
straight material segment around itself. At first we discuss the
calculation of the field, outside the support of the segment, and on
this support, then we discuss the self field. We a
In this search, we study the gravitational field engendered by a
material segment around itself. In the beginning, we discuss the
concept of the gravitational field generated by arbitrary curve. It turns out
that this field depends on the concept
Within the last thirty years, the recent development in GPS, satellite tracking techniques and processing strategies has revolutionized development of Earth gravity field models. In addition, the increase of gravity data coverage led to an increase i
The geophysical surveys on the Syrian oil fields had begun since (1933);it
continued by the soviet groups (1952-1962) and were completed by the Syrian
national groups. The Derro oil field had a good lot from these studies, because
it was surveyed
This paper discusses the escape velocity for a limited material
distribution in a gravity field. This requeres examining the Newton’s
law of gravitation , the gravitational field vector of a limited material
distribution in a specific point and po