للأبنية العالية أثر واضح على العمارة المعاصرة، كما أنها أثارت الكثير من الجدل بين أوساط الشرائح المختلفة من مختصين- وفي مقدمتهم المعماريين والمخططين- وغير المختصين من سكان ومواطنين عاديين. كما شغلت الجهات الإدارية مثلما شغلت الرأي العام في كثير من الحالات وخاصة في المدن ذات الطابع الخاص أو تلك ذات العراقة والهوية المعمارية.
ووفق معطيات العصر، تشكل الأبنية العالية على صعيد دول العالم بشكل عام (بما فيها الدول النامية)، واقعاً لا يمكن نكرانه أو تجاهله، كما أنها في ذات الوقت لا يمكن اعتبارها قدراً محتماً لا يمكن تجنبه أو تجاوزه، فمعطيات عديدة، اقتصادية أو ثقافية أو اجتماعية أو تقنية... مجتمعة أو منفردة، تلعب الدور الأكبر في قرار تبني مثل هذا الخيار أو تجنبه.
بحثنا هذا يتعرض لهذا الموضوع المعماري الهام وفق مفاهيم ومعطيات العصر، حيث يستعرض أهم المفاهيم والمبادئ التي ترتبط به، ويستعرض بعض أهم التجارب في هذا المجال ويتناول من خلالها أهم السلبيات والإيجابيات التي أحاطت بهذا الموضوع خاصة في الدول النامية.
High rise buildings have an obvious effect on modern architecture. They raised an
argumentation among various segments of society, specialists in forefront of them are
architects and planners, in addition to an ordinary people. Administrative bodies and the
public opinion involved many times in such matter especially in traditional character cities
which have an architectural rootage.
According to modern era features, high-rise buildings become a reality that couldn't
be ignored worldwide, including developing countries. At the same time, it is not a destiny
that couldn't be avoided, where many factors, cultural, social, economic, or technical,
collectively or separately, plays a big role in adopting or avoiding such choice.
Our research exposes this significant architecture subject, according to the principles
and data of modern age, whereas it reviews the most important concepts and principles
connected to it. Moreover, some of the most important experiments in this field are
addressed through it the pros and cons that surrounded this topic especially in developing
References used
Wikipedia on Answers.com. Skyscraper, How is a skyscraper made?. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Answers.com
/WIKIPEDIA, History of the tallest buildings in the world. The Free Encyclopedia. http://en.wikipedia.org
/CTBUH. Council on Tall buildings and Urban Habitat- Height Criteria. http://www.ctbuh.org
.The Tallest 20 in 2020: Entering the Era of the Megatall, The projected world’s tallest 20 skyscrapers in the year 2020. Press Release. www.ctbuh.org. Chicago, December 8, 2011
DANIELS, S; Jova/Daniels/Busby. Skyscrapers: Have we lost our hunger for height, http://www.bizjournals.com/atlanta/real_talk, Sep 4, 2012
This article, will look at the structural development of the high
rise buildings and the factors that led to these developments, and so out
of the basic structural systems, even new classifications for
constructional systems (internal systems external systems), as well as
most construction systems deployed use.
The experiment of high rise buildings in Amman with commercial buildings
is a leading experience in urban development of high rise buildings. The
purpose of this research is to look at the effect of these buildings from a
human dimension point of
The aim of this work is to demonstrate the role that slabs plays in
RC high-rise buildings. This study shows the mistakes may be
done by modeling slabs as rigid diaphragms. Then after, the
rehabilitation ability of these systems can be more accurate.
This research studies the use of outriggers and belt truss system for high-rise composite building subjected to earthquake load, consists of columns (W) and (HP), and beams (W), and central concrete core. Using (SAP2000) in three-dimensional (3D) ana
Cities begun in developing countries, by the earlier sixties of the 20th century, to
grow according to the world pattern away from local and locative Affiliation. Also
architectural modern international designs started to spread among its repeated