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Can the Transformer Be Used as a Drop-in Replacement for RNNs in Text-Generating GANs?

هل يمكن استخدام المحولات كحل قطرة لاستخراج RNNS في Ganes التي توليد النص؟

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 Publication date 2021
and research's language is English
 Created by Shamra Editor

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In this paper we address the problem of fine-tuned text generation with a limited computational budget. For that, we use a well-performing text generative adversarial network (GAN) architecture - Diversity-Promoting GAN (DPGAN), and attempted a drop-in replacement of the LSTM layer with a self-attention-based Transformer layer in order to leverage their efficiency. The resulting Self-Attention DPGAN (SADPGAN) was evaluated for performance, quality and diversity of generated text and stability. Computational experiments suggested that a transformer architecture is unable to drop-in replace the LSTM layer, under-performing during the pre-training phase and undergoing a complete mode collapse during the GAN tuning phase. Our results suggest that the transformer architecture need to be adapted before it can be used as a replacement for RNNs in text-generating GANs.

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Vector representations have become a central element in semantic language modelling, leading to mathematical overlaps with many fields including quantum theory. Compositionality is a core goal for such representations: given representations for wet' and fish', how should the concept wet fish' be represented? This position paper surveys this question from two points of view. The first considers the question of whether an explicit mathematical representation can be successful using only tools from within linear algebra, or whether other mathematical tools are needed. The second considers whether semantic vector composition should be explicitly described mathematically, or whether it can be a model-internal side-effect of training a neural network. A third and newer question is whether a compositional model can be implemented on a quantum computer. Given the fundamentally linear nature of quantum mechanics, we propose that these questions are related, and that this survey may help to highlight candidate operations for future quantum implementation.
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The research aims to optimize the investment in solar cooling process using two models of vessels (clay- mineral).The study was conducted at the site of Tartous in the month (the fourth - fifth - sixth) years (2013) and that the fruits of the tomat o study, she stated that the pottery is causing a drop in temperature between )4-6( degrees Celsius, and that the metal causes the low temperature range between (3-5 ) degrees Celsius although the fruits of tomatoes preserved pottery vessels have not undergone any damage of its structure or texture during the period of conservation (27 days) compared to the control which is exposed to damage during the (12 days) .
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