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Recognizing Reduplicated Forms: Finite-State Buffered Machines

الاعتراف بالأشكال المكررة: آلات مخزنة من الدولة المحدودة

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 Publication date 2021
and research's language is English
 Created by Shamra Editor

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Total reduplication is common in natural language phonology and morphology. However, formally as copying on reduplicants of unbounded size, unrestricted total reduplication requires computational power beyond context-free, while other phonological and morphological patterns are regular, or even sub-regular. Thus, existing language classes characterizing reduplicated strings inevitably include typologically unattested context-free patterns, such as reversals. This paper extends regular languages to incorporate reduplication by introducing a new computational device: finite state buffered machine (FSBMs). We give its mathematical definitions and discuss some closure properties of the corresponding set of languages. As a result, the class of regular languages and languages derived from them through a copying mechanism is characterized. Suggested by previous literature, this class of languages should approach the characterization of natural language word sets.

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Shupamem, a language of Western Cameroon, is a tonal language which also exhibits the morpho-phonological process of full reduplication. This creates two challenges for finite-state model of its morpho-syntax and morphophonology: how to manage the fu ll reduplication and the autosegmental nature of lexical tone. Dolatian and Heinz (2020) explain how 2-way finite-state transducers can model full reduplication without an exponential increase in states, and finite-state transducers with multiple tapes have been used to model autosegmental tiers, including tone (Wiebe, 1992; Dolatian and Rawski, 2020a). Here we synthesize 2-way finite-state transducers and multitape transducers, resulting in a finite-state formalism that subsumes both, to account for the full reduplicative processes in Shupamem which also affect tone.
We introduce a simple and highly general phonotactic learner which induces a probabilistic finite-state automaton from word-form data. We describe the learner and show how to parameterize it to induce unrestricted regular languages, as well as how to restrict it to certain subregular classes such as Strictly k-Local and Strictly k-Piecewise languages. We evaluate the learner on its ability to learn phonotactic constraints in toy examples and in datasets of Quechua and Navajo. We find that an unrestricted learner is the most accurate overall when modeling attested forms not seen in training; however, only the learner restricted to the Strictly Piecewise language class successfully captures certain nonlocal phonotactic constraints. Our learner serves as a baseline for more sophisticated methods.
Business Process Management (BPM) is the discipline which is responsible for management of discovering, analyzing, redesigning, monitoring, and controlling business processes. One of the most crucial tasks of BPM is discovering and modelling business processes from text documents. In this paper, we present our system that resolves an end-to-end problem consisting of 1) recognizing conditional sentences from technical documents, 2) finding boundaries to extract conditional and resultant clauses from each conditional sentence, and 3) categorizing resultant clause as Action or Consequence which later helps to generate new steps in our business process model automatically. We created a new dataset and three models to solve this problem. Our best model achieved very promising results of 83.82, 87.84, and 85.75 for Precision, Recall, and F1, respectively, for extracting Condition, Action, and Consequence clauses using Exact Match metric.
This study treated the position of the Mamluke state from the people of Keserwan and limiting it to the military campaigns that the Mamluke state waged against Keserwan Mountain at the ends of the seventh century H/the thirteenth century CE, which we re known historically by The Keserwan campaigns, and that by standing on their causes by showing the passings of the people of Keserwan and their positions from the state after its exposure to the Crusade invasion. As the three military Keserwan campaigns that the Mamluke state waged against the people of Keserwan with its different sects formed one of the most prominent episodes of the struggle in that geographical spot. This study revealed the several results and effects that those campaings left behind especially the political and demographic and denominational effects on the people of Keserwan. As the state could impose its prestige by force. This study aimed to show the position of the Shiekh ibn Taymia from the behaviours of the people of Keserwan and from their religious belief, with concentrating on his role in the 3rd campaign politically and militarily, and analyzing his letter to the Mamluke Sultan Al-Nasir Muhammad ibn Qalawun and its meanings, and observing its effects and gravity. As the Shiekh Taqiy Aldin ibn Taymia represented in the period of the first Mamluke age one of the most prominent scientists of the Sunna as he had an obvious role side by side with the political authority against its opponents. This study showed the development of this struggle and its revelations intellectually and theoretically by presenting opposite models representing it as Ibn Taymia and Ibn Al-Mutahir Al-Hilly. As the legal opinion of Ibn Taymia and his thought had the most effect in lighting the political and the intellectual struggle with them in the subsequent periods. The importance of this study became clear because of pure objective causes presented in its treatment of several centers and details by some neutrality far from partiality because of the tendencies and points of view that accompanied these campaigns which appeared in the historical writing based on the identity or sectarianism by some writers, which made the history of the campaigns on Keserwan in Lebanon a sectarian history as the whole relation with Mamluke state because of ignoring much of their aspects. As it is impossible in any case to burden the responsibility of the struggle with one of the two parties
The Ayyubid state, which extended from 568 - 661 AH / 1173-1263, was an important stage in the history of Islamic steadfastness in the face of the Crusader invasion. The factor of steadfastness in the face of this invasion was the most important ro le of the Ayyubid state and its emergence. The emergence idea of Ayyubid state has the banner of Jihad to expel the invaders, which lasted during the reign of Salah al-Din. However, the continuation of adopting this idea vanished soon after the death of its founder Salah al-Din; his inheritors forgot the idea of jihad, and engaged in internal conflicts and expansionist ambitions, which was the main cause of the failure of this state in addition to the reasons ,are no less important, discussed in this paper, including the situation of the Muslim world and its succession, which was supposed to be a supporter factor for other Islamic forces defending this Islamic world, including the Ayyubid state. On the contrary, this caliphate suffered from disintegration which was a weakness and pressure factor on these forces. In addition to other factors that were talked about in the paper that contributed significantly to the failure of this state, including the economic factor, religious factor and genetic factor. This paper also discussed the relationship between the Ayyubid state and the other Islamic forces, which was hostile rather than peaceful, which made them exhausted their forces and the forces of these Islamic countries.

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