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In this essay we will study the using of OPC standard in adapting and removing the incompatibility between different components and devices in the control system . The OPC works as a third party that connect between devices (data sources) and progr ams that require this data , in case those programs may can't connect directly with that devices as a result of incompatibility between them. This incompatibility happens because these devices and programs are from different vendors or because the devices are very old and can't connect with newer programs. OPC will be a suitable solution for communications problems between the devices and programs in the control system, the OPC will connect to each of them and transfer data as good as if the connection between them is direct without any third party. The importance of this suggested technique will be shown practically in this essay through the implementation of it in solving one of the pumping control system problems in the Syrian Company for Oil Transport (SCOT). the suggestion was to use a OPC Server program (Kepware OPC Server) and a SCADA program ( WinCC flexible) instead of the old SCADA program and keep the old PLC devices , in this way we can get rid of the problems that appear in the old SCADA program and therefore we can ensure that the system will work as wanted with no problem. That will bring benefits to the company and results to high reliability in the work.
نقدم من خلال هذا المشروع دراسة عملية عن خدمات البث عبر الشبكة نحاكي من خلالها البث الإذاعي عبر الإنترنت ونتعرف على هذه الخدمة ضمن بيئة Shoutcast Server و تحليل أدائها عبر Wireshark و من ثم إجراء دراسة تقريبية لاستهلاك الطاقة ضمن الهواتف الذكية و بعض الحلول المتبعة للتخفيف من هذه المشكلة . انطلاقاً من التعرف على مفهوم Streaming و أنواع البروتوكولات المستخدمة في هذه العملية و من ثم كيفية تحقيقها عن طريق Shoutcast server و مشغل الموسيقا Winamp وذلك بعد التعرف بشكل نظري مفصل على الـ Shoutcast server ,انتهاءاً باستقبال الخدمة عبر أجهزة استقبال(Mobiles ) . عن طريق برنامج Wireshark نقوم بتحليل بروتوكول الخدمة السابقة وماهي أية عمله وما هو شكل البيانات التي يتعامل معها و من ثم تحليل أداء الخدمة وفق نماذج متعددة تشمل عدة حالات ( مستقبل واحد أو عدة مستقبلين ) مع تحديد قيم بارامترات التأخير والإنتاجية وغيرها من بارامترات جودة الخدمة . في القسم الأخير نقدم دراسة لمفهوم حفظ الطاقة ضمن البيئة المستخدمة من أجل الإضاءة على هذه المشكلة التي تعتبر تحدياً كبيراً أمام الهواتف الذكية عند استعراض Video أو Audio عبر الشبكات اللاسلكية مع تقديم بعض الاستراتيجيات التي تساهم في الحد من استهلاك الطاقة من قبل بطاريات الهواتف الذكية . تجدر الإشارة أن جميع القياسات تمّت ضمن بيئة شبكة حقيقية ( كما سنرى لاحقاً ) وليست عبر برامج محاكاة ، حيث فضلنا اتباع طريقة Measurement في تحليل الخدمة وذلك من أجل تقديم نتائج دقيقة و حقيقية قدر الإمكان .
Considered response times in most systems is the basic criterion for assessing the performance and seeks developers to lose wait to meet the required operating time. In this research, were compared response times to customer requests from servers with different specifications with the server has been designed and implemented using embedded systems where the customers request video or audio files stored in an external large storage, through a local computer network, and so at the lowest possible cost compared to the huge servers that perform the same purpose, and power consumption is very low. And we got in our system response times to customer requests for less than the response times to requests applied to large servers dedicated just to meet the customers without any additional services of time periods from the rank of micro seconds.
We study in this research proposing and testing a new optimal algorithm in performance and speed is suitable for caching of web objects with dynamic content through studying the conventional classic algorithms that are common in caching web pages and studying how they can deal with caching web pages that have dynamic contents due to their great importance and spread in web sites and what they cause of overload on web servers to get a new algorithm that performs an optimal performance in dialing with this type of web pages.
The advantage of peer-to-peer (P2P) paradigm relies on two main concepts: cooperation among users and resource sharing. There are many applications based on peer-to-peer paradigm, but the most popular one is the file sharing. We can classify the fi le sharing application into centralized systems, (having a central server), and decentralized systems. Another classification would be structured and unstructured systems, based on the way of managing the indexing information. In this paper, we have implemented a centralized peer-to-peer application for file sharing. Then we evaluated the performance of the system by means of simulation.

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