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Experiments were conducted to study the effect of four chickpea plant densities (٢٠, ٢٥،٣٣,٣ and ٥٠ plants/m٢) during ١٩٨٩, ١٩٩٠ and ١٩٩١ seasons on podborers in southern Syria in three chichpea cultivares (Ghab l, Ghab ٢ and local).
Chickpea podborers are the most dangerous insects of chickpea in almost all its cultivation areas in the world. It was proven that Thiodan (٣٥٪) has high effectiveness against these pests, when applied in economic threshold (١ larva/plant) on good grown crops at flowering and pod setting stages.

هل ترغب بارسال اشعارات عن اخر التحديثات في شمرا-اكاديميا