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This paper describes the ESPnet-ST group's IWSLT 2021 submission in the offline speech translation track. This year we made various efforts on training data, architecture, and audio segmentation. On the data side, we investigated sequence-level knowl edge distillation (SeqKD) for end-to-end (E2E) speech translation. Specifically, we used multi-referenced SeqKD from multiple teachers trained on different amounts of bitext. On the architecture side, we adopted the Conformer encoder and the Multi-Decoder architecture, which equips dedicated decoders for speech recognition and translation tasks in a unified encoder-decoder model and enables search in both source and target language spaces during inference. We also significantly improved audio segmentation by using the toolkit and merging multiple short segments for long context modeling. Experimental evaluations showed that each of them contributed to large improvements in translation performance. Our best E2E system combined all the above techniques with model ensembling and achieved 31.4 BLEU on the 2-ref of tst2021 and 21.2 BLEU and 19.3 BLEU on the two single references of tst2021.
Explaining neural network models is important for increasing their trustworthiness in real-world applications. Most existing methods generate post-hoc explanations for neural network models by identifying individual feature attributions or detecting interactions between adjacent features. However, for models with text pairs as inputs (e.g., paraphrase identification), existing methods are not sufficient to capture feature interactions between two texts and their simple extension of computing all word-pair interactions between two texts is computationally inefficient. In this work, we propose the Group Mask (GMASK) method to implicitly detect word correlations by grouping correlated words from the input text pair together and measure their contribution to the corresponding NLP tasks as a whole. The proposed method is evaluated with two different model architectures (decomposable attention model and BERT) across four datasets, including natural language inference and paraphrase identification tasks. Experiments show the effectiveness of GMASK in providing faithful explanations to these models.
The deep learning algorithm has recently achieved a lot of success, especially in the field of computer vision. This research aims to describe the classification method applied to the dataset of multiple types of images (Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR ) images and non-SAR images). In such a classification, transfer learning was used followed by fine-tuning methods. Besides, pre-trained architectures were used on the known image database ImageNet. The model VGG16 was indeed used as a feature extractor and a new classifier was trained based on extracted features.The input data mainly focused on the dataset consist of five classes including the SAR images class (houses) and the non-SAR images classes (Cats, Dogs, Horses, and Humans). The Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) has been chosen as a better option for the training process because it produces a high accuracy. The final accuracy has reached 91.18% in five different classes. The results are discussed in terms of the probability of accuracy for each class in the image classification in percentage. Cats class got 99.6 %, while houses class got 100 %.Other types of classes were with an average score of 90 % and above.
التعرف على اهم انواع المتغيرات في لغة الجافا مع بيان كيفية اجراء العمليات الحسابية المختلفة عليها والتعرف على كيفية السماح للمستخدم بادخال قيم للمتغيرات من لوحة المفاتيح مع القيام بتخزينها.
التعرف على الهيكلية العامة اللازمة لكتابة برنامج بلغة الجافا مع شرح أولي لمجموعة من المفاهيم المستخدمة مثل :الكلاسات (الصفوف ), التوابع, انواع المتغيرات, الكلمات المحجوزة, التعليقات و سلاسل الهروب. بالاضافة الى التعرف عن كيفية انشاء مشروع جديد بلغة الجافا باستخدام المنصة Eclipse.
In this paper we determine the automorphism group of Cayley graph over the group where p ¹ q are prime numbers, by building the corresponding Schur ring which is generated by Q , and determine the automorphism group of this ring which is the automorphism group of this graph.
This study aimed to test the relationship between the components of economic freedom and political freedoms in (6) Arab countries of the (MENA) Group during the period 2006-2015, based firstly on studying and reviewing the intellectual trends and t he empirical studies on this relationship. and secondly on a Econometric study based on (Panel Data), and an estimation of the parameters of the model after the tests of data stability using the (FEM) model which was chosen according to the (F-Statistique) value of the (Wald) test.
Jgroup integrates the object group paradigm with the distributed object model of Java RMI, providing a platform which is suitable for developing partitionable distributed applications. Jgroup depends on RMI in all its interactions; whether internal for coordination between object group replicas, or external for communicating clients with object group. Because of the dynamic of network which is caused by joining new servers and leaving another ones to object group, or caused by partitioning, Partitionable Group Membership Service tracks this changes to provide each member with a report called view. The view contains a list of members which can communicate and coordinate activities. The advantage of group membership in Jgroup is the ability to continue in providing service in each partition, instead of limiting it in one partition. When partitions merge, State Merging Service of Jgroup constructs a new global consistent state, to reconcile any divergence caused by conflict updates in the different partitions. Group Membership Service is required that a view is installed only after agreement is reached on its composition among the servers included in the view (Agreement On View property). To achieve this property; many of Estimation messages are exchanged between the servers, which causes overhead on the network. This article improves the performance of group membership algorithm which is responsible for achieving the agreement, through allowing for the first server detects the new change in membership to send its estimation to other servers, instead of doing that by each server. Results show that the enhanced algorithm reduces the number of exchanged estimate messages, and takes approximately the same period of time to reach to agreement on view as in the default algorithm.
Hepatitis C is affected by human behaviors especially drugs , diets ,activities smoking , sexy behaviors and alcohol , so it is very important to change health behaviors by patient to control of disease and avoid complications . Objective : to ass ess the effects of health behaviors on liver function among hepatitis C patients .Setting :The study was carried out in the Chronic Liver Hepatitis Center in Alwatany hospitalization in Lattakia province.Subjects::Thesample comprised 40 patients chosen randomly from the two genders who have hepatitis C out in the chronic liver hepatitis center in Alwatany hospitalization in Lattakia province during the research time. Tool :Data were collected using the following tools:Tool I Questionnaire: It was developed by the researcher and include items related to: demographic patients data , clinical data , questions about ( patients , information of disease , risk factors, healthy behaviors : (diet – treatment regimens – activities and habits)) Tool II : Liver function assessment sheet by using Child Pugh scale.Tool III :Patientcompliance check list which include questions about line has been developed by the researcherThe patients participated in 3 sessions .Each session (45minutes).Results: liver function were advanced of patient at the experimental group which applied the guide line more than patient at the control group because of Appling guide line .Recommendations : Chronic Liver Hepatitis Centers have been containing proshorsshow the impact of these health behaviors on the liver work and performing their functions as normal.
This paper presents a method integrating database with Jgroup based on Hibernate, which is one of Object Relational Mapping tools. We compare between the performance of Jgroup integrated with Hibernate and the performance of RMI integrated with Hibernate. The results show that Jgroup/Hibernate outperforms RMI/Hibernate when the number of clients increases.

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