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Embedding based methods are widely used for unsupervised keyphrase extraction (UKE) tasks. Generally, these methods simply calculate similarities between phrase embeddings and document embedding, which is insufficient to capture different context for a more effective UKE model. In this paper, we propose a novel method for UKE, where local and global contexts are jointly modeled. From a global view, we calculate the similarity between a certain phrase and the whole document in the vector space as transitional embedding based models do. In terms of the local view, we first build a graph structure based on the document where phrases are regarded as vertices and the edges are similarities between vertices. Then, we proposed a new centrality computation method to capture local salient information based on the graph structure. Finally, we further combine the modeling of global and local context for ranking. We evaluate our models on three public benchmarks (Inspec, DUC 2001, SemEval 2010) and compare with existing state-of-the-art models. The results show that our model outperforms most models while generalizing better on input documents with different domains and length. Additional ablation study shows that both the local and global information is crucial for unsupervised keyphrase extraction tasks.
Unsupervised relation extraction works by clustering entity pairs that have the same relations in the text. Some existing variational autoencoder (VAE)-based approaches train the relation extraction model as an encoder that generates relation classif ications. A decoder is trained along with the encoder to reconstruct the encoder input based on the encoder-generated relation classifications. These classifications are a latent variable so they are required to follow a pre-defined prior distribution which results in unstable training. We propose a VAE-based unsupervised relation extraction technique that overcomes this limitation by using the classifications as an intermediate variable instead of a latent variable. Specifically, classifications are conditioned on sentence input, while the latent variable is conditioned on both the classifications and the sentence input. This allows our model to connect the decoder with the encoder without putting restrictions on the classification distribution; which improves training stability. Our approach is evaluated on the NYT dataset and outperforms state-of-the-art methods.
Existing relation extraction (RE) methods typically focus on extracting relational facts between entity pairs within single sentences or documents. However, a large quantity of relational facts in knowledge bases can only be inferred across documents in practice. In this work, we present the problem of cross-document RE, making an initial step towards knowledge acquisition in the wild. To facilitate the research, we construct the first human-annotated cross-document RE dataset CodRED. Compared to existing RE datasets, CodRED presents two key challenges: Given two entities, (1) it requires finding the relevant documents that can provide clues for identifying their relations; (2) it requires reasoning over multiple documents to extract the relational facts. We conduct comprehensive experiments to show that CodRED is challenging to existing RE methods including strong BERT-based models.
Compliments and concerns in reviews are valuable for understanding users' shopping interests and their opinions with respect to specific aspects of certain items. Existing review-based recommenders favor large and complex language encoders that can o nly learn latent and uninterpretable text representations. They lack explicit user-attention and item-property modeling, which however could provide valuable information beyond the ability to recommend items. Therefore, we propose a tightly coupled two-stage approach, including an Aspect-Sentiment Pair Extractor (ASPE) and an Attention-Property-aware Rating Estimator (APRE). Unsupervised ASPE mines Aspect-Sentiment pairs (AS-pairs) and APRE predicts ratings using AS-pairs as concrete aspect-level evidences. Extensive experiments on seven real-world Amazon Review Datasets demonstrate that ASPE can effectively extract AS-pairs which enable APRE to deliver superior accuracy over the leading baselines.
Recently, the focus of dialogue state tracking has expanded from single domain to multiple domains. The task is characterized by the shared slots between domains. As the scenario gets more complex, the out-of-vocabulary problem also becomes severer. Current models are not satisfactory for solving the challenges of ontology integration between domains and out-of-vocabulary problems. To address the problem, we explore the hierarchical semantic of ontology and enhance the interrelation between slots with masked hierarchical attention. In state value decoding stage, we solve the out-of-vocabulary problem by combining generation method and extraction method together. We evaluate the performance of our model on two representative datasets, MultiWOZ in English and CrossWOZ in Chinese. The results show that our model yields a significant performance gain over current state-of-the-art state tracking model and it is more robust to out-of-vocabulary problem compared with other methods.
Aspect term extraction aims to extract aspect terms from a review sentence that users have expressed opinions on. One of the remaining challenges for aspect term extraction resides in the lack of sufficient annotated data. While self-training is pote ntially an effective method to address this issue, the pseudo-labels it yields on unlabeled data could induce noise. In this paper, we use two means to alleviate the noise in the pseudo-labels. One is that inspired by the curriculum learning, we refine the conventional self-training to progressive self-training. Specifically, the base model infers pseudo-labels on a progressive subset at each iteration, where samples in the subset become harder and more numerous as the iteration proceeds. The other is that we use a discriminator to filter the noisy pseudo-labels. Experimental results on four SemEval datasets show that our model significantly outperforms the previous baselines and achieves state-of-the-art performance.
Adverse Drug Event (ADE) extraction models can rapidly examine large collections of social media texts, detecting mentions of drug-related adverse reactions and trigger medical investigations. However, despite the recent advances in NLP, it is curren tly unknown if such models are robust in face of negation, which is pervasive across language varieties. In this paper we evaluate three state-of-the-art systems, showing their fragility against negation, and then we introduce two possible strategies to increase the robustness of these models: a pipeline approach, relying on a specific component for negation detection; an augmentation of an ADE extraction dataset to artificially create negated samples and further train the models. We show that both strategies bring significant increases in performance, lowering the number of spurious entities predicted by the models. Our dataset and code will be publicly released to encourage research on the topic.
Neural relation extraction models have shown promising results in recent years; however, the model performance drops dramatically given only a few training samples. Recent works try leveraging the advance in few-shot learning to solve the low resourc e problem, where they train label-agnostic models to directly compare the semantic similarities among context sentences in the embedding space. However, the label-aware information, i.e., the relation label that contains the semantic knowledge of the relation itself, is often neglected for prediction. In this work, we propose a framework considering both label-agnostic and label-aware semantic mapping information for low resource relation extraction. We show that incorporating the above two types of mapping information in both pretraining and fine-tuning can significantly improve the model performance on low-resource relation extraction tasks.
Few-shot relation extraction (FSRE) focuses on recognizing novel relations by learning with merely a handful of annotated instances. Meta-learning has been widely adopted for such a task, which trains on randomly generated few-shot tasks to learn gen eric data representations. Despite impressive results achieved, existing models still perform suboptimally when handling hard FSRE tasks, where the relations are fine-grained and similar to each other. We argue this is largely because existing models do not distinguish hard tasks from easy ones in the learning process. In this paper, we introduce a novel approach based on contrastive learning that learns better representations by exploiting relation label information. We further design a method that allows the model to adaptively learn how to focus on hard tasks. Experiments on two standard datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our method.
Zero-shot cross-lingual information extraction (IE) describes the construction of an IE model for some target language, given existing annotations exclusively in some other language, typically English. While the advance of pretrained multilingual enc oders suggests an easy optimism of train on English, run on any language'', we find through a thorough exploration and extension of techniques that a combination of approaches, both new and old, leads to better performance than any one cross-lingual strategy in particular. We explore techniques including data projection and self-training, and how different pretrained encoders impact them. We use English-to-Arabic IE as our initial example, demonstrating strong performance in this setting for event extraction, named entity recognition, part-of-speech tagging, and dependency parsing. We then apply data projection and self-training to three tasks across eight target languages. Because no single set of techniques performs the best across all tasks, we encourage practitioners to explore various configurations of the techniques described in this work when seeking to improve on zero-shot training.

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