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The current study aims to highlight the need to implement the concepts of comprehensive quality in the orphan care and to monitor the strengths and weaknesses in the practices of the orphanage from the perspective of comprehensive quality. To achie ve the objectives of the study, the scholar adopted the descriptive analytical method using the questionnaire as a research tool, which was applied to a sample of all members of the original community of supervisors of the orphanage in Latakia (25 unites). The study concluded that the orphanage achieved an acceptable level of care, with some disadvantages. First, the failure of orphanage administration to employ the results of evaluating the performance of the staff in the formulation of plans; second, the absence of a specialized teaching staff and experts in vocational education to supervise the teaching of children; and finally, lack of partnership between parents and employers to train children in different professions.
يظهر البحث عناية المجتمع العربي و الإسلامي باليتامى -و من في حكمهم- منذ مرحلة ما قبل الإسلام ، و من ثم العناية العظيمة التي أولتها الشريعة الإسلامية لليتيم ، مما زاد من حرص المجتمع به و رعايته له، تنفيذا لأمر الله و تأكيدا لوصية رسوله ، و رغبة في صحبته ، و حماية لأشد الفئات عوزا . يبين الباحث معنى اليتم الحقيقي و الحكمي ، و معاني رعاية اليتيم و كفالته ، و وجوه رعاية اليتيم وأنواع الكفالة التي تقدم له في المجتمع العربي قبل الإسلام و بعده .

هل ترغب بارسال اشعارات عن اخر التحديثات في شمرا-اكاديميا