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The study aims to highlight the role of digital marketing in influencing the perceived value of Egyptian Airlines customers, and the extent of differing opinions in the preference of digital marketing tools and the perceived value according to the di fference of the carrier and the identity of the customer. The SPSS program, the study found a number of results, the most important of which are that: There is a significant correlation between the main dimensions of digital marketing and the perceived value of customers, there is a significant effect of the main dimensions of digital marketing on the perceived value of customers, there are no significant differences in the preference for digital marketing tools according to the different carrier, while That there are these differences according to the identity of the customer, there are significant differences in the perceived value of Egyptian Airlines customers according to the carrier company, and the same differences exist according to the identity of the customer across the emotional and functional value dimensions. The study recommended the necessity of: Paying attention to the dimensions of digital marketing (attraction, engagement, retention, learning, and communication), and maintaining its digital tools (website marketing, social media marketing, e-mail, and telemarketing).
The research aimed at: Learning the strategy of Human Resource Development in the Syrian Arab Airlines. Learning the workers’ trends towards the strategy of Human Resource Development in the Syrian Arab Airlines. Specifying the nature of correla tion between the strategy of Human Resource Development in the Syrian Arab Airlines and the trends of the members of the research sample towards it due to the research variables.
حددت الاستجابة السلوكية للفرمونات الجنسية في نفق الطيران لحشرة حفار ساق الذرة الأوروبـي nubilalis Ostrinia و قد أخذت الذكور من مجتمعات متميزة، و من أنماط بيئية مختلفة (ذكور جمعت من الطبيعة و أخرى ناتجة عن تربية كثيفة على وسط صناعي). أُجريت هذه الدر اسـة فـي مخـابر المعهـد الوطني للبحوث الزراعية-فرساي فرنسا عام 2004 . و لتحديد هل لاختلاف نسب مكونات الفرمون الجنسي المختلفة تأثير في سلوكية ذكور حشرة حفـار ساق الذرة الأوروبي اِستُخدمتْ كبسولات فرمونية صنعية تشمل سلالة E و سـلالة Z . أمـا الفرمونـات الجنسية الطبيعية فكان مصدرها الإناث التابعة للسلالة Z.

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