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American foreign policy is closely related to domestic politics, and is influenced by many official institutions And informal, at the level of foreign decision-makers, the White House, represented by the President and his advisers, foreign ministers, the Ministry of Defense, and the US Congress, plays an influential role in directing and implementing American foreign policy, and interest and pressure groups, led by the Zionist lobby, play a major role in influencing these institutions. Relations between the United States of America and the Zionist entity went through several stages, in which the Zionist lobby played an extreme and influential role in the orientations of American policy towards the Arab-Zionist conflict in the Middle East before the declaration of the Zionist entity in1948 until now. The American strategy has met with the Israeli strategic role in the Middle East, which can achieve American interests through mutual agreement on many principles such as preserving the security of the Zionist entity and pressure on Arab countries to recognize it and classify the United States of America as a major ally of the Zionist entity and secure states' access United and its allies on oil supplies in the Middle East. Syria being one of the Arab countries and within the countries of the Middle East was the focus of attention of the United States of America and the Zionist entity in particular Through this study, we are trying to clarify the role of this lobby in incitement and the recent war on Syria and the interests and gains that the Zionist entity has achieved from this war.
The study addressed the most important phases of Turkish foreign policy since the establishment of the modern Turkish republic in 1923. And the principles govering it. Then it focused on the new trends of foreign policy after the Jastice and develo pment Islamic rooted party came to power in Turkey 2002. Especially the strategic depth, reset problems or zero problems with neighbors and new ottomanism. The study concluded that the basic tenets which guided turkey's foreign policy since the founding of the republic included caution and pragmatism.
After the collapse of the Soviet Union and the end of the cold war, Russia became the legitimate heir to the Soviet Union, and inherited his permanent seat in the UN Security Council, and the availability of a range of strengths such as geographicala rea and economic potential and population, and military capacity, including large nuclear arsenal, has made Russia one of the actors at the international level, so they are trying today to have an important role in the Middle East, and aspires to be a competitor for the United States in the region, during the reign of Putin'sreflected Russian foreign policy in the Middle East positions strengthened with regional crises, we noted that in the Russian stance of the US occupation of Iraq, as well as the position of the so-called "Arab spring", this has made the role of Russia is increasing the importance of achieving stability in the Middle East.
شهدت العلاقات اليابانية الخليجية منذ أزمة النفط عام 1973 م تقدماُ ملحوظاً أبرزت فيه نية كلا الطرفين في زيادة مستوى التعاون بينهما في كافة المجالات الاقتصادية
أصبحت السياسة الخارجية ذات أهمية كبرى بالنسبة للاتحاد الأوروبي، فأكثر من 70 % من المواطنين الأوروبيين يريدون أن يؤدي الاتحاد الأوروبي دورا أكبر في الشؤون الدولية، و توجد اليوم رغبة جامحة و مطالبة قوية بسياسة خارجية أوروبية مشتركة، و يعترف الجميع داخل و خارج الاتحاد و بين كلا السياسيين و الشعوب بحتمية مفادها بأّنه: إذا ما أرادت أوروبا أن تكون مؤثرة في العالم، فعليها أن تحشد مواردها لبناء سياسة خارجية مشتركة .

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