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The study aimed at evaluating and studying the economic efficiency of farms fattening sheep in Homs during the period (2008-2013), where the study was conducted on a sample of 25 farms, the average number of sheep, where about 25 head of Awas, by c alculating the costs and revenues, and using some of the economic indicators, where The results showed the following:The average revenue before the crisis to about 3743138 sp , and during the crisis to about 690525 sp.The average cost of producing 1 kg of gross weight of the animal for 195 sp before the crisis , and about 334 sp during the crisis .The average annual net profit before the crisis to about 427017 sp, and during the crisis to about 543224 sp.The average net profit margin before the crisis has reached about 38%, and during the crisis, about 24.6%, and reached average income per unit spending (rate of return simplex) before the crisis about 1.6 /unit spending, and about 1.4 /unit spending during the crisis. The average Profitability Coefficient for the capital invested by the crisis reached about 106.3%, and about 69.7 % during the crisis, but for the average coefficient profitability for the pre-crisis production costs have reached about 61.8%, and 39.5% during the crisis, the average time of the restoration of the invested capital before the crisis reached about 1.7 years, about 2.8 years during the crisis. The study also demonstrated an outbreak many of the mistakes common among farmers like to use the same combination of feed during the grow-out period and the lack of commitment by giving vaccines and not making Aldrees and silage and fodder buy most of the black market, which makes farmers vulnerable to the monopoly of the merchants. Which requires urgent intervention and more effective in order to expand the production of red meat, and to be covered by the development plans of the state, and work to protect the sheep of the country and prevent smuggling and to provide support and encouragement necessary for farmers to practice their profession fattening, especially after the reluctance of some of them for this the profession during the crisis, and working to educate farmers on the need to use methods of fattening more economically feasible, and conducting all necessary for the development of this important productive sector.
The research was carried out during the growing seasons of 2011 and 2012 to study the effect of land leveling by laser, three tillage depths(01, 25 and 35cm) and three irrigation systems with 7, 8, and 9 day intervals, along with the interactive ef fect between them on the yield of cotton (C.V Aleppo-90), irrigation management and net grossing. The study showed the following results: 1- Land leveling by laser significantly increased the seed cotton yield, saved irrigation water, and made net grossing higher as compared to no-leveling by laser through the two seasons. 2- The two depths of tillage (25 and 35cm) significantly increased the seed cotton yield, increased the irrigation water amount, and made net grossing higher as compared to the depth of tillage (10cm).. 3- Increasing the irrigation water amount significantly increased the seed cotton yield which reached 1441KG/H, and achieved higher grossing which reached 31360 S.P/H as compared to the lower irrigation water amount. 4- The interactive effect between the factors of this experiment gave a significant positive difference. The best results were at (deep tillage 35cm × intervals 7 days × leveling by laser) through two seasons.
Due to the importance of food security in the Arab Countries in general and in Syria in particular, the agricultural policy in Syria has emphasized on exploiting all the energies and agricultural resources for the production and provision of food. He nce came the thinking in producing poultry meat in the modern commercial sectors which are not much affected by natural factors and climatic conditions. They are characterized by their low prices and the fast capital turnover when producing them. They are one of the most types of meat that highly contain animal protein. This research aims to achieve the following objectives: 1- Analyzing production costs of table chicken in Lattakia Governorate. 2- Economic assessment for the production of table chicken in Lattakia Governorate. The study conclusion shows the most important results reached by the research, and they are: 1- The annual net profit achieved in the farm (per dunum) amounted to /1059662.4/ Syrian Pounds. 2- The production efficiency for table chicken breeding in Lattakia Governorate amounted to /1.36/. 3- The total economic efficiency for table chicken breeding in Lattakia Governorate amounted to /1.53/.

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