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Multi-task learning with transformer encoders (MTL) has emerged as a powerful technique to improve performance on closely-related tasks for both accuracy and efficiency while a question still remains whether or not it would perform as well on tasks t hat are distinct in nature. We first present MTL results on five NLP tasks, POS, NER, DEP, CON, and SRL, and depict its deficiency over single-task learning. We then conduct an extensive pruning analysis to show that a certain set of attention heads get claimed by most tasks during MTL, who interfere with one another to fine-tune those heads for their own objectives. Based on this finding, we propose the Stem Cell Hypothesis to reveal the existence of attention heads naturally talented for many tasks that cannot be jointly trained to create adequate embeddings for all of those tasks. Finally, we design novel parameter-free probes to justify our hypothesis and demonstrate how attention heads are transformed across the five tasks during MTL through label analysis.
Freezing sperms and eggs is one of the contemporary jurisprudential Issues. Therefore knowing its rules in Islamic jurisprudence requires searching for similar cases in the resources of Islamic Jurisprudence and practicing analogy where, in origina l case, used as a criterion for the new one. This paper is an endeavor to find out the jurisprudential stand of the cases where human sperms and eggs are frozen, and to which level this is compatible with Islamic shari’ah and its rules, particularly if fertilization is used for the husband and his wife (legal marriage), and if the aim of this process is to help the husband and the wife to give birth at the time they wish to, or at the time of elevating the preventive reason which was at the time of freezing. This paper concluded that the ruling of freezing the sperms and eggs is based on the reason which lead to that process; as there are reasons for which the freezing becomes lawful and there are ones for which the freezing becomes forbidden. This maxim in addition to some particular boundaries and conditions would rule the issue of freezing.
Bone healing is a complicated biological mechanism that is affected by many hormonal, nutritional, and hemal factors. The term Biomechanical theory of bone healing is a concept that is created by us and is used for the first time to identify and stud y the influence of mechanical rules on the bone tissue so we can study and imitate its mechanical response depending on the rules of balance and movement. We ensure that bone healing is just adaptation to auto bone forming mechanism in the surrounding mechanical site. The term is more comprehensive and accurate than the bio-compression term which was used before; and all of those are confirming the criteria to evaluate the efficacy of fixators used in orthopedic surgery.
Cancer stem cells in solid tumors are a "rare" group of cells and their role in carcinogenesis has been proven during the past few years. The pursuit for specific oral epithelial stem cell surface markers leads to the identification of markers su ch as CD44 and Bmi-1. The combination between CD44 which has been considered a potential prognostic marker for cancer stem cells in Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma (HNSCC), and Bmi-1 the pluripotency stemness marker may lead to identify the cells sharing the properties of both markers and could give a closer look into its appearance and density in the tissue. The aim of this study was to study the percent of cells stained positive for both markers and the histological grade of (HNSCC) and the anatomic location of the tumor. Statistical analysis showed that higher density of positive stained cells for both markers was in the severe grade of the tumor, whereas the second higher ratio was in the mild grade then the moderate , there was no significant association between the density of cells and the anatomical location. Our results suggest that the two markers together could be used as prognostic factors for patients with even mild grade SCC, which might help in prediction of recurrence.
أسهم ظهور تقانات جديدة في تطور استراتيجيات شركات القطاع الخاص التي تعمل في مجال التقانات الحيوية، كما أسهم ذلك في تطوير الاقتصاد العالمي بشكل عام. و أصبحت الدول تتسابق في ظل الثورة التقانية في جلب الاستثمارات في هذا المجال و تشجيع البحوث المتعلقة بهذ ه التقانات. و يؤدي البحث على الخلايا الجذعية دورًا بارزًا في تطور التقانة الحيوية و تقدمها. و لكن هذا البحث بحاجة إلى تمويل كبير محفوف بالمخاطر تقوم به الشركات العاملة في هذا المجال على الرغم من أن البحث لم يحقق بعد كل الغايات المرجوة منه في هذا المجال. و نتيجة لذلك فإن الاستثمارات التي وظفتها هذه الشركات تصطدم غالبًا بالشكوك التي مازالت تحوم حول آفاق هذا البحث، و تطور بيئة تشريعية هي بذاتها متأثرة بالمسائل الأخلاقية التي يثيرها البحث على الخلايا الجذعية.

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