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The researcher prepared materials and tools for his study , he prepared guide for teachers to guide them how they teach with some cognitive load strategies and developed a lot of dependent variables and behavior in various domain such as cognitive an d affective and psychomotor domain , researcher prepared too two tools to measure two dependent variables , he prepare test in skills of futuristic thinking , and also prepare questionnaire to measure successful cognitive academic administration , he used secondary student , the sample of study contained 30 student. The researcher had controlled the tools of his study he used various statistical methods , he used co efficient for measure validity and used alpha crookback to measure stability of tools of its study , study used one sample experimental design , study due to that there effective of using of some cognitive load strategies in teaching psychology for developing skills of futuristic thinking and successful cognitive academic administration to secondary stage students, and study due to that there was different between pre and post application for post one in developing skills of futuristic thinking and successful cognitive academic administration
People convey their intention and attitude through linguistic styles of the text that they write. In this study, we investigate lexicon usages across styles throughout two lenses: human perception and machine word importance, since words differ in th e strength of the stylistic cues that they provide. To collect labels of human perception, we curate a new dataset, Hummingbird, on top of benchmarking style datasets. We have crowd workers highlight the representative words in the text that makes them think the text has the following styles: politeness, sentiment, offensiveness, and five emotion types. We then compare these human word labels with word importance derived from a popular fine-tuned style classifier like BERT. Our results show that the BERT often finds content words not relevant to the target style as important words used in style prediction, but humans do not perceive the same way even though for some styles (e.g., positive sentiment and joy) human- and machine-identified words share significant overlap for some styles.
Numerical reasoning skills are essential for complex question answering (CQA) over text. It requires opertaions including counting, comparison, addition and subtraction. A successful approach to CQA on text, Neural Module Networks (NMNs), follows the programmer-interpreter paradigm and leverages specialised modules to perform compositional reasoning. However, the NMNs framework does not consider the relationship between numbers and entities in both questions and paragraphs. We propose effective techniques to improve NMNs' numerical reasoning capabilities by making the interpreter question-aware and capturing the relationship between entities and numbers. On the same subset of the DROP dataset for CQA on text, experimental results show that our additions outperform the original NMNs by 3.0 points for the overall F1 score.
Defeasible reasoning is the mode of reasoning where conclusions can be overturned by taking into account new evidence. Existing cognitive science literature on defeasible reasoning suggests that a person forms a mental model'' of the problem scenario before answering questions. Our research goal asks whether neural models can similarly benefit from envisioning the question scenario before answering a defeasible query. Our approach is, given a question, to have a model first create a graph of relevant influences, and then leverage that graph as an additional input when answering the question. Our system, CURIOUS, achieves a new state-of-the-art on three different defeasible reasoning datasets. This result is significant as it illustrates that performance can be improved by guiding a system to think about'' a question and explicitly model the scenario, rather than answering reflexively.
Recent years has witnessed the remarkable success in end-to-end task-oriented dialog system, especially when incorporating external knowledge information. However, the quality of most existing models' generated response is still limited, mainly due t o their lack of fine-grained reasoning on deterministic knowledge (w.r.t. conceptual tokens), which makes them difficult to capture the concept shifts and identify user's real intention in cross-task scenarios. To address these issues, we propose a novel intention mechanism to better model deterministic entity knowledge. Based on such a mechanism, we further propose an intention reasoning network (IR-Net), which consists of joint and multi-hop reasoning, to obtain intention-aware representations of conceptual tokens that can be used to capture the concept shifts involved in task-oriented conversations, so as to effectively identify user's intention and generate more accurate responses. Experimental results verify the effectiveness of IR-Net, showing that it achieves the state-of-the-art performance on two representative multi-domain dialog datasets.
A reliable clustering algorithm for task-oriented dialogues can help developer analysis and define dialogue tasks efficiently. It is challenging to directly apply prior normal text clustering algorithms for task-oriented dialogues, due to the inheren t differences between them, such as coreference, omission and diversity expression. In this paper, we propose a Dialogue Task Clustering Network model for task-oriented clustering. The proposed model combines context-aware utterance representations and cross-dialogue utterance cluster representations for task-oriented dialogues clustering. An iterative end-to-end training strategy is utilized for dialogue clustering and representation learning jointly. Experiments on three public datasets show that our model significantly outperform strong baselines in all metrics.
We develop a unified system to answer directly from text open-domain questions that may require a varying number of retrieval steps. We employ a single multi-task transformer model to perform all the necessary subtasks---retrieving supporting facts, reranking them, and predicting the answer from all retrieved documents---in an iterative fashion. We avoid crucial assumptions of previous work that do not transfer well to real-world settings, including exploiting knowledge of the fixed number of retrieval steps required to answer each question or using structured metadata like knowledge bases or web links that have limited availability. Instead, we design a system that can answer open-domain questions on any text collection without prior knowledge of reasoning complexity. To emulate this setting, we construct a new benchmark, called BeerQA, by combining existing one- and two-step datasets with a new collection of 530 questions that require three Wikipedia pages to answer, unifying Wikipedia corpora versions in the process. We show that our model demonstrates competitive performance on both existing benchmarks and this new benchmark. We make the new benchmark available at
Zero-shot translation, directly translating between language pairs unseen in training, is a promising capability of multilingual neural machine translation (NMT). However, it usually suffers from capturing spurious correlations between the output lan guage and language invariant semantics due to the maximum likelihood training objective, leading to poor transfer performance on zero-shot translation. In this paper, we introduce a denoising autoencoder objective based on pivot language into traditional training objective to improve the translation accuracy on zero-shot directions. The theoretical analysis from the perspective of latent variables shows that our approach actually implicitly maximizes the probability distributions for zero-shot directions. On two benchmark machine translation datasets, we demonstrate that the proposed method is able to effectively eliminate the spurious correlations and significantly outperforms state-of-the-art methods with a remarkable performance. Our code is available at
We investigate the representations learned by vision and language models in tasks that require relational reasoning. Focusing on the problem of assessing the relative size of objects in abstract visual contexts, we analyse both one-step and two-step reasoning. For the latter, we construct a new dataset of three-image scenes and define a task that requires reasoning at the level of the individual images and across images in a scene. We probe the learned model representations using diagnostic classifiers. Our experiments show that pretrained multimodal transformer-based architectures can perform higher-level relational reasoning, and are able to learn representations for novel tasks and data that are very different from what was seen in pretraining.
Deep learning (DL) based language models achieve high performance on various benchmarks for Natural Language Inference (NLI). And at this time, symbolic approaches to NLI are receiving less attention. Both approaches (symbolic and DL) have their adva ntages and weaknesses. However, currently, no method combines them in a system to solve the task of NLI. To merge symbolic and deep learning methods, we propose an inference framework called NeuralLog, which utilizes both a monotonicity-based logical inference engine and a neural network language model for phrase alignment. Our framework models the NLI task as a classic search problem and uses the beam search algorithm to search for optimal inference paths. Experiments show that our joint logic and neural inference system improves accuracy on the NLI task and can achieve state-of-art accuracy on the SICK and MED datasets.

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