The process of soil restoration is one of the most important methods of vertical and
horizontal expansion in the agricultural sector; it works to increase the effectiveness of
investments on the one hand, and to accelerate mass production on the ot
her hand. The
processes of reclamating lands include a big number of important procedures that directly
affect the utilization of agricultural lands. On top of these procedures come: constructing
dams, building modern systems and nets for irrigation and sanitation, reclamating saline
soil, protecting soil from drift and erosion, stopping encroachment of desert, settling land
slopes, getting rid of stones, building terraces in slopes, drilling artesian wells, improving
pastures, and cultivation green belts.
The Syrian government developed a multiple-target-agricultural strategy including
primarily increasing the reclaimed areas, using modern techniques for irrigation (drip and
spray), as well as providing water for irrigation through the construction of several dams.
This made the total irrigated area in the country about 1399 thousand hectares in 2011, i.e.
about 24.5% of the cultivated land. The percentage of irrigated areas using this method is
about 22.4% of the total irrigated area in the country. These actions positively affected the
productivity of crops, vegetables and fruit trees, so that the winter irrigated crops reached
5–10 times the non–irrigated crops, and the summer irrigated crops reached 4 times the
non–irrigated crops.
During the last twenty years there was an increased interest to large extent in
crowing up the fruitful trees all over the world. That is a natural result of knowing its high
feeding value beside its being good source for income. Due to its economical importance,
there was variety of searches and studies which approached its farming.