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Strongly Anisotropic Magnetic Phase Diagram of CeAu2Ge2

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 نشر من قبل Veronika Fritsch
 تاريخ النشر 2011
  مجال البحث فيزياء
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CeAu2Ge2 single crystals (tetragonal ThCr2Si2 structure) have been grown in Au-Ge flux (AGF) as well as in Sn flux (SF). X-ray powder-diffraction and EDX measurements indicate that in the latter case Sn atoms from the flux are incorporated in the samples, leading to a decrease of the lattice constants by ~ 0.3% compared to AGF samples. For both types of samples, a strong anisotropy of the magnetization M for the magnetic field B parallel and perpendicular to the c direction is observed with M||/M^{bot} ~ 6 - 7 in low fields just above 10 K. This anisotropy is preserved to high fields and temperatures and can be quantitatively explained by crystal electric field effects. Antiferromagnetic ordering sets in around 10 K as previously found for polycrystalline samples. From the magnetization data of our single crystals we obtain the phase diagrams for the AGF and SF samples. The magnetic properties depend strongly on the flux employed. While the AGF samples exhibit a complex behavior indicative of several magnetic transitions, the SF samples adopt a simpler antiferromagnetic structure with a single spin-flop transition. This effect of a more ordered state induced by disorder in form of Sn impurities is qualitatively explained within the ANNNI model, which assumes ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic interactions in agreement with the magnetic structure previously inferred from neutron-scattering experiments on polycrystalline CeAu2Ge2 by Loidl et al. [Phys. Rev. B 46, 9341, (1992)].

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463 - S. Gabani , S. Matas , P. Priputen 2007
Magnetic structure of single crystalline TmB4 has been studied by magnetization, magnetoresistivity and specific heat measurements. A complex phase diagram with different antiferromagnetic (AF) phases was observed below TN1 = 11.7 K. Besides the plat eau at half-saturated magnetization (1/2 MS), also plateaus at 1/9, 1/8 and 1/7 of MS were observed as function of applied magnetic field B//c. From additional neutron scattering experiments on TmB4, we suppose that those plateaus arise from a stripe structure which appears to be coherent domain boundaries between AF ordered blocks of 7 or 9 lattice constants. The received results suggest that the frustration among the Tm3+ magnetic ions, which maps to a geometrically frustrated Shastry-Sutherland lattice lead to strong competition between AF and ferromagnetic (FM) order. Thus, stripe structures in intermediate field appear to be the best way to minimize the magnetostatic energy against other magnetic interactions between the Tm ions combined with very strong Ising anisotropy.
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