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The Sznajd model with limited persuasion: competition between high-reputation and hesitant agents

164   0   0.0 ( 0 )
 نشر من قبل Nuno Crokidakis
 تاريخ النشر 2011
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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In this work we study a modified version of the two-dimensional Sznajd sociophysics model. In particular, we consider the effects of agents reputations in the persuasion rules. In other words, a high-reputation group with a common opinion may convince their neighbors with probability $p$, which induces an increase of the groups reputation. On the other hand, there is always a probability $q=1-p$ of the neighbors to keep their opinions, which induces a decrease of the groups reputation. These rules describe a competition between groups with high reputation and hesitant agents, which makes the full-consensus states (with all spins pointing in one direction) more difficult to be reached. As consequences, the usual phase transition does not occur for $p<p_{c} sim 0.69$ and the system presents realistic democracy-like situations, where the majority of spins are aligned in a certain direction, for a wide range of parameters.

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196 - F. W. S. Lima 2013
We study a nonequilibrium model with up-down symmetry and a noise parameter $q$ known as majority-vote model of M.J. Oliveira 1992 with heterogeneous agents on square lattice. By Monte Carlo simulations and finite-size scaling relations the critical exponents $beta/ u$, $gamma/ u$, and $1/ u$ and points $q_{c}$ and $U^*$ are obtained. After extensive simulations, we obtain $beta/ u=0.35(1)$, $gamma/ u=1.23(8)$, and $1/ u=1.05(5)$. The calculated values of the critical noise parameter and Binder cumulant are $q_{c}=0.1589(4)$ and $U^*=0.604(7)$. Within the error bars, the exponents obey the relation $2beta/ u+gamma/ u=2$ and the results presented here demonstrate that the majority-vote model heterogeneous agents belongs to a different universality class than the nonequilibrium majority-vote models with homogeneous agents on square lattice.
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The dynamics of opinion formation in a society is a complex phenomenon where many variables play an important role. Recently, the influence of algorithms to filter which content is fed to social networks users has come under scrutiny. Supposedly, the algorithms promote marketing strategies, but can also facilitate the formation of filters bubbles in which a user is most likely exposed to opinions that conform to their own. In the two-state majority-vote model an individual adopts an opinion contrary to the majority of its neighbors with probability $q$, defined as the noise parameter. Here, we introduce a visibility parameter $V$ in the dynamics of the majority-vote model, which equals the probability of an individual ignoring the opinion of each one of its neighbors. For $V=0.5$ each individual will, on average, ignore the opinion of half of its neighboring nodes. We employ Monte Carlo simulations to calculate the critical noise parameter as a function of the visibility $q_c(V)$ and obtain the phase diagram of the model. We find that the critical noise is an increasing function of the visibility parameter, such that a lower value of $V$ favors dissensus. Via finite-size scaling analysis we obtain the critical exponents of the model, which are visibility-independent, and show that the model belongs to the Ising universality class. We compare our results to the case of a network submitted to a static site dilution, and find that the limited visibility model is a more subtle way of inducing opinion polarization in a social network.
We present a novel model to simulate real social networks of complex interactions, based in a granular system of colliding particles (agents). The network is build by keeping track of the collisions and evolves in time with correlations which emerge due to the mobility of the agents. Therefore, statistical features are a consequence only of local collisions among its individual agents. Agent dynamics is realized by an event-driven algorithm of collisions where energy is gained as opposed to granular systems which have dissipation. The model reproduces empirical data from networks of sexual interactions, not previously obtained with other approaches.
In this work we study opinion formation in a population participating of a public debate with two distinct choices. We considered three distinct mechanisms of social interactions and individuals behavior: conformity, nonconformity and inflexibility. The conformity is ruled by the majority-rule dynamics, whereas the nonconformity is introduced in the population as an independent behavior, implying the failure to attempted group influence. Finally, the inflexible agents are introduced in the population with a given density. These individuals present a singular behavior, in a way that their stubbornness makes them reluctant to change their opinions. We consider these effects separately and all together, with the aim to analyze the critical behavior of the system. We performed numerical simulations in some lattice structures and for distinct population sizes, and our results suggest that the different formulations of the model undergo order-disorder phase transitions in the same universality class of the Ising model. Some of our results are complemented by analytical calculations.
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