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Model of mobile agents for sexual interactions networks

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 نشر من قبل Marta Gonzalez
 تاريخ النشر 2005
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We present a novel model to simulate real social networks of complex interactions, based in a granular system of colliding particles (agents). The network is build by keeping track of the collisions and evolves in time with correlations which emerge due to the mobility of the agents. Therefore, statistical features are a consequence only of local collisions among its individual agents. Agent dynamics is realized by an event-driven algorithm of collisions where energy is gained as opposed to granular systems which have dissipation. The model reproduces empirical data from networks of sexual interactions, not previously obtained with other approaches.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

We propose a model of mobile agents to construct social networks, based on a system of moving particles by keeping track of the collisions during their permanence in the system. We reproduce not only the degree distribution, clustering coefficient an d shortest path length of a large data base of empirical friendship networks recently collected, but also some features related with their community structure. The model is completely characterized by the collision rate and above a critical collision rate we find the emergence of a giant cluster in the universality class of two-dimensional percolation. Moreover, we propose possible schemes to reproduce other networks of particular social contacts, namely sexual contacts.
Most existing works on transportation dynamics focus on networks of a fixed structure, but networks whose nodes are mobile have become widespread, such as cell-phone networks. We introduce a model to explore the basic physics of transportation on mob ile networks. Of particular interest are the dependence of the throughput on the speed of agent movement and communication range. Our computations reveal a hierarchical dependence for the former while, for the latter, we find an algebraic power law between the throughput and the communication range with an exponent determined by the speed. We develop a physical theory based on the Fokker-Planck equation to explain these phenomena. Our findings provide insights into complex transportation dynamics arising commonly in natural and engineering systems.
We study the heterogeneous nucleation of Ising model on complex networks under a non-equilibrium situation where the impurities perform degree-biased motion controlled by a parameter alpha. Through the forward flux sampling and detailed analysis on t he nucleating clusters, we find that the nucleation rate shows a nonmonotonic dependence on alpha for small number of impurities, in which a maximal nucleation rate occurs at alpha=0 corresponding to the degree-uncorrelated random motion. Furthermore, we demonstrate the distinct features of the nucleating clusters along the pathway for different preference of impurities motion, which may be used to understand the resonance-like dependence of nucleation rate on the motion bias of impurities. Our theoretical analysis shows that the nonequilibrium diffusion of impurities can always induce a positive energy flux that can facilitate the barrier-crossing nucleation process. The nonmonotonic feature of the average value of the energy flux with alpha may be the origin of our simulation results.
165 - F. W. S. Lima 2013
We study a nonequilibrium model with up-down symmetry and a noise parameter $q$ known as majority-vote model of M.J. Oliveira 1992 with heterogeneous agents on square lattice. By Monte Carlo simulations and finite-size scaling relations the critical exponents $beta/ u$, $gamma/ u$, and $1/ u$ and points $q_{c}$ and $U^*$ are obtained. After extensive simulations, we obtain $beta/ u=0.35(1)$, $gamma/ u=1.23(8)$, and $1/ u=1.05(5)$. The calculated values of the critical noise parameter and Binder cumulant are $q_{c}=0.1589(4)$ and $U^*=0.604(7)$. Within the error bars, the exponents obey the relation $2beta/ u+gamma/ u=2$ and the results presented here demonstrate that the majority-vote model heterogeneous agents belongs to a different universality class than the nonequilibrium majority-vote models with homogeneous agents on square lattice.
In this work we study a modified version of the two-dimensional Sznajd sociophysics model. In particular, we consider the effects of agents reputations in the persuasion rules. In other words, a high-reputation group with a common opinion may convinc e their neighbors with probability $p$, which induces an increase of the groups reputation. On the other hand, there is always a probability $q=1-p$ of the neighbors to keep their opinions, which induces a decrease of the groups reputation. These rules describe a competition between groups with high reputation and hesitant agents, which makes the full-consensus states (with all spins pointing in one direction) more difficult to be reached. As consequences, the usual phase transition does not occur for $p<p_{c} sim 0.69$ and the system presents realistic democracy-like situations, where the majority of spins are aligned in a certain direction, for a wide range of parameters.
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