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109 - D. Glavan 2015
We evaluate the one-graviton loop contribution to the vacuum polarization on de Sitter background in a 1-parameter family of exact, de Sitter invariant gauges. Our result is computed using dimensional regularization and fully renormalized with BPHZ c ounterterms, which must include a noninvariant owing to the time-ordered interactions. Because the graviton propagator engenders a physical breaking of de Sitter invariance two structure functions are needed to express the result. In addition to its relevance for the gauge issue this is the first time a covariant gauge graviton propagator has been used to compute a noncoincident loop. A number of identities are derived which should facilitate further graviton loop computations.
109 - N. C. Tsamis 2014
Nonlocal models of cosmology might derive from graviton loop corrections to the effective field equations from the epoch of primordial inflation. Although the Schwinger-Keldysh formalism would automatically produce causal and conserved effective fiel d equations, the models so far proposed have been purely phenomenological. Two techniques have been employed to generate causal and conserved field equations: either varying an invariant nonlocal effective action and then enforcing causality by the ad hoc replacement of any advanced Greens function with its retarded counterpart, or else introducing causal nonlocality into a general ansatz for the field equations and then enforcing conservation. We point out here that the two techniques access very different classes of models, and that neither one of them may represent what would actually arise from fundamental theory.
148 - Katie E. Leonard 2014
We derive a noncovariant but simple representation for the self-energy of a conformally transformed graviton field on the cosmological patch of de Sitter. Our representation involves four structure functions, as opposed to the two that would be neces sary for a manifestly de Sitter invariant representation. We work out what the four structure functions are for the one loop correction due to a massless, minimally coupled scalar. And we employ the result to work out what happens to dynamical gravitons.
104 - D. Glavan 2013
We calculate the one-loop corrections from inflationary gravitons to the electromagnetic fields of a point charge and a point magnetic dipole on a locally de Sitter space background. Results are obtained both for an observer at rest in co-moving coor dinates, whose physical distance from the sources increases with the expanding universe, and for an observer at rest in static coordinates, whose physical distance from the sources is constant. The fields of both sources show the de Sitter analogs of the fractional $G/r^2$ corrections which occur in flat space, but there are also some fractional $G H^2$ corrections due to the scattering of virtual photons from the vast ensemble of infrared gravitons produced by inflation. The co-moving observer perceives the magnitude of the point charge to increase linearly with co-moving time and logarithmically with the co-moving position, however, the magnetic dipole shows only a negative logarithmic spatial variation. The static observer perceives no secular change of the point charge but he does report a secular enhancement of the magnetic dipole moment.
70 - S. P. Miao 2013
A nice paper by Morrison demonstrates the recent convergence of opinion that has taken place concerning the graviton propagator on de Sitter background. We here discuss the few points which remain under dispute. First, the inevitable decay of tachyon ic scalars really does result in their 2-point functions breaking de Sitter invariance. This is obscured by analytic continuation techniques which produce formal solutions to the propagator equation that are not propagators. Second, Morrisons de Sitter invariant solution for the spin two sector of the graviton propagator involves derivatives of the scalar propagator at $M^2 = 0$, where it is not meromorphic unless de Sitter breaking is permitted. Third, de Sitter breaking does not require zero modes. Fourth, the ambiguity Morrison claims in the equation for the spin two structure function is fixed by requiring it to derive from a mode sum. Fifth, Morrisons spin two sector is not physically equivalent to ours because their coincidence limits differ. Finally, it is only the noninvariant propagator that gets the time independence and scale invariance of the tensor power spectrum correctly.
107 - Katie E. Leonard 2012
Previous studies of the vacuum polarization on de Sitter have demonstrated that there is a simple, noncovariant representation of it in which the physics is transparent. There is also a cumbersome, covariant representation in which the physics is obs cure. Despite being unwieldy, the latter form has a powerful appeal for those who are concerned about de Sitter invariance. We show that nothing is lost by employing the simple, noncovariant representation because there is a closed form procedure for converting its structure functions to those of the covariant representation. We also present a vastly improved technique for reading off the noncovariant structure functions from the primitive diagrams. And we discuss the issue of representing the vacuum polarization for a general metric background.
114 - P. J. Mora 2012
We compute the linearized Weyl-Weyl correlator using a new solution for the graviton propagator on de Sitter background in de Donder gauge. The result agrees exactly with a previous computation in a noncovariant gauge. We also use dimensional regular ization to compute the one loop expectation value of the square of the Weyl tensor.
47 - N. C. Tsamis 2008
We reply to the recent criticism by Garriga and Tanaka of our proposal that quantum gravitational loop corrections may lead to a secular screening of the effective cosmological constant. Their argument rests upon a renormalization scheme in which the composite operator $(R sqrt{-g} - 4 Lambda sqrt{-g} )_{rm ren}$ is defined to be the trace of the renormalized field equations. Although this is a peculiar prescription, we show that it {it does not preclude secular screening}. Moreover, we show that a constant Ricci scalar {it does not even classically} imply a constant expansion rate. Other important points are: (1) the quantity $R_{rm ren}$ of Garriga and Tanaka is neither a properly defined composite operator, nor is it constant; (2) gauge dependence does not render a Greens function devoid of physical content; (3) scalar models on a non-dynamical de Sitter background (for which there is no gauge issue) can induce arbitrarily large secular contributions to the stress tensor; (4) the same secular corrections appear in observable quantities in quantum gravity; and (5) the prospects seem good for deriving a simple stochastic formulation of quantum gravity in which the leading secular effects can be summed and for which the expectation values of even complicated, gauge invariant operators can be computed at leading order.

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