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Vanilla models for object detection and instance segmentation suffer from the heavy bias toward detecting frequent objects in the long-tailed setting. Existing methods address this issue mostly during training, e.g., by re-sampling or re-weighting. I n this paper, we investigate a largely overlooked approach -- post-processing calibration of confidence scores. We propose NorCal, Normalized Calibration for long-tailed object detection and instance segmentation, a simple and straightforward recipe that reweighs the predicted scores of each class by its training sample size. We show that separately handling the background class and normalizing the scores over classes for each proposal are keys to achieving superior performance. On the LVIS dataset, NorCal can effectively improve nearly all the baseline models not only on rare classes but also on common and frequent classes. Finally, we conduct extensive analysis and ablation studies to offer insights into various modeling choices and mechanisms of our approach.
We explore constraints on various new physics resonances from four top-quark production based on current experimental data. Both light and heavy resonances are studied in the work. A comparison of full width effect and narrow width approximation is also made.
We present Mobile Video Networks (MoViNets), a family of computation and memory efficient video networks that can operate on streaming video for online inference. 3D convolutional neural networks (CNNs) are accurate at video recognition but require l arge computation and memory budgets and do not support online inference, making them difficult to work on mobile devices. We propose a three-step approach to improve computational efficiency while substantially reducing the peak memory usage of 3D CNNs. First, we design a video network search space and employ neural architecture search to generate efficient and diverse 3D CNN architectures. Second, we introduce the Stream Buffer technique that decouples memory from video clip duration, allowing 3D CNNs to embed arbitrary-length streaming video sequences for both training and inference with a small constant memory footprint. Third, we propose a simple ensembling technique to improve accuracy further without sacrificing efficiency. These three progressive techniques allow MoViNets to achieve state-of-the-art accuracy and efficiency on the Kinetics, Moments in Time, and Charades video action recognition datasets. For instance, MoViNet-A5-Stream achieves the same accuracy as X3D-XL on Kinetics 600 while requiring 80% fewer FLOPs and 65% less memory. Code will be made available at https://github.com/tensorflow/models/tree/master/official/vision.
120 - Yandong Liu , Bin Yan , Rui Zhang 2021
We present a comprehensive analysis of the loop induced top quark FCNC signals at the LHC within one class of the simplified model. The loop level FCNC interactions are well motivated to avoid the hierarchy of the top quark couplings from the new phy sics and standard model. Such a theory will posit a Majorana dark matter candidate and could be tested through dark matter relic density, direct detection experiments (the scattering between dark matter and heavy nuclei), and the collider signals at the LHC. We find that the spin-independent (SI) scattering between Majorana dark matter and nuclei will vanish at the leading order, while the next-to-leading order correction to the SI scattering becomes significance to constrain the parameter space of the model. A detailed comparison from direct detection experiments and LHC searches is also discussed and both of them are very important to full constrain the model.
Many objects do not appear frequently enough in complex scenes (e.g., certain handbags in living rooms) for training an accurate object detector, but are often found frequently by themselves (e.g., in product images). Yet, these object-centric images are not effectively leveraged for improving object detection in scene-centric images. In this paper, we propose Mosaic of Object-centric images as Scene-centric images (MosaicOS), a simple and novel framework that is surprisingly effective at tackling the challenges of long-tailed object detection. Keys to our approach are three-fold: (i) pseudo scene-centric image construction from object-centric images for mitigating domain differences, (ii) high-quality bounding box imputation using the object-centric images class labels, and (iii) a multi-stage training procedure. On LVIS object detection (and instance segmentation), MosaicOS leads to a massive 60% (and 23%) relative improvement in average precision for rare object categories. We also show that our framework can be compatibly used with other existing approaches to achieve even further gains. Our pre-trained models are publicly available at https://github.com/czhang0528/MosaicOS/.
This paper is concerned with ranking many pre-trained deep neural networks (DNNs), called checkpoints, for the transfer learning to a downstream task. Thanks to the broad use of DNNs, we may easily collect hundreds of checkpoints from various sources . Which of them transfers the best to our downstream task of interest? Striving to answer this question thoroughly, we establish a neural checkpoint ranking benchmark (NeuCRaB) and study some intuitive ranking measures. These measures are generic, applying to the checkpoints of different output types without knowing how the checkpoints are pre-trained on which dataset. They also incur low computation cost, making them practically meaningful. Our results suggest that the linear separability of the features extracted by the checkpoints is a strong indicator of transferability. We also arrive at a new ranking measure, NLEEP, which gives rise to the best performance in the experiments.
We study how to leverage Web images to augment human-curated object detection datasets. Our approach is two-pronged. On the one hand, we retrieve Web images by image-to-image search, which incurs less domain shift from the curated data than other sea rch methods. The Web images are diverse, supplying a wide variety of object poses, appearances, their interactions with the context, etc. On the other hand, we propose a novel learning method motivated by two parallel lines of work that explore unlabeled data for image classification: self-training and self-supervised learning. They fail to improve object detectors in their vanilla forms due to the domain gap between the Web images and curated datasets. To tackle this challenge, we propose a selective net to rectify the supervision signals in Web images. It not only identifies positive bounding boxes but also creates a safe zone for mining hard negative boxes. We report state-of-the-art results on detecting backpacks and chairs from everyday scenes, along with other challenging object classes.
We study how to train a student deep neural network for visual recognition by distilling knowledge from a blackbox teacher model in a data-efficient manner. Progress on this problem can significantly reduce the dependence on large-scale datasets for learning high-performing visual recognition models. There are two major challenges. One is that the number of queries into the teacher model should be minimized to save computational and/or financial costs. The other is that the number of images used for the knowledge distillation should be small; otherwise, it violates our expectation of reducing the dependence on large-scale datasets. To tackle these challenges, we propose an approach that blends mixup and active learning. The former effectively augments the few unlabeled images by a big pool of synthetic images sampled from the convex hull of the original images, and the latter actively chooses from the pool hard examples for the student neural network and query their labels from the teacher model. We validate our approach with extensive experiments.
106 - Yandong Li , Yu Cheng , Zhe Gan 2020
We propose a new task towards more practical application for image generation - high-quality image synthesis from salient object layout. This new setting allows users to provide the layout of salient objects only (i.e., foreground bounding boxes and categories), and lets the model complete the drawing with an invented background and a matching foreground. Two main challenges spring from this new task: (i) how to generate fine-grained details and realistic textures without segmentation map input; and (ii) how to create a background and weave it seamlessly into standalone objects. To tackle this, we propose Background Hallucination Generative Adversarial Network (BachGAN), which first selects a set of segmentation maps from a large candidate pool via a background retrieval module, then encodes these candidate layouts via a background fusion module to hallucinate a suitable background for the given objects. By generating the hallucinated background representation dynamically, our model can synthesize high-resolution images with both photo-realistic foreground and integral background. Experiments on Cityscapes and ADE20K datasets demonstrate the advantage of BachGAN over existing methods, measured on both visual fidelity of generated images and visual alignment between output images and input layouts.
There is an increasing number of pre-trained deep neural network models. However, it is still unclear how to effectively use these models for a new task. Transfer learning, which aims to transfer knowledge from source tasks to a target task, is an ef fective solution to this problem. Fine-tuning is a popular transfer learning technique for deep neural networks where a few rounds of training are applied to the parameters of a pre-trained model to adapt them to a new task. Despite its popularity, in this paper, we show that fine-tuning suffers from several drawbacks. We propose an adaptive fine-tuning approach, called AdaFilter, which selects only a part of the convolutional filters in the pre-trained model to optimize on a per-example basis. We use a recurrent gated network to selectively fine-tune convolutional filters based on the activations of the previous layer. We experiment with 7 public image classification datasets and the results show that AdaFilter can reduce the average classification error of the standard fine-tuning by 2.54%.

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