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225 - Liming Ling , Xuan Sun 2021
We study the spectral (linear) stability and orbital (nonlinear) stability of the elliptic solutions for the focusing modified Korteweg-de Vries (mKdV) equation with respect to subharmonic perturbations and construct the corresponding breather soluti ons to exhibit the unstable or stable dynamic behavior. The elliptic function solutions of mKdV equation and the fundamental solutions of Lax pair are exactly represented by using the theta function. Based on the `modified squared wavefunction (MSW) method, we construct all linear independent solutions of the linearized KdV equation, and then provide a necessary and sufficient condition of the spectral stability for the elliptic function solutions with respect to subharmonic perturbations. In the case of spectrum stable, the orbital stability of the elliptic function solutions with respect to subharmonic perturbations is established under a suitable Hilbert space. Using Darboux-Backlund transformation, we construct the breather solutions to exhibit the unstable or stable dynamic behavior. Through analyzing the asymptotical behavior, we find the breather solution under the $mathrm{cn}$-background is equivalent to the elliptic function solution adding a small perturbation as $ttopminfty$.
267 - Fei Wang , Kexuan Sun , Jay Pujara 2021
Tables provide valuable knowledge that can be used to verify textual statements. While a number of works have considered table-based fact verification, direct alignments of tabular data with tokens in textual statements are rarely available. Moreover , training a generalized fact verification model requires abundant labeled training data. In this paper, we propose a novel system to address these problems. Inspired by counterfactual causality, our system identifies token-level salience in the statement with probing-based salience estimation. Salience estimation allows enhanced learning of fact verification from two perspectives. From one perspective, our system conducts masked salient token prediction to enhance the model for alignment and reasoning between the table and the statement. From the other perspective, our system applies salience-aware data augmentation to generate a more diverse set of training instances by replacing non-salient terms. Experimental results on TabFact show the effective improvement by the proposed salience-aware learning techniques, leading to the new SOTA performance on the benchmark. Our code is publicly available at https://github.com/luka-group/Salience-aware-Learning .
Human-in-the-loop aims to train an accurate prediction model with minimum cost by integrating human knowledge and experience. Humans can provide training data for machine learning applications and directly accomplish some tasks that are hard for comp uters in the pipeline with the help of machine-based approaches. In this paper, we survey existing works on human-in-the-loop from a data perspective and classify them into three categories with a progressive relationship: (1) the work of improving model performance from data processing, (2) the work of improving model performance through interventional model training, and (3) the design of the system independent human-in-the-loop. Using the above categorization, we summarize major approaches in the field, along with their technical strengths/ weaknesses, we have simple classification and discussion in natural language processing, computer vision, and others. Besides, we provide some open challenges and opportunities. This survey intends to provide a high-level summarization for human-in-the-loop and motivates interested readers to consider approaches for designing effective human-in-the-loop solutions.
As random walk is a powerful tool in many graph processing, mining and learning applications, this paper proposes an efficient in-memory random walk engine named ThunderRW. Compared with existing parallel systems on improving the performance of a sin gle graph operation, ThunderRW supports massive parallel random walks. The core design of ThunderRW is motivated by our profiling results: common RW algorithms have as high as 73.1% CPU pipeline slots stalled due to irregular memory access, which suffers significantly more memory stalls than the conventional graph workloads such as BFS and SSSP. To improve the memory efficiency, we first design a generic step-centric programming model named Gather-Move-Update to abstract different RW algorithms. Based on the programming model, we develop the step interleaving technique to hide memory access latency by switching the executions of different random walk queries. In our experiments, we use four representative RW algorithms including PPR, DeepWalk, Node2Vec and MetaPath to demonstrate the efficiency and programming flexibility of ThunderRW. Experimental results show that ThunderRW outperforms state-of-the-art approaches by an order of magnitude, and the step interleaving technique significantly reduces the CPU pipeline stall from 73.1% to 15.0%.
Filtration of feed containing multiple species of particles is a common process in the industrial setting. In this work we propose a model for filtration of a suspension containing an arbitrary number of particle species, each with different affiniti es for the filter membrane. We formulate a number of optimization problems pertaining to effective separation of desired and undesired particles in the special case of two particle species and we present results showing how properties such as feed composition affect the optimal filter design (internal pore structure). In addition, we propose a novel multi-stage filtration strategy, which provides a significant mass yield improvement for the desired particles, and, surprisingly, higher purity of the product as well.
Machine learning and wireless communication technologies are jointly facilitating an intelligent edge, where federated edge learning (FEEL) is a promising training framework. As wireless devices involved in FEEL are resource limited in terms of commu nication bandwidth, computing power and battery capacity, it is important to carefully schedule them to optimize the training performance. In this work, we consider an over-the-air FEEL system with analog gradient aggregation, and propose an energy-aware dynamic device scheduling algorithm to optimize the training performance under energy constraints of devices, where both communication energy for gradient aggregation and computation energy for local training are included. The consideration of computation energy makes dynamic scheduling challenging, as devices are scheduled before local training, but the communication energy for over-the-air aggregation depends on the l2-norm of local gradient, which is known after local training. We thus incorporate estimation methods into scheduling to predict the gradient norm. Taking the estimation error into account, we characterize the performance gap between the proposed algorithm and its offline counterpart. Experimental results show that, under a highly unbalanced local data distribution, the proposed algorithm can increase the accuracy by 4.9% on CIFAR-10 dataset compared with the myopic benchmark, while satisfying the energy constraints.
The task of natural language table retrieval (NLTR) seeks to retrieve semantically relevant tables based on natural language queries. Existing learning systems for this task often treat tables as plain text based on the assumption that tables are str uctured as dataframes. However, tables can have complex layouts which indicate diverse dependencies between subtable structures, such as nested headers. As a result, queries may refer to different spans of relevant content that is distributed across these structures. Moreover, such systems fail to generalize to novel scenarios beyond those seen in the training set. Prior methods are still distant from a generalizable solution to the NLTR problem, as they fall short in handling complex table layouts or queries over multiple granularities. To address these issues, we propose Graph-based Table Retrieval (GTR), a generalizable NLTR framework with multi-granular graph representation learning. In our framework, a table is first converted into a tabular graph, with cell nodes, row nodes and column nodes to capture content at different granularities. Then the tabular graph is input to a Graph Transformer model that can capture both table cell content and the layout structures. To enhance the robustness and generalizability of the model, we further incorporate a self-supervised pre-training task based on graph-context matching. Experimental results on two benchmarks show that our method leads to significant improvements over the current state-of-the-art systems. Further experiments demonstrate promising performance of our method on cross-dataset generalization, and enhanced capability of handling complex tables and fulfilling diverse query intents. Code and data are available at https://github.com/FeiWang96/GTR.
88 - Qixuan Sun , Yaqi Yin , Hong Yu 2021
Emotion-cause pair extraction (ECPE), an emerging task in sentiment analysis, aims at extracting pairs of emotions and their corresponding causes in documents. This is a more challenging problem than emotion cause extraction (ECE), since it requires no emotion signals which are demonstrated as an important role in the ECE task. Existing work follows a two-stage pipeline which identifies emotions and causes at the first step and pairs them at the second step. However, error propagation across steps and pair combining without contextual information limits the effectiveness. Therefore, we propose a Dual-Questioning Attention Network to alleviate these limitations. Specifically, we question candidate emotions and causes to the context independently through attention networks for a contextual and semantical answer. Also, we explore how weighted loss functions in controlling error propagation between steps. Empirical results show that our method performs better than baselines in terms of multiple evaluation metrics. The source code can be obtained at https://github.com/QixuanSun/DQAN.
As large graph processing emerges, we observe a costly fork-processing pattern (FPP) that is common in many graph algorithms. The unique feature of the FPP is that it launches many independent queries from different source vertices on the same graph. For example, an algorithm in analyzing the network community profile can execute Personalized PageRanks that start from tens of thousands of source vertices at the same time. We study the efficiency of handling FPPs in state-of-the-art graph processing systems on multi-core architectures. We find that those systems suffer from severe cache miss penalty because of the irregular and uncoordinated memory accesses in processing FPPs. In this paper, we propose ForkGraph, a cache-efficient FPP processing system on multi-core architectures. To improve the cache reuse, we divide the graph into partitions each sized of LLC capacity, and the queries in an FPP are buffered and executed on the partition basis. We further develop efficient intra- and inter-partition execution strategies for efficiency. For intra-partition processing, since the graph partition fits into LLC, we propose to execute each graph query with efficient sequential algorithms (in contrast with parallel algorithms in existing parallel graph processing systems) and present an atomic-free query processing by consolidating contending operations to cache-resident graph partition. For inter-partition processing, we propose yielding and priority-based scheduling, to reduce redundant work in processing. Besides, we theoretically prove that ForkGraph performs the same amount of work, to within a constant factor, as the fastest known sequential algorithms in FPP queries processing, which is work efficient. Our evaluations on real-world graphs show that ForkGraph significantly outperforms state-of-the-art graph processing systems with two orders of magnitude speedups.
We study the hop-constrained s-t path enumeration (HcPE) problem, which takes a graph $G$, two distinct vertices $s,t$ and a hop constraint $k$ as input, and outputs all paths from $s$ to $t$ whose length is at most $k$. The state-of-the-art algorith ms suffer from severe performance issues caused by the costly pruning operations during enumeration for the workloads with the large search space. Consequently, these algorithms hardly meet the real-time constraints of many online applications. In this paper, we propose PathEnum, an efficient index-based algorithm towards real-time HcPE. For an input query, PathEnum first builds a light-weight index aiming to reduce the number of edges involved in the enumeration, and develops efficient index-based approaches for enumeration, one based on depth-first search and the other based on joins. We further develop a query optimizer based on a join-based cost model to optimize the search order. We conduct experiments with 15 real-world graphs. Our experiment results show that PathEnum outperforms the state-of-the-art approaches by orders of magnitude in terms of the query time, throughput and response time.

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