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We present a new necessary and sufficient condition to determine the entanglement status of an arbitrary N-qubit quantum state (maybe pure or mixed) represented by a density matrix. A necessary condition satisfied by separable bipartite quantum state s was obtained by A. Peres, [1]. A. Peres showed that if a bipartite state represented by the density matrix is separable then its partial transpose is positive semidefinite and has no negative eigenvalues. In other words, if the partial transpose is not positive semidefinite and so one or more of its eigenvalues are negative then the state represented by the corresponding density matrix is entangled. It was then shown by M. Horodecki et.al, [2], that this necessary condition is also sufficient for two-by-two and two-by-three dimensional systems. However, in other dimensions, it was shown by P. Horodecki, [3], that the criterion due to A. Peres is not sufficient. In this paper, we develop a new approach and a new criterion for deciding the entanglement status of the states represented by the density matrices corresponding to N-qubit systems. We begin with a 2-qubit case and then show that these results for 2-qubit systems can be extended to N-qubit systems by proceeding along similar lines. We discuss few examples to illustrate the method proposed in this paper for testing the entanglement status of few density matrices.
We determine analytically the phase diagram of the toric code model in a parallel magnetic field which displays three distinct regions. Our study relies on two high-order perturbative expansions in the strong- and weak-field limit, as well as a large -spin analysis. Calculations in the topological phase establish a quasiparticle picture for the anyonic excitations. We obtain two second-order transition lines that merge with a first-order line giving rise to a multicritical point as recently suggested by numerical simulations. We compute the values of the corresponding critical fields and exponents that drive the closure of the gap. We also give the one-particle dispersions of the anyonic quasiparticles inside the topological phase.
For a nonsingular projective 3-fold $X$, we define integer invariants virtually enumerating pairs $(C,D)$ where $Csubset X$ is an embedded curve and $Dsubset C$ is a divisor. A virtual class is constructed on the associated moduli space by viewing a pair as an object in the derived category of $X$. The resulting invariants are conjecturally equivalent, after universal transformations, to both the Gromov-Witten and DT theories of $X$. For Calabi-Yau 3-folds, the latter equivalence should be viewed as a wall-crossing formula in the derived category. Several calculations of the new invariants are carried out. In the Fano case, the local contributions of nonsingular embedded curves are found. In the local toric Calabi-Yau case, a completely new form of the topological vertex is described. The virtual enumeration of pairs is closely related to the geometry underlying the BPS state counts of Gopakumar and Vafa. We prove that our integrality predictions for Gromov-Witten invariants agree with the BPS integrality. Conversely, the BPS geometry imposes strong conditions on the enumeration of pairs.
377 - S. Rollenske , R. P. Thomas 2019
Let X be an n-dimensional Calabi-Yau with ordinary double points, where n is odd. Friedman showed that for n=3 the existence of a smoothing of X implies a specific type of relation between homology classes on a resolution of X. (The converse is also true, due to work of Friedman, Kawamata and Tian.) We sketch a more topological proof of this result, and then extend it to higher dimensions. For n>3 the Yukawa product on the middle dimensional (co)homology plays an unexpected role. We also discuss a converse, proving it for nodal Calabi-Yau hypersurfaces in projective space.
150 - J. P. Pridham 2019
We develop a framework for derived deformation theory, valid in all characteristics. This gives a model category reconciling local and global approaches to derived moduli theory. In characteristic 0, we use this to show that the homotopy categories o f DGLAs and SHLAs (L infinity algebras) considered by Kontsevich, Hinich and Manetti are equivalent, and are compatible with the derived stacks of Toen--Vezzosi and Lurie. Another application is that the cohomology groups associated to any classical deformation problem (in any characteristic) admit the same operations as Andre--Quillen cohomology.
We construct a Lagrangian description of irreducible half-integer higher-spin representations of the Poincare group with the corresponding Young tableaux having two rows, on a basis of the BRST approach. Starting with a description of fermionic highe r-spin fields in a flat space of any dimension in terms of an auxiliary Fock space, we realize a conversion of the initial operator constraint system (constructed with respect to the relations extracting irreducible Poincare-group representations) into a first-class constraint system. For this purpose, we find auxiliary representations of the constraint subsuperalgebra containing the subsystem of second-class constraints in terms of Verma modules. We propose a universal procedure of constructing gauge-invariant Lagrangians with reducible gauge symmetries describing the dynamics of both massless and massive fermionic fields of any spin. No off-shell constraints for the fields and gauge parameters are used from the very beginning. It is shown that the space of BRST cohomologies with a vanishing ghost number is determined only by the constraints corresponding to an irreducible Poincare-group representation. To illustrate the general construction, we obtain a Lagrangian description of fermionic fields with generalized spin (3/2,1/2) and (3/2,3/2) on a flat background containing the complete set of auxiliary fields and gauge symmetries.
We investigate the topology of the spin-polarized charge density in bcc and fcc iron. While the total spin-density is found to possess the topology of the non-magnetic prototypical structures, in some cases the spin-polarized densities are characteri zed by unique topologies; for example, the spin-polarized charge densities of bcc and high-spin fcc iron are atypical of any known for non-magnetic materials. In these cases, the two spin-densities are correlated: the spin-minority electrons have directional bond paths with deep minima in the minority density, while the spin-majority electrons fill these holes, reducing bond directionality. The presence of two distinct spin topologies suggests that a well-known magnetic phase transition in iron can be fruitfully reexamined in light of these topological changes. We show that the two phase changes seen in fcc iron (paramagnetic to low-spin and low-spin to high-spin) are different. The former follows the Landau symmetry-breaking paradigm and proceeds without a topological transformation, while the latter also involves a topological catastrophe.
We define the BPS invariants of Gopakumar-Vafa in the case of irreducible curve classes on Calabi-Yau 3-folds. The main tools are the theory of stable pairs in the derived category and Behrends constructible function approach to the virtual class. We prove that for irreducible classes the stable pairs generating function satisfies the strong BPS rationality conjectures. We define the contribution of each curve to the BPS invariants. A curve $C$ only contributes to the BPS invariants in genera lying between the geometric genus and arithmetic genus of $C$. Complete formulae are derived for nonsingular and nodal curves. A discussion of primitive classes on K3 surfaces from the point of view of stable pairs is given in the Appendix via calculations of Kawai-Yoshioka. A proof of the Yau-Zaslow formula for rational curve counts is obtained. A connection is made to the Katz-Klemm-Vafa formula for BPS counts in all genera.
A new characterisation of Hamiltonian graphs using f-cutset matrix is proposed. A new exact polynomial time algorithm for the travelling salesman problem (TSP) based on this new characterisation is developed. We then define so called ordered weighted adjacency list for given weighted complete graph and proceed to the main result of the paper, namely, the exact algorithm based on utilisation of ordered weighted adjacency list and the simple properties that any path or circuit must satisfy. This algorithm performs checking of sub-lists, containing (p-1) entries (edge pairs) for paths and p entries (edge pairs) for circuits, chosen from ordered adjacency list in a well defined sequence to determine exactly the shortest Hamiltonian path and shortest Hamiltonian circuit in a weighted complete graph of p vertices. The procedure has intrinsic advantage of landing on the desired solution in quickest possible time and even in worst case in polynomial time. A new characterisation of shortest Hamiltonian tour for a weighted complete graph satisfying triangle inequality (i.e. for tours passing through every city on a realistic map of cities where cities can be taken as points on a Euclidean plane) is also proposed. Finally, we propose a classical algorithm for unstructured search and also three new quantum algorithms for unstructured search which exponentially speed up the searching ability in the unstructured database and discuss its effect on the NP-Complete problems.
In this work, we first use Thompsons renormalization group method to treat QCD-vacuum behavior close to the regime of asymptotic freedom. QCD-vacuum behaves effectively like a paramagnetic system of a classical theory in the sense that virtual color charges (gluons) emerge in it as spin effect of a paramagnetic material when a magnetic field aligns their microscopic magnetic dipoles. Making a classical analogy with the paramagnetism of Landaus theory,we are able to introduce a kind of Landau effective action without temperature and phase transition for simply representing QCD-vacuum behavior at higher energies as magnetization of a paramagnetic material in the presence of a magnetic field H. This reasoning allows us to use Thompsons heuristic approach in order to extract an effective susceptibility ($chi>0$) of QCD-vacuum. It depends on logarithmic of energy scale u to investigate hadronic matter. Consequently,we are able to get an effective magnetic permeability ($mu>1$) of such a paramagnetic vacuum. As QCD-vacuum must obey Lorentz invariance,the attainment of $mu>1$ must simply require that the effective electrical permissivity is $epsilon<1$,in such a way that $muepsilon=1$ (c^2=1).This leads to the antiscreening effect, where the asymptotic freedom takes place. On the other hand, quarks cofinement, a subject which is not treatable by perturbative calculations, is worked by the present approach. We apply the method to study this subject in order to obtain the string constant, which is in agreement with the experiments.

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