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Validating the safety of autonomous systems generally requires the use of high-fidelity simulators that adequately capture the variability of real-world scenarios. However, it is generally not feasible to exhaustively search the space of simulation s cenarios for failures. Adaptive stress testing (AST) is a method that uses reinforcement learning to find the most likely failure of a system. AST with a deep reinforcement learning solver has been shown to be effective in finding failures across a range of different systems. This approach generally involves running many simulations, which can be very expensive when using a high-fidelity simulator. To improve efficiency, we present a method that first finds failures in a low-fidelity simulator. It then uses the backward algorithm, which trains a deep neural network policy using a single expert demonstration, to adapt the low-fidelity failures to high-fidelity. We have created a series of autonomous vehicle validation case studies that represent some of the ways low-fidelity and high-fidelity simulators can differ, such as time discretization. We demonstrate in a variety of case studies that this new AST approach is able to find failures with significantly fewer high-fidelity simulation steps than are needed when just running AST directly in high-fidelity. As a proof of concept, we also demonstrate AST on NVIDIAs DriveSim simulator, an industry state-of-the-art high-fidelity simulator for finding failures in autonomous vehicles.
Resource allocation under uncertainty is a classical problem in city-scale cyber-physical systems. Consider emergency response as an example; urban planners and first responders optimize the location of ambulances to minimize expected response times to incidents such as road accidents. Typically, such problems deal with sequential decision-making under uncertainty and can be modeled as Markov (or semi-Markov) decision processes. The goal of the decision-maker is to learn a mapping from states to actions that can maximize expected rewards. While online, offline, and decentralized approaches have been proposed to tackle such problems, scalability remains a challenge for real-world use-cases. We present a general approach to hierarchical planning that leverages structure in city-level CPS problems for resource allocation. We use emergency response as a case study and show how a large resource allocation problem can be split into smaller problems. We then use Monte-Carlo planning for solving the smaller problems and managing the interaction between them. Finally, we use data from Nashville, Tennessee, a major metropolitan area in the United States, to validate our approach. Our experiments show that the proposed approach outperforms state-of-the-art approaches used in the field of emergency response.
Monte Carlo planners can often return sub-optimal actions, even if they are guaranteed to converge in the limit of infinite samples. Known asymptotic regret bounds do not provide any way to measure confidence of a recommended action at the conclusion of search. In this work, we prove bounds on the sub-optimality of Monte Carlo estimates for non-stationary bandits and Markov decision processes. These bounds can be directly computed at the conclusion of the search and do not require knowledge of the true action-value. The presented bound holds for general Monte Carlo solvers meeting mild convergence conditions. We empirically test the tightness of the bounds through experiments on a multi-armed bandit and a discrete Markov decision process for both a simple solver and Monte Carlo tree search.
Stochastic processes generated by non-stationary distributions are difficult to represent with conventional models such as Gaussian processes. This work presents Recurrent Autoregressive Flows as a method toward general stochastic process modeling wi th normalizing flows. The proposed method defines a conditional distribution for each variable in a sequential process by conditioning the parameters of a normalizing flow with recurrent neural connections. Complex conditional relationships are learned through the recurrent network parameters. In this work, we present an initial design for a recurrent flow cell and a method to train the model to match observed empirical distributions. We demonstrate the effectiveness of this class of models through a series of experiments in which models are trained on three complex stochastic processes. We highlight the shortcomings of our current formulation and suggest some potential solutions.
We consider the problem of dynamically allocating tasks to multiple agents under time window constraints and task completion uncertainty. Our objective is to minimize the number of unsuccessful tasks at the end of the operation horizon. We present a multi-robot allocation algorithm that decouples the key computational challenges of sequential decision-making under uncertainty and multi-agent coordination and addresses them in a hierarchical manner. The lower layer computes policies for individual agents using dynamic programming with tree search, and the upper layer resolves conflicts in individual plans to obtain a valid multi-agent allocation. Our algorithm, Stochastic Conflict-Based Allocation (SCoBA), is optimal in expectation and complete under some reasonable assumptions. In practice, SCoBA is computationally efficient enough to interleave planning and execution online. On the metric of successful task completion, SCoBA consistently outperforms a number of baseline methods and shows strong competitive performance against an oracle with complete lookahead. It also scales well with the number of tasks and agents. We validate our results over a wide range of simulations on two distinct domains: multi-arm conveyor belt pick-and-place and multi-drone delivery dispatch in a city.
Poor sample efficiency is a major limitation of deep reinforcement learning in many domains. This work presents an attention-based method to project neural network inputs into an efficient representation space that is invariant under changes to input ordering. We show that our proposed representation results in an input space that is a factor of $m!$ smaller for inputs of $m$ objects. We also show that our method is able to represent inputs over variable numbers of objects. Our experiments demonstrate improvements in sample efficiency for policy gradient methods on a variety of tasks. We show that our representation allows us to solve problems that are otherwise intractable when using naive approaches.
Learning interpretable and transferable subpolicies and performing task decomposition from a single, complex task is difficult. Some traditional hierarchical reinforcement learning techniques enforce this decomposition in a top-down manner, while met a-learning techniques require a task distribution at hand to learn such decompositions. This paper presents a framework for using diverse suboptimal world models to decompose complex task solutions into simpler modular subpolicies. This framework performs automatic decomposition of a single source task in a bottom up manner, concurrently learning the required modular subpolicies as well as a controller to coordinate them. We perform a series of experiments on high dimensional continuous action control tasks to demonstrate the effectiveness of this approach at both complex single task learning and lifelong learning. Finally, we perform ablation studies to understand the importance and robustness of different elements in the framework and limitations to this approach.
While imitation learning is often used in robotics, the approach frequently suffers from data mismatch and compounding errors. DAgger is an iterative algorithm that addresses these issues by aggregating training data from both the expert and novice p olicies, but does not consider the impact of safety. We present a probabilistic extension to DAgger, which attempts to quantify the confidence of the novice policy as a proxy for safety. Our method, EnsembleDAgger, approximates a Gaussian Process using an ensemble of neural networks. Using the variance as a measure of confidence, we compute a decision rule that captures how much we doubt the novice, thus determining when it is safe to allow the novice to act. With this approach, we aim to maximize the novices share of actions, while constraining the probability of failure. We demonstrate improved safety and learning performance compared to other DAgger variants and classic imitation learning on an inverted pendulum and in the MuJoCo HalfCheetah environment.
At an unmanaged intersection, it is important to understand how much traffic delay may be caused as a result of microscopic vehicle interactions. Conventional traffic simulations that explicitly track these interactions are time-consuming. Prior work introduced an analytical traffic model for unmanaged intersections. The traffic delay at the intersection is modeled as an event-driven stochastic process, whose dynamics encode microscopic vehicle interactions. This paper studies the traffic delay in a two-lane intersection using the model. We perform rigorous analyses concerning the distribution of traffic delay under different scenarios. We then discuss the relationships between traffic delay and multiple factors such as traffic flow density, unevenness of traffic flows, temporal gaps between two consecutive vehicles, and the passing order.
With the emergence of autonomous vehicles, it is important to understand their impact on the transportation system. However, conventional traffic simulations are time-consuming. In this paper, we introduce an analytical traffic model for unmanaged in tersections accounting for microscopic vehicle interactions. The macroscopic property, i.e., delay at the intersection, is modeled as an event-driven stochastic dynamic process, whose dynamics encode the microscopic vehicle behaviors. The distribution of macroscopic properties can be obtained through either direct analysis or event-driven simulation. They are more efficient than conventional (time-driven) traffic simulation, and capture more microscopic details compared to conventional macroscopic flow models. We illustrate the efficiency of this method by delay analyses under two different policies at a two-lane intersection. The proposed model allows for 1) efficient and effective comparison among different policies, 2) policy optimization, 3) traffic prediction, and 4) system optimization (e.g., infrastructure and protocol).

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