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Under holographic prescription for Schwinger-Keldysh closed time contour for non-equilibrium system, we consider fluctuation effect of the order parameter in a holographic superconductor model. Near the critical point, we derive the time-dependent Gi nzburg-Landau effective action governing dynamics of the fluctuating order parameter. In a semi-analytical approach, the time-dependent Ginzburg-Landau action is computed up to quartic order of the fluctuating order parameter, and first order in time derivative.
230 - Mitsutoshi Fujita , Song He , 2020
We analyze the holographic entanglement entropy in a soliton background with Wilson lines and derive a relation analogous to the first law of thermodynamics. The confinement/deconfinement phase transition occurs due to the competition of two minimal surfaces. The entropic c function probes the confinement/deconfinement phase transition. It is sensitive to the degrees of freedom (DOF) smaller than the size of a spatial circle. When the Wilson line becomes large, the entropic c function becomes non-monotonic as a function of the size and does not satisfy the usual c-theorem. We analyze the entanglement entropy for a small subregion and the relation analogous to the first law of thermodynamics. For the small amount of Wilson lines, the excited amount of the entanglement entropy decreases from the ground state. It reflects that confinement decreases degrees of freedom. We finally discuss the second order correction of the holographic entanglement entropy.
We study the Kibble-Zurek mechanism in a 2d holographic p-wave superconductor model with a homogeneous source quench on the critical point. We derive, on general grounds, the scaling of the Kibble-Zurek time, which marks breaking-down of adiabaticity . It is expressed in terms of four critical exponents, including three static and one dynamical exponents. Via explicit calculations within a holographic model, we confirm the scaling of the Kibble-Zurek time and obtain the scaling functions in the quench process. We find the results are formally similar to a homogeneous quench in a higher dimensional holographic s-wave superconductor. The similarity is due to the special type of quench we take. We expect differences in the quench dynamics if the condition of homogeneous source and dominance of critical mode are relaxed.
200 - Mitsutoshi Fujita 2018
We analyze the holographic subregion complexity in a $3d$ black hole with the vector hair. This $3d$ black hole is dual to a $1+1$ dimensional $p$-wave superconductor. We probe the black hole by changing the size of the interval and by fixing $q$ or $T$. We show that the universal part is finite across the superconductor phase transition and has competitive behaviors different from the finite part of entanglement entropy. The behavior of the subregion complexity depends on the gravitational coupling constant divided by the gauge coupling constant. When this ratio is less than the critical value, the subregion complexity increases as temperature becomes low. This behavior is similar to the one of the holographic $1+1$ dimensional $s$-wave superconductor arXiv:1704.00557. When the ratio is larger than the critical value, the subregion complexity has a non-monotonic behavior as a function of $q$ or $T$. We also find a discontinuous jump of the subregion complexity as a function of the size of the interval. The subregion complexity has the maximum when it wraps the almost entire spatial circle. Due to competitive behaviors between normal and condensed phases, the universal term in the condensed phase becomes even smaller than that of the normal phase by probing the black hole horizon at a large interval. It implies that the formed condensate decreases the subregion complexity like the case of the entanglement entropy.
In this paper, we analyze a proposed gravity dual to a $SU(N)$ Bose-Hubbard model, as well as construct a holographic dual of a $SU(N)$ Fermi-Hubbard model from D-branes in string theory. In both cases, the $SU(N)$ is dynamical, i.e. the hopping degr ees of freedom are strongly coupled to $SU(N)$ gauge bosons which themselves are strongly interacting. The vacuum expectation value (VEV) of the hopping term (i.e. the hopping energy) is analyzed in the gravity dual as a function of the bulk mass of the field dual to the hopping term, as well as of the coupling constants of the model. The bulk mass controls the anomalous dimension (i.e. the critical exponent) of the hopping term in the $SU(N)$ Bose-Hubbard model. We compare the hopping energy to the corresponding result in a numerical simulation of the ungauged $SU(N)$ Bose-Hubbard model. We find agreement when the hopping parameter is smaller than the other couplings. Our analysis shows that the kinetic energy increases as the bulk mass increases, due to increased contributions from the IR. The holographic Bose-Hubbard model is then compared with the string theory construction of a $SU(N)$ Fermi-Hubbard model. The string theory construction makes it possible to describe fluctuations around a half-filled state in the supergravity limit, which map to ${cal O}(1)$ occupation number fluctuations in the Fermi-Hubbard model at half filling. Finally, the VEV of the Bose-Hubbard model is shown to agree with the one of the fermionic Hubbard model with the help of a two-site version of the Jordan-Wigner transformation.
We examine the behavior of entanglement entropy of a subsystem $A$ in a fully backreacted holographic model of a $1+1$ dimensional $p$ wave superconductor across the phase transition. For a given temperature, the system goes to a superconducting phas e beyond a critical value of the charge density. The entanglement entropy, considered as a function of the charge density at a given temperature, has a cusp at the critical point. In addition, we find that there are three different behaviors in the condensed phase, depending on the subsystem size. For a subsystem size $l$ smaller than a critical size $l_{c1}$, entanglement entropy continues to increase as a function of the charge density as we cross the phase transition. When $l$ lies between $l_{c1}$ and another critical size $l_{c2}$ the entanglement entropy displays a non-monotonic behavior, while for $l > l_{c2}$ it decreases monotonically. At large charge densities entanglement entropy appears to saturate. The non-monotonic behavior leads to a novel phase diagram for this system.
We study SU(N) Yang-Mills-Chern-Simons theory in the presence of defects that shift the Chern-Simons level from a holographic point of view by embedding the system in string theory. The model is a D3-D7 system in Type IIB string theory, whose gravity dual is given by the AdS soliton background with probe D7-branes attaching to the AdS boundary along the defects. We holographically renormalize the free energy of the defect system with sources, from which we obtain the correlation functions for certain operators naturally associated to these defects. We find interesting phase transitions when the separation of the defects as well as the temperature are varied. We also discuss some implications for the Fractional Quantum Hall Effect and for two-dimensional QCD.
In this presentation we review our work on Abelian Maxwell-Chern-Simons theory in three-dimensional AdS black brane backgrounds, with both integer and non-integer Chern-Simons coupling. Such theories can be derived from several string theory construc tions, and we found exact solutions in the low frequency, low momentum limit (omega, k << T, the hydrodynamic limit). Our results are translated into correlation functions of vector operators in the dual strongly coupled 1+1-dimensional quantum field theory with a chiral anomaly at non-zero temperature T, via the holographic correspondence. The applicability of the hydrodynamic limit is discussed, together with the comparison between an exact field theoretic computation and the found holographic correlation functions in the conformal case.
285 - Mitsutoshi Fujita 2013
We study large N orbifold equivalences involving three-dimensional N=3 and N=4 supersymmetric quiver Chern-Simons-matter theories. The gravity dual of the N=3 Chern-Simons-matter theory is described by AdS4xM7 where the tri-Sasaki manifold M7 is know n as the Eschenburg space. We find evidence that a large N orbifold equivalence for the N=4 case continues from the M-theory limit to the weak-coupling limit. For the N=3 case, we find consistent large N equivalences involving a projection changing the nodes of the gauge groups, and also for a projection changing Chern-Simons levels where for the latter projection, the BPS monopole operators behave as expected in large N equivalence. For both cases we show, using the gravity dual, that the critical temperature of the confinement/deconfinement transition does not change and the entropy behaves as expected under the orbifold equivalence. We show that large N orbifold equivalence changing Chern-Simons levels can be explained using the planar equivalence in the mirror dual.
We consider a new large-N limit, in which the t Hooft coupling grows with N. We argue that a class of large-N equivalences, which is known to hold in the t Hooft limit, can be extended to this very strongly coupled limit. Hence this limit may lead to a new way of studying corrections to the t Hooft limit, while keeping nice properties of the latter. As a concrete example, we describe large-N equivalences between the ABJM theory and its orientifold projection. The equivalence implies that operators neutral under the projection symmetry have the same correlation functions in two theories at large-N. Usual field theory arguments are valid when t Hooft coupling $lambdasim N/k$ is fixed and observables can be computed by using a planar diagrammatic expansion. With the help of the AdS/CFT correspondence, we argue that the equivalence extends to stronger coupling regions, $Ngg k$, including the M-theory region $Ngg k^5$. We further argue that the orbifold/orientifold equivalences between certain Yang-Mills theories can also be generalized. Such equivalences can be tested both analytically and numerically. Based on calculations of the free energy, we conjecture that the equivalences hold because planar dominance persists beyond the t Hooft limit.

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