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Food webs represent the set of consumer-resource interactions among a set of species that co-occur in a habitat, but most food web studies have omitted parasites and their interactions. Recent studies have provided conflicting evidence on whether inc luding parasites changes food web structure, with some suggesting that parasitic interactions are structurally distinct from those among free-living species while others claim the opposite. Here, we describe a principled method for understanding food web structure that combines an efficient optimization algorithm from statistical physics called parallel tempering with a probabilistic generalization of the empirically well-supported food web niche model. This generative model approach allows us to rigorously estimate the degree to which interactions that involve parasites are statistically distinguishable from interactions among free-living species, whether parasite niches behave similarly to free-living niches, and the degree to which existing hypotheses about food web structure are naturally recovered. We apply this method to the well-studied Flensburg Fjord food web and show that while predation on parasites, concomitant predation of parasites, and parasitic intraguild trophic interactions are largely indistinguishable from free-living predation interactions, parasite-host interactions are different. These results provide a powerful new tool for evaluating the impact of classes of species and interactions on food web structure to shed new light on the roles of parasites in food webs
We establish a precise relationship between spherical harmonics and Fourier basis functions over a hypercube randomly embedded in the sphere. In particular, we give a bound on the expected Boolean noise sensitivity of a randomly rotated function in t erms of its spherical sensitivity, which we define according to its evolution under the spherical heat equation. As an application, we prove an average case of the Gotsman-Linial conjecture, bounding the sensitivity of polynomial threshold functions subjected to a random rotation.
We show that there exists a family of groups $G_n$ and nontrivial irreducible representations $rho_n$ such that, for any constant $t$, the average of $rho_n$ over $t$ uniformly random elements $g_1, ldots, g_t in G_n$ has operator norm $1$ with proba bility approaching 1 as $n rightarrow infty$. More quantitatively, we show that there exist families of finite groups for which $Omega(log log |G|)$ random elements are required to bound the norm of a typical representation below $1$. This settles a conjecture of A. Wigderson.
In analogy with epsilon-biased sets over Z_2^n, we construct explicit epsilon-biased sets over nonabelian finite groups G. That is, we find sets S subset G such that | Exp_{x in S} rho(x)| <= epsilon for any nontrivial irreducible representation rho. Equivalently, such sets make Gs Cayley graph an expander with eigenvalue |lambda| <= epsilon. The Alon-Roichman theorem shows that random sets of size O(log |G| / epsilon^2) suffice. For groups of the form G = G_1 x ... x G_n, our construction has size poly(max_i |G_i|, n, epsilon^{-1}), and we show that a set S subset G^n considered by Meka and Zuckerman that fools read-once branching programs over G is also epsilon-biased in this sense. For solvable groups whose abelian quotients have constant exponent, we obtain epsilon-biased sets of size (log |G|)^{1+o(1)} poly(epsilon^{-1}). Our techniques include derandomized squaring (in both the matrix product and tensor product senses) and a Chernoff-like bound on the expected norm of the product of independently random operators that may be of independent interest.
Subsets of F_2^n that are eps-biased, meaning that the parity of any set of bits is even or odd with probability eps close to 1/2, are powerful tools for derandomization. A simple randomized construction shows that such sets exist of size O(n/eps^2), and known deterministic constructions achieve sets of size O(n/eps^3), O(n^2/eps^2), and O((n/eps^2)^{5/4}). Rather than derandomizing these sets completely in exchange for making them larger, we attempt a partial derandomization while keeping them small, constructing sets of size O(n/eps^2) with as few random bits as possible. The naive randomized construction requires O(n^2/eps^2) random bits. We give two constructions. The first uses Nisans space-bounded pseudorandom generator to partly derandomize a folklore probabilistic construction of an error-correcting code, and requires O(n log (1/eps)) bits. Our second construction requires O(n log (n/eps)) bits, but is more elementary; it adds randomness to a Legendre symbol construction on Alon, Goldreich, H{aa}stad, and Peralta, and uses Weil sums to bound high moments of the bias.
Changs lemma is a useful tool in additive combinatorics and the analysis of Boolean functions. Here we give an elementary proof using entropy. The constant we obtain is tight, and we give a slight improvement in the case where the variables are highly biased.
The Code Equivalence problem is that of determining whether two given linear codes are equivalent to each other up to a permutation of the coordinates. This problem has a direct reduction to a nonabelian hidden subgroup problem (HSP), suggesting a po ssible quantum algorithm analogous to Shors algorithms for factoring or discrete log. However, we recently showed that in many cases of interest---including Goppa codes---solving this case of the HSP requires rich, entangled measurements. Thus, solving these cases of Code Equivalence via Fourier sampling appears to be out of reach of current families of quantum algorithms. Code equivalence is directly related to the security of McEliece-type cryptosystems in the case where the private code is known to the adversary. However, for many codes the support splitting algorithm of Sendrier provides a classical attack in this case. We revisit the claims of our previous article in the light of these classical attacks, and discuss the particular case of the Sidelnikov cryptosystem, which is based on Reed-Muller codes.
As we add rigid bars between points in the plane, at what point is there a giant (linear-sized) rigid component, which can be rotated and translated, but which has no internal flexibility? If the points are generic, this depends only on the combinato rics of the graph formed by the bars. We show that if this graph is an Erdos-Renyi random graph G(n,c/n), then there exists a sharp threshold for a giant rigid component to emerge. For c < c_2, w.h.p. all rigid components span one, two, or three vertices, and when c > c_2, w.h.p. there is a giant rigid component. The constant c_2 approx 3.588 is the threshold for 2-orientability, discovered independently by Fernholz and Ramachandran and Cain, Sanders, and Wormald in SODA07. We also give quantitative bounds on the size of the giant rigid component when it emerges, proving that it spans a (1-o(1))-fraction of the vertices in the (3+2)-core. Informally, the (3+2)-core is maximal induced subgraph obtained by starting from the 3-core and then inductively adding vertices with 2 neighbors in the graph obtained so far.
Approximate algebraic structures play a defining role in arithmetic combinatorics and have found remarkable applications to basic questions in number theory and pseudorandomness. Here we study approximate representations of finite groups: functions f :G -> U_d such that Pr[f(xy) = f(x) f(y)] is large, or more generally Exp_{x,y} ||f(xy) - f(x)f(y)||^2$ is small, where x and y are uniformly random elements of the group G and U_d denotes the unitary group of degree d. We bound these quantities in terms of the ratio d / d_min where d_min is the dimension of the smallest nontrivial representation of G. As an application, we bound the extent to which a function f : G -> H can be an approximate homomorphism where H is another finite group. We show that if Hs representations are significantly smaller than Gs, no such f can be much more homomorphic than a random function. We interpret these results as showing that if G is quasirandom, that is, if d_min is large, then G cannot be embedded in a small number of dimensions, or in a less-quasirandom group, without significant distortion of Gs multiplicative structure. We also prove that our bounds are tight by showing that minors of genuine representations and their polar decompositions are essentially optimal approximate representations.
We reduce a case of the hidden subgroup problem (HSP) in SL(2; q), PSL(2; q), and PGL(2; q), three related families of finite groups of Lie type, to efficiently solvable HSPs in the affine group AGL(1; q). These groups act on projective space in an a lmost 3-transitive way, and we use this fact in each group to distinguish conjugates of its Borel (upper triangular) subgroup, which is also the stabilizer subgroup of an element of projective space. Our observation is mainly group-theoretic, and as such breaks little new ground in quantum algorithms. Nonetheless, these appear to be the first positive results on the HSP in finite simple groups such as PSL(2; q).

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