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We investigate the effects of two electronic bands at the negative electronic compressibility (NEC) in a two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG). We use a simple homogeneous model with Coulombic interactions and first-order multi-band coupling to examine the role of effective mass and relative permittivity in relation to the critical carrier density, where compressibility turns negative. We demonstrate that the population of a second band, along with the presence of inter-band coupling, can dramatically change the cross-over carrier density. Given the difficulty in determining and confirming multi-band electronic systems, this model provides a potential method for identifying multi-band electronic systems using precise bulk electronic properties measurements. To help illustrate this method, we apply our results to the observed NEC in the 2D electron gas at the interface of LaAlO$_3$/SrTiO$_3$ (LAO/STO) and determine that, for the known parameters of LAO/STO, the system is likely a realization of a two-band 2D electron gas. Furthermore, we provide general limits on the inter-band coupling with respect to the electronic band population.
We propose a mechanism to generate a static magnetization via {em axial magnetoelectric effect} (AMEE). Magnetization ${bf M} sim {bf E}_5(omega)times {bf E}_5^{*}(omega)$ appears as a result of the transfer of the angular momentum of the axial elect ric field ${bf E}_5(t)$ into the magnetic moment in Dirac and Weyl semimetals. We point out similarities and differences between the proposed AMEE and a conventional inverse Faraday effect (IFE). As an example, we estimated the AMEE generated by circularly polarized acoustic waves and find it to be on the scale of microgauss for gigahertz frequency sound. In contrast to a conventional IFE, magnetization rises linearly at small frequencies and fixed sound intensity as well as demonstrates a nonmonotonic peak behavior for the AMEE. The effect provides a way to investigate unusual axial electromagnetic fields via conventional magnetometry techniques.
We explore the formation and collective modes of Bose-Einstein condensate of Dirac magnons (Dirac BEC). While we focus on two-dimensional Dirac magnons, an employed approach is general and could be used to describe Bose-Einstein condensates with line ar quasiparticle spectrum in various systems. By using a phenomenological multicomponent model of pumped boson population together with bosons residing at Dirac nodes, the formation and time evolution of condensates of Dirac bosons is investigated. The condensate coherence and its multicomponent nature are manifested in the Rabi oscillations whose period is determined by the gap in the spin-wave spectrum. A Dirac nature of the condensates could be also probed by the spectrum of collective modes. It is shown that the Haldane gap provides an efficient means to tune between the gapped and gapless collective modes as well as controls their stability.
Odd frequency (odd-$omega$) electron pair correlations naturally appear at the interface between BCS superconductors and other materials. The detection of odd-$omega$ pairs, which are necessarily non-local in time, is still an open problem. The main reason is that they do not contribute to static measurements described by time-local correlation functions. Therefore, dynamical measurements, which depend on non-local time correlations, are suitable for detecting these pairs. In this work, we study the signatures of odd-$omega$ pairs in the supercurrent noise through a weak link between two superconductors at different superconducting phases. We show that the finite frequency current noise can be decomposed into three different contributions coming from even frequency (even-$omega$), odd-$omega$ pair amplitudes, and electron-hole correlation functions. Odd-$omega$ pairing, which is inter-lead (between electrons at different sides of the junction), provides a positive contribution to the noise, becoming maximal at a superconducting phase difference of $pi$. In contrast, intra-lead even-$omega$ pair amplitude tends to reduce the noise, except for a region close to $pi$, controlled by the transmission of the junction.
Quasiparticle states in Dirac systems with complex impurity potentials are investigated. It is shown that an impurity site with loss leads to a nontrivial distribution of the local density of states (LDOS). While the real part of defect potential ind uces a well-pronounced peak in the density of states (DOS), the DOS is either weakly enhanced at small frequencies or even forms a peak at the zero frequency for a lattice in the case of non-Hermitian impurity. As for the spatial distribution of the LDOS, it is enhanced in the vicinity of impurity but shows a dip at a defect itself when the potential is sufficiently strong. The results for a two-dimensional hexagonal lattice demonstrate the characteristic trigonal-shaped profile for the LDOS. The latter acquires a double-trigonal pattern in the case of two defects placed at neighboring sites. The effects of non-Hermitian impurities could be tested both in photonic lattices and certain condensed matter setups.
The optical response of superconductors with odd-frequency Berezinskii pairing is studied. By using a simple model with a parabolic dispersion law and a non-magnetic disorder, the spectral function, the electron density of states, and the optical con ductivity are calculated for a few gap ansatzes. The spectral function and the electron density of states clearly reveal the gap for the Berezinskii pairing for the sufficiently strong frequency dependence of the order parameters. It is found that, similarly to the conventional BCS pairing, the odd-frequency gaps induce peaks in the real part of the conductivity, which, however, are sharper than in the BCS case. The magnitude and position of these peaks are determined by the frequency profile of the gap. The imaginary part of the optical conductivity for the Berezinskii pairing demonstrates sharp cusps that are absent in the case of the BCS superconductors. The corresponding results suggest that the Berezinskii pairing might allow for the optical transparency windows related to the onsets of the attenuation peaks in the real part of the conductivity. Thus, the study of the optical response not only provides an alternative way to probe the odd-frequency gaps but can reveal also additional features of the dynamic superconducting pairing.
84 - R. Putnam , A. V. Balatsky , 2018
In this study, we investigate the isolated magnetic interactions between two identical Fe atoms divacantly-substituted into graphene. Using density functional theory, we simulated the electronic and magnetic properties for a supercell of graphene wit h spatial variation of the Fe atoms along either the armchair or zig-zag directions. Overall, we find that the exchange interaction between the two Fe atoms fluctuates from ferromagnetic to antiferromagnetic as a function of the spatial distance in the armchair direction. Given the induced magnetic moment and increased density of states at the Fermi level by the surrounding carbon atoms, we conclude that an RKKY-like interaction may characterize the exchange interactions between the Fe atoms. Furthermore, we examined the same interactions for Fe atoms along the zig-zag direction in graphene and found no evidence for an RKKY interaction as this system shows standard superexchange between the transition-metal impurities. Therefore, we determine that Fe-substituted graphene produces a directional-dependent spin interaction, which may provide stability to spintronic and multifunctional devices and applications for graphene.
Majorana fermions are rising as a promising key component in quantum computation. While the prevalent approach is to use a quadratic (i.e. non-interacting) Majorana Hamiltonian, when expressed in terms of Dirac fermions, generically the Hamiltonian i nvolves interaction terms. Here we focus on the possible pair correlations in a simple model system. We study a model of Majorana fermions coupled to a boson mode and show that the anomalous correlator between different Majorana fermions, located at opposite ends of a topological wire, exhibits odd frequency behavior. It is stabilized when the coupling strength $g$ is above a critical value $g_c$. We use both, conventional diagrammatic theory and a functional integral approach, to derive the gap equation, the critical temperature, the gap function, the critical coupling, and a Ginzburg-Landau theory allowing to discuss a possible subleading admixture of even-frequency pairing.
Shortly after the discovery of topological band insulators, the topological Kondo insulators (TKIs) have also been theoretically predicted. The latter has ignited revival interest in the properties of Kondo insulators. Currently, the feasibility of t opological nature in SmB$_6$ has been intensively analyzed by several complementary probes. Here by starting with a minimal-orbital Anderson lattice model, we explore the local electronic structure in a Kondo insulator. We show that the two strong topological regimes sandwiching the weak topological regime give rise to a single Dirac cone, which is located near the center or corner of the surface Brillouin zone. We further find that, when a single impurity is placed on the surface, low-energy resonance states are induced in the weak scattering limit for the strong TKI regimes and the resonance level moves monotonically across the hybridization gap with the strength of impurity scattering potential; while low energy states can only be induced in the unitary scattering limit for the weak TKI regime, where the resonance level moves universally toward the center of the hybridization gap. These impurity induced low-energy quasiparticles will lead to characteristic signatures in scanning tunneling microscopy/spectroscopy, which has recently found success in probing into exotic properties in heavy fermion systems.
We report on the importance of GW self-energy corrections for the electronic structure of light actinides in the weak-to-intermediate coupling regime. Our study is based on calculations of the band structure and total density of states of Np, U, and Pu using a one-shot GW approximation that includes spin-orbit coupling within a full potential LAPW framework. We also present RPA screened effective Coulomb interactions for the f-electron orbitals for different lattice constants, and show that there is an increased contribution from electron-electron correlation in these systems for expanded lattices. We find a significant amount of electronic correlation in these highly localized electronic systems.

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