تعتبر رؤوس الأمواج فوق الصوتية من الأدوات الشائعة في تدبير الأدوات المكسورة في الأقنية الجذرية . لذلك كان هذه هذا البحث هو تقييم الحرارة المنتشرة على السطح الخارجي للجذر أثناء استخدام الؤوس فوق الصوتية لإزالة الأدوات المكسورة من الأقنية الجذرية للأرحاء السفلية
Ultrasonic Tips is considered one of the common tool used in the management of separated instruments in the root canal, . , this research aimed to evaluate the temperature rise of the outer surface of the root when using ultrasonic tips to remove separated instruments from mesiobuccal canal of the lower molars.
References used
Ahmad,M, PITT FORD, T .j.& crum, L.A. 1987 . Ultrasonic debridement of root canals : acoustic streaming and its possile role . j Edob 13,490-9
Aim: to compare the shaping ability of NiTi hand instruments with Stainless- steel instruments in preparation of curved root canal in extracted teeth.
Materials and Methods: a total of 24 of curved root canal were randomly divided into two groups. O
Residual Calcium Hydroxide dressing on the root canal is considered
one of the reasons of endodontic treatment failure. So ,the removal of
this dressing completely before filling is required. The aim of the study
was to evaluate the efficiencies o
The specimen consists of 72 extracted teeth with curved roots
(15-35)degree . They were cleaned and preserved in formalin
for 48 hours. Each tooth was mounted in a self curing acrylic
block. The samples were divided into three groups. Each
The ideal goal of periodontal instrumentation is to effectively remove plaque
and calculus without causing root surface damage and various instruments have been designed to achieve
this goal. Root planing aim to create a root surface which is biolo
This study was carried out to evaluate the
influence of a mixture of doxycycline HCl, citric acid, and
polysorbate 80 (MTAD) on the smear layer formed on root surface
after hand-instrumented periodontal treatment. MTAD was
compared with the influence of tetracycline HCl.