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نظام موازنة عربة متحركة على ذراع متأرجح

754   0   3   0.0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2021
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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No English abstract

References used
Katsuhiko Ogata, Modern Control Engineering, Second Edition, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi-110001, 1992.
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يتناول هذا البحث موضوع العقوبة المترتبة على إسقاط الجنين بالاعتداء عليه بالإجهاض، بفعـل أمه، أو بفعل غيرها، سواء أكان هذا الجنين من حمل طبيعي أم غير طبيعي (أطفـال الأنابيـب)، و يهدف هذا البحث إلى إظهار الآثار الشرعية المترتبة على هذا التصرف، أما ال إجهاض التلقـائي "الطبيعي" أو الإجهاض العلاجي "الضروري" للجنين فلا يتصف بالحلال و الحرام و لذا لا يترتب عليه حكم أو نتائج حقوقية و هو غير مراد هذا البحث و لا مداره.
This paper presents a new method for studying the bulk cargo behavior and its effects on righting lever. Effects of cargo sliding in holds are computed for each heel angle. The deficiency of righting lever is quantitatively computed and plotted on the designed application windows. For the first time a three characterizing angles are presented here, what offer a new clear vision about the cargo sliding steps.
This study aimed to evaluate the budget applied in the government hospitals in Latakia, and research into the possibility of the application of (Activity-Based Budgeting). To achieve the objectives of the study are designed questionnaire include qu estions related to various aspects of the existing budget, and the availability of administrative, financial, technical and environmental potential. Where the questionnaire was distributed on the financial and administrative department in the Directorate of Health staff in addition to the six staff of government hospitals in the province. The study concluded that the most important set of results, that the budget applied in hospitals do not meet the requirements, and that there are many obstacles and problems facing the possibility of applying the (Activity-Based Budgeting) in hospitals under study. Based on the findings the researcher recommended the need for appropriate infrastructure to create for the application of (Activity-Based Budgeting) to activate the use of modern technology, and provide sufficient resources as well as create the necessary political, economic and legal conditions for the application of (Activity-Based Budgeting) to take advantage of their advantages in cost management and exploitation of resources.
Online conversations include more than just text. Increasingly, image-based responses such as memes and animated gifs serve as culturally recognized and often humorous responses in conversation. However, while NLP has broadened to multimodal models, conversational dialog systems have largely focused only on generating text replies. Here, we introduce a new dataset of 1.56M text-gif conversation turns and introduce a new multimodal conversational model Pepe the King Prawn for selecting gif-based replies. We demonstrate that our model produces relevant and high-quality gif responses and, in a large randomized control trial of multiple models replying to real users, we show that our model replies with gifs that are significantly better received by the community.
In this research a review of methods needed to make a vehicle follow a predefined path has been done where the vehicle can follow the path and return to it if any deviation happened. The following Algorithms have been applied to follow the path: 1 - Follow The Carrot [1] Algorithm 2- Pure Pursuit [2] Algorithm 3- Follow The Past [3] Algorithm The implementation of these algorithms has been done by using statistical analysis software (MATLAB) to make a robotic vehicle movement simulator that uses algorithms to follow a predefined path (recorded path). We have found as a result that the (Follow the Carrot) algorithm is simple for understanding and applying, on the other hand it causes larger errors in position and larger deviation from the path. Also in the (Follow the Carrot) algorithm, the vehicle tends to take short cuts and moves directly towards the goal point instead of moving on path curves. Pure Pursuit algorithm also suffers from the same problems, but not in the same critical way, where we can get better proportion results .Whereas the (Follow the Past) algorithm achieves a perfect path tracking for applying certain conditions and study parameters.
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