تناولت هذه الورقة البحثية دراسة السلوك الديناميكي للحماية من التيار الزائد في خطوط ربط المحطات الريحية مع الشبكة على سلوك أجهزة الحماية المستخدمة ( تيار زائد ) و مقارنة النتائج مع سلوك عمل هذه الحمايات عند الربط مع مولدات عادية .
من خلال نتائج النمذجة و المحاكاة تبين لنا أن وجود المحطة الريحية فرض تغيرات واضحة على بنية نظام القدرة من حيث مناطق الحماية و استجابة أجهزة الحماية لأنواع الأعطال الحاصلة و سبب تأخير في عمل هذه الحمايات.
Summary of subject lines like all components of the electrical power system, for
unexpected breakdowns for multiple reasons. This reduces malfunctions of the reliability
of the system, and is a source of threat to the continuity of power supply. In order to
prevent these crashes completely is not feasible, you must design an integrated protection
system is being coordinated action among all its organs to identify and separate the
holidays quickly so the damage caused by this failure the system capacity as possible.
Network protection devices are installed to protect it from faults that may occur, and
prevent their spread and protect the system from un normal operating situations resulting
from such faults. protection systems to identify, classify and locate of faults through
systematic analysis of network parameters) voltages/currents, (and then send a signal to
circuit breakers on separation to separate and isolate the infected component.
This thesis took up the study of The effect of wind plants connection on protection system
in distribution networks on behaviour of protection devices used should (over current) and
compare the results with those protections work behavior when connection with regular
generators. we found through modeling and simulation results that a wind station to impose
changes on the structure of power system of protection zones and protection devices in
response to the types of faults occurring and the reason for the delay in the work of these
References used
Mohit SINGH, M; Surya SANTOSO, S. Dynamic Models of Wind Turbine , The University of Texas at Austin Austin, Texas January 11, 2008 , 115
RAVIKUMAR, B;THUKARAM, D.H.P.KHINCHA. Knowledge Based Approach for Transmission line Distance Relay Coordination, Fifteenth National Power Systems Conference (NPSC), IIT Bombay, December, 2008
ANDREW KUSIAK, A. Turbine Generators, Intelligent Systems Laboratory, 2139 Seamans Center,The University of Iowa City, Iowa 52242 – 1527 andrewkusiak@ uiowa.edu, 2010
Solar and wind energy is considered as one of the best renewable energy resources
because it Available and economical . We can take advantage of these two resources of
renewable energy in Katina area in Homs for designing and building a bilateral r
Kouttina is one of the most proper areas in Syria for building wind energy conversion system. This system could be coupled with Syrian electrical grid without expensive cost because of nearing from the grid. But the permanent changes of wind speed wi
Researchers and scientists to ease due to electric power generation
using fossil fuel plants with environmental pollution is seeking, in the
discovery and improve the methods of generation using renewable
energies. Floating solar chimney technolog
The study of the dynamic behavior of the rolling ship on sea waves is one of most interesting topics, due to its close association with the ship stability and its direct impact on the efficiency of the work of some of the systems and processes inside
This article aims to the model the influence of geometrical errors
(eccentricity and alignment errors) on static and dynamic behavior
of helical geared transmission by studying its influence on the load
and the transmission errors. For this propos