- التعرف على مفهوم البنية التحتية ككود Infrastructure as code
-التعرف على Ansible
- توضيح الفروق بين ادارة البنى التحتية بالطريقة التقليدية وعن طريق Ansible
-تطوير تطبيق ويب يسمح بادارة البنية التحتية عن طريق الواجهات الرسومية
-Introduction to Cloud Computing and Infrastrucutre as code
-What is Ansible
-Differences between managing infrastructure Traditionally and Using Ansible
-Simple Web App to manage Infrastucture using GUI.
This project aims at introducing the concept of Infrastructure as code, one of the most important and current trends in information technology, which was introduced in 2011 by the latest Amazon cloud platform. To recognize this concept, "Terraform" o
الفصل الأول:
مقدمة عن أمن تقانات المعلومات - وصف تحديات أمن المعلومات, فهم أمن المعلومات ومناقشة أسباب أهميتها, تعرف أوع الهجومات المشهورة, تعرف الخطوات المطلوبة للهجمات, فهم المبادئ الخمسة اللازمة للدفاع.
الفصل الثاني: البرامج الخبيثة
فهم الفرق ب
The transport sector provides suitable and appropriate conditions for the development of
the various sectors of the national economy, productivity and other services. Its
relationship with these sectors is characterized by a mutual influence relati
The subject of the spatial development in rural areas, one of the topics
that is much talk, the province of Daraa and that statistics show the high
levels of education, and thus the potential of scientific and competencies
in various fields, as well as natural resources, and the Mediterranean
climate, due reason developmental retardation to the social and economic
In this research, we present, a linear programming using model.
This model can define the optimal proposal ( with minimum cost
and high efficiency ) in both cases : new net design or exist net