تُعد السلسلة التدمرية، إحدى المناطق النفطية الاستراتيجية في سورية، الأمر الذي جعل منها هدفاً الشركات النفطية عبر عقود الخدمة.
تمحورت هذه الورقة حول المأمولية النفطية لتشكيلات الحقب الثاني في التدمرية الشمالية، من خلال دراسة تغيرات سماكة التشكيلات المدروسة، و تقييم هذه المأمولية في تشكيلات: الكوراشينا دولوميت، البطما، الحرمون، الرطبة. أما التشكيلات الأخرى فهي قليلة الأهمية. كما أمكن اقتراح بنيةٍ جديدة موثوقة المأمولية من خلال خصائصها التركيبية هي تركيب الخشابية. إضافةً إلى ذلك أمكن من خلال الدراسات المنفذة، و تحليل بروفيلات السيزمية وضع الخرائط الزمنية ، و اقتراح بئرٍ جديدة في هذه البنية يفترض أن تحقق مأمولية نفطية واعدة.
The Palmyra's chain, is one of the Syrian strategic petroleum regions. Thus the
petroleum companies were interested by this structure through the petro-service contracts.
This study focused on petroleum potential of the Mizozoic formations in the NPalmyra.
The formation thickness variations have permitted to estimate this potentiality
relating to: Kurachina dolomite, Butma, Al- Haramon, and Rutba formations. In the other
side, the other formations are poor. Also, through the results of executed studies, using the
time- map data and the seismic profiles analysis, a new promising structure, El Khashabia,
is proposed. In this structure a new well is suggested, which must be promising as
petroleum potential.
References used
Al Saad M., Sawaf, T., Gebran, A., Barazangi, M., Best, J. and Chaimov, T. Crustal structure of central Syria: the interacontintal Palmyride mountain belt. Tectonophysics. V.207, No. 3, )1992(, pp.345-358
Al Abdalla,A. Tictonic evalution of Arabian plate in Syria since Mesozoic , PhD thesis. Paris, France. (2008) ,302p
Best, J.A., Barazangi, M., Al Saad, D., Sawaf, T. and Gebran, A. Continental margin evolution of the northern Arabian Platform in Syria. American Association of petroleum geologists Bulletin, V.77, No.2, (1993), pp.173-192
This Study focused on the lithostratigraphic properties of Mamlaht
Al-Kom structure, for evaluating the hydrocarbon potential of this
important structure. In order to achieve this goal, the time and depth
maps are constructed, through revaluating
Obtaind results, by studing ١٢٥ samples from ١٠ deep wells covering the
different Triassic formations in NE-Syria,show the existence of various
inclusion types. Aqueous, carbon and hydrocarbon-bearing. Aqueous inclusions
vary widely in their general and physico–chemical features, form, melting and
homogenization temperature, and density of the enclosed fluid.
Palmira chain is one of the most important structures in the Middle
East. Structurally, It's divided into Northern and southern Palmyras,
and between them AL- Daw basin lies. The importance of the
Palmira chain is related to its way of forming, ev
Cretaceous formations have been studied in number of wells at Al_Daww depression
by taking /57/ crashed samples for preps of studying their content of fossils of Foraminifers
and Ostracoda, study of Ostracoda reveals their important beside the fora
Proteus volgaris was isolated from costal sea water of Lattakia city port, as it is contaminated with petroleum compositions coming from marine transportations activities. The ability of this bacteria to degrade the petroleum alkanes was studied by