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بناء بروتوكولات آمنة لشبكات Ad-hoc باستخدام مفهوم Generic Secure Object و نظرية اللعبة

1028   1   56   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2014
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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No English abstract

References used
C. Adams and S. Lloyd. Understanding PKI: Concepts, Standards, and Deployment Considerations. Addison Wesley, Second Edition, 2002
C. J. Benvenuto. Galois Field in Cryptography. May 31, 2012
R. B. Bobba, L. Eschenauer, V. Gligor and W. A. Arbaugh. Bootstrapping Security Associations for Routing in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks. Institute for Systems Research, May 2002
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Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks are used for data transfer. The nodes of such networks do not require presetting. They are characterized by dynamic data transfer during their movement of the nodes. MANET could be targeted by potential security breaches. Bl ack hole attack is one of the serious attacks targeting wireless AD_HOC networks through a false point whichcan absorb data and send them to another place or neglect them. This is due to the lack of central control node which is able to manage communications. This research investigates the effects of the black hole on the performance of hybrid routing protocol Temporally Ordered Routing Algorithm (TORA) and proactive routing protocol Optimized Link State Routing (OLSR) for a variable number of mobile nodes in different speeds in a high load environment.
The current random behavior of stakeholders within the Al-Abrash river basin in Syrian coastal region, the lake and the river, threatens more than ever to pollute the whole basin. The goal of this paper is to address the state of shared management of water resources among local players through game theory application based on two self-interest strategies for each player to reach a balance point taking into consideration the government intervention as the organizer of the game. Therefore, non-cooperative game theory NCGT adopted as an analytical approach for modeling planning assets conflicts. ArcGIS software adopted to define different areas according to its risk/land-use types. The result shows that the equilibrium point "non-cooperate-non-cooperate" strategy between the players could lean towards "cooperative-cooperative" strategy in the light of the provincial government effect, adopting innovating competitive planning policies. That will lead to an interactive economical-environmental balance in the river basin and helps to reach rational decisions. Therefore, this paper could be classified as one of the studies seeking to apply the participatory planning approach toward sustainable development. Index Terms-Al-Abrash river basin, environmental protection strategy, game theory, participatory approach.
Network coding isone of the important researches in multi-hop wireless networks domain and it widely participates in improving the performance of these networks, since it benefits from the broadcasting nature of transmission processes to transmit m ore than single packet in one broadcasting transmission. So it achieves double use of the available bandwidth, which can increase the throughput of the network and reduce the congestion.Our aim in this research is to verify the improvement that network coding presents to theperformance of multi-hops wireless Ad-hoc networks, and to study the accelerating of research process for coding chances through constructing a virtual queues according to the packets flows that pass the node, and applying affective manner to manage this queues.
أسهمت التباينات المكانية في الظروف و الموارد المحلية لمناطق العالم في تطور فرع مهم من فروع الجغرافية هو الجغرافية الإقليمية الذي يتناول بالدراسة عناصر البيئة الطبيعية و الإنسان و مظاهر نشاطه في تكامل موضوعي واضح ضمن حيز جغرافي يشكل وحدة إقليمية تتصف بخصائص طبيعية و بشرية و اقتصادية و كذلك اجتماعية و تاريخية معينة تميزها عن غيرها من الوحدات الإقليمية، مما أدى إلى ظهور نظرية التقسيم الإقليمي (الطبيعي و الاقتصادي و البشري... الخ )، التي لم تقتصر مهمتها على تحديد هذه الوحدات الإقليمية التي تتميز بالتجانس في الظروف و الموارد الطبيعية و البشرية فحسب، بل تعدت ذلك إلى دراسة أسباب التباينات المكانية و مضمونها لهذه الظروف و الموارد و تطورها، و إبراز القوانين الناظمة لها، و كذلك دراسة المنظومات المكانية و تحديد بنيتها و توزعها و إظهار خصائصها و تطورها و استخدامها في حل القضايا العملية للتخطيط الإقليمي و الإدارة. و تشكل الوحدات الإقليمية منظومات متكاملة تتألف من مجموع العناصر الطبيعية و البشرية التي تتفاعل فوق مساحتها، و تظهر هذه الوحدات في أشكال معينة من حيث تنظيمها المكاني و علاقاتها الإنتاجية، و تتميز بتخصص اقتصادي مبني على أساس التقسيم الجغرافي للعمل، و تشكل هذه الوحدات المفهوم الأساسي لعلم الجغرافية الذي يقوم بتفسير قوانين تشكلها و كشف جوهرها، فضلا عن تحديد مكانتها في الدراسات الجغرافية.
This paper focuses on mobility management issue. It investigates the evaluation of mobility management protocols via a generic mathematical model and evaluates some sample protocols using the mentioned protocols.
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