بينت دراسة الصخور البازلتية في منطقة الرستن وجود العديد من التنوعات المورفولوجية
و البتروغرافية المتوافقة مع صخور منطقة قلعة الحصن. أثبتت التحاليل الكيميائية
للصخور المدروسة أنها صخور قلوية ذات طبيعة صودية-بوتاسية. يشكّل الجزء الفاسد
من الصخور المدروسة مصدرا هاماً للمنشآت المدنية، رصف الطرق، و مصدرا لمواد
صناعة الإسمنت، بالإضافة إلى الأهمية الأكاديمية من ناحية الدراسات البترولوجية
و الباليوجغرافية و التكتونيك.
Study of basaltic rocks in the Rastan region showed the presence of
many morphological and petrographic varieties compatible with
rocks of Alhesen castle region. Chemical analyses of studied rocks
proved to be alkaline rocks with sodic-potassic nature. Rotten parts
of studied rocks considered an important source of civilian
installations, paving roads, and as materials for manufacture of
cement, in addition to their academic importance in Petrological,
paleogeographic, and tectonic studies.
References used
Dubertret L. (1937, 1940, 1954). Sur lage du volcanism en Syria at an Liban. C.r.Soc. Geol. France. Paris
(Sigachev S.P.; Kopp M.; Elias K.; Hafez A .; Adzhamyan ZH.; Fakyani .F.; ( 1995 ) . Tectonic data for the Levant fult, by using mesotectonic measures (Gab and Misyaf Area). Geological Sciences Review, Damascus. Syria. P 75 – 81. (in Arabic
Sharkov E.V.; Chernyshev I.V.; and Devyatkin Ye. V.; (1993). Geochronology of plateau basalt of Syria and There relationship with sedimentary complexs, in strtegraphy. P. 70 – 76
This study deals with the basaltic rocks spread in Sheen Volcanic
Hill. Where the studies have signified that these volcanic eruptions
are an extrusive emergences, come from Sheen Barsheen Volcano,
which Were poured as basaltic casts of declinatio
Field study of the basalt rocks indicate in Jaubet-AL Dilbe that casts basalt in the
field consist of tuffit, pyroclastic Sometimes consist of porphyric coarsebasalt with lava
structure and brescia of tufa ,which contain a lot of surrounding rocks
This paper Presents a Petrographic and geologic study of basaltic
rocks in( Hrbet AL-Sindian). which is part of the Diaeremes to the
plosirelacune Qardah district .In study, We identify the type of
Cretaceous and Neogene basalt rock in the studied
The importance of this scientific research stems from the increasing demand for
building materials, especially the materials involved in concrete industry. The attention
was directed towards finding alternative locations for primary oresin addition
The medicinal and aromatic plants (thyme Khalili) is one of important economic
crops were introduced to the Syrian Agriculture recently "as one of the most important
alternative crops, especially" in the coastal region, The goal of research is to c