نظرا لأهمية الصدمة المائية و لتأثيرها الكبير في أنابيب الضخ تم إجراء دراسة تحليلية
للصدمة المائية الناتجة عن توقف محطة الضخ بشكل مفاجئ عن العمل (نتيجة انقطاع
التيار الكهربائي) على خط جر مياه ينقل المياه من خزان أرضي سفلي مفتوح إلى ثلاثة
خزانات علوية مفتوحة و ذلك بدون وسائل حماية من الصدمة المائية، و تم تحديد قيم
الضغوط العظمى و الدنيا و موقع كل منها في الشبكة ، و تبين أنه ينتج عن توقف
المضخات بشكل مفاجئ صدمة مائية تؤدي إلى حدوث التكيف في معظم أجزاء الشبكة
و ان الضغوط العظمى أصغر من ضغط تشغيل الأنبوب .
Because of the importance of water hummer and it’s big impact in
pumping pipes, an analytical study of water hummer resulting from
the pumping station abruptly stopped working (due to a power
outage on water pipe line that conveys water from ground open tank
to three overhead open tanks was conducted, and without means of
protection from water hummer .
maximum and minimum pressure values and the location of each of
them in the network have been identified.
It was found that the pump trip caused a transient state with
negative pressure along the pipe system. The values of maximum
pressure were less than the pressure tube run.
References used
M ,R.Chamani & S.Pourshahabi&F.Sheikholeslam , 2012.Fuzzy genetic algorithm approach for optimization of surge tanks .Isfahan university ,Iran
Watters , G.Z ,1979.Modern ANALYSIS and control of unsteady flow in pipe line ,Ann Arbor Sience , Ann Arbor , ML
Wylie , E.B V,L.Streeter L .Suo,1993.Fluid Transients in systems.Prentice Hall,Englewood Hill, New JERCY
Analysis study was done to explain the effect of the
longitudinal section on the values of pressure of the water
hammer resulting from the trip of pumps, which results a low
pressure wave often lead to get cavitation, has been shown from
the anal
An analytical study was done to explain the
relationship between the performance of gas accumulator, surge
tank and vacuum breaker valve and the profile of the pipe.
The study proved that effectiveness of protection means vary
according to the longitudinal path of pipe.
The objective of the study was to determine experimentally
the dust pollution of polyethylene pipe during head- to - head
welding in the workshops piping and its impact on the efficiency of
The objective of the research is to identify the optimal date of
planting when mutual intercropping (line: line) is used in planting
beans Phaseolus vulgaris L. and sweet corn Zea mays rugose L.
Cultivars of Medicago Sativa l.var local were planted in three locations, ten
pots per location. The first location wich is the most polluted one is (Bab
Toma), second polluted one is (Jeser Victoria), and the reference location is
(Daria), in the