هدفت هذه الدراسة إلى تحليل المحددات الداخلية لربحية المصارف التجارية المدرجة في سوق
دمشق للأوراق المالية خلال الأزمة الحالية التي تعيشها سورية ، و لتحقيق ذلك قام الباحث بجمع
البيانات عن جميع المصارف التجارية المدرجة في السوق و البالغ عددها أحد عشر مصرفاً و ذلك
عن الفترة 2011-2015 م . حيث تم التعبير عن الربحية و التي تمثل المتغيّر التابع في الدراسة
من خلال معدل العائد على الأصول ، بينما شملت محددات الربحية و التي تمثل المتغيرات المستقلة
كل من عمر المصرف ، حجم المصرف ، نسبة رأس المال ، مؤشر التسهيلات الائتمانية المباشرة
جودة الائتمان، كفاءة الإدارة ، كفاءة التكاليف ،الدخل الناجم عن غير الفوائد ، فروقات تقييم مركز
القطع البنيوي ، معدل الإيداعات لدى المصارف الأخرى و معدل الاستثمار في الأوراق المالية .
This study aimed to analyze the Internal determinants of Commercial bank
profitability listed in Damascus Security exchange during the current
crisis in Syria, To achieve that, the researcher collected data on all the
listed commercial banks ,which their number of eleven banks and for the
period 2011 – 2015. Where the expression of profitability, which
represents the dependent variable in the study by rate of return on assets.
While the determinants profitability included , which represents
independent variables , all of the ( Bank age , Bank size, capital ratio,
direct credit facilities index, credit quality, management efficiency ,Non
interest income , cost efficiency, Evaluation Differences in Exchange
unearned , rate of Deposits at Banks and rate of Investment in securities ).
References used
ADEUSI,S & KOLAPO,F & ALUKO,A 2014 Determinants of Commercial Bank Profitability, International journal of economics and Management , Vol.2(12) . 1-17
AKHTAR,M & ALI,K & Sadaqat,S 2011 Factors influencing profitability of conventional banks of, Pakistan international research journal of finance and economics , ISSN 1450 – 2887 Issue 66(2011.) 117-124
ALLY,Z 2014 Determinants of banks’ profitability in a Developing Economy :Empirical Evidence from Tanzania, European journal of Business and Management , Vol.6(31) .363-375
The research is based on the main idea that the profits
themselves, as many shareholders, lenders and investors think,
are not a true measure of the quality of a company's profits.
This study aimed to search for the possibility of a relationship between liquidity ratios, administrative efficiency, and financial solvency, and the proportion of private profitability of banks listed on the Damascus Securities Exchange during the p
The purpose of this study is to know the impact of credit risk
on the share prices by applying in listed Syrian private banks in
DSE. It was presented the concept of credit and its importance
and types, addition to the concept of credit risk and i
This study highlights the effects of adopting the International Financial Reporting Standard No. 9 (IFRS9) on measuring the financial instruments of the conventional listed banks at Damascus Security Exchange (DSE) which reached to eleven banks throu
The objective of this research is primarily to indicate the role of the segmentdisclosure
instrengthen the relevance of financial reports, through the statement of the role of the
segmentinformation in enhance the ability to predict the market pric