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The Effect Of GibberellicAcid in Enhancing Salt Tolerance On Yield Components Of Wheat (TriticumaestivumL.)

تأثير حامض الجبريلليك في التخفيف من أضرار الملوحة في مكونات الغلة لنبات القمح (L.Triticumaestivum)

2838   0   107   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2016
  fields Field Crops
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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At Tishreen University in the Faculty of Agriculture a study was performed during the year(2014-2015),The experiment aimd to demonstrate the effect of increasing concentrations of both sodium chloride(0,10,15,20 dsm-1) and gibberellic acid(0,25,75,100 mg/l) and their interaction on some yield components of weat (SHAM10).The experiment was designed as Completely Randomized Design(CRD)by three replicates(3x4x4).Data were statistically analyzed to find out the least significal differences (LSD)between treatment at(0,05)level.Results indicated that increasing of sodium chloride concentration caused significant decreases in yield components(biological yield,spikelength,numberofspikelets/spike,number of grains/spike,weight of1000 grain and grains yield/pot.The treatment with GA3 acid especially (75)mg/l indicated significant increases in all averages of yield components.Results of interacions for both factors indicated that foliar aplication of GA3 acid counteracted that advers effects of high concentrations of sodium chlorde of yield components of the (SHAM10).

References used
ASHRAF , M . , karim,F,and Rasul,E. ( 2002). Interactive effects of gibberellic acid (GA3)and salt stress on growth, Ion accumulation and photosynthetic capacity of tow spring weat (Triticumaestivum L.).Plant physiol.36,1,49
Daykin, A.; Scott, I.M.; Francis, D. and Causton, D.R.(1997): Effects of gibberellin on the cellulardynamics of dwarf pea internode development.Planta. 203, 526
Erdei, L.; Moller, I.M. and Jensen, P. (1989):The effects of energy supply and growth regulators on K uptake into plant roots. Biochem. Physiol. Pflanzen 184, 345
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This experiment was conducted at the Faculty of Agriculture, Damascus University (2001 – 2002), to assess the effect of radiostimulation of seeds of two durum wheat varieties (Hourani and Cham 3) on some morphological traits and yield components, by using three doses of gamma rays (10, 15, and 20 GY). The study showed significant differences among radiation doses. The high doses (15, 20 GY) caused a significant deterioration in growth and development of plants, as well as yield components of the two varieties.
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Five improved genotypes of durum wheat (T. turgidum var. durum) (Lahn, Cham1, Gezira17, Bouhouth 5, and Acsad 65) were planted under the conditions of the agricultural region (Bouka) of the Faculty of Agriculture- Tishreen University during the ag ricultural year 2002-2003, with a split-plot arrangement to study the effects of flag leaf removal on grain yield and its components.The genotypes differed significantly in flag leaf area, stomatal frequency, yield parameters and protein content. Flag leaf removal significantly reduced plant height, number of spikelets/ spike, number of grains/ spike, 1000 kernels weight and grain yield, while grain protein content significantly increased. There was a positive correlation between the flag leaf area and 1000- kernels weight and grain yield, but protein content was negatively correlated with grain yield.
This search was carried out in the farm of faculty of Agriculture- Damascus during 2012-2013 to determine the adaption of five Safflower genotypes) Farming conditions in the lug intensive in the province of Damascus under the effect of different nitrogen fertilizers and witness without fertilization N3 . And how they affected safflower accessions morphological traits and productivity.
The research was Carried out in Jisr area in the province of Idlib during the growing season 2013 - 2014 to study the effect of planting dates in autumn sowing 28/9/2013 = (1), 8/10/2013 = (2), 18/10/2013 = (3) and spring sowing 18/3/2014 = (1), 28 /3/2014 = (2), 8/4/2014 = (3) on yield and growth parameters. The results showed that the autumn sowing has a significant increase in growth parameters compared to spring sowing: adapting coefficient (76.67-82.28%), Plant hight (67.15 - 56.3 cm), number of branches/plant (11.63 - 6.84), number of head/Plant (21.39 - 17.76), oil content (23.19 - 20.68)%, yield petals (96.12 - 60.57) kg/ha, seed yield (1331.82 - 768.31) kg/ha, oil yields (315.15 - 158.99) kg/ha to autumn and spring, respectively. While maturity date of autumn plants was delayed compared to spring (245.33 - 145.33) Day. When sowing was of autumn, growth parameters of third soing date were a significantly higher compared to both the second and first sowing: number of branches / plant, number of heads / plant, number of seeds / head, oil ratio (%), oil yield (kg/ha), yields seeds ( kg/ha), petals yield (kg/ha). Wheras the first sowing date has delayed maturity date compared of both the second and third sowing dates. When sowing was in spring, growth parameters of the first sowing dates were a significantly higher compared to both the second and third except for days to maturity.
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