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The importance of using analytical procedures in improving the performance of the audit process (A field study on the audit offices in the Syrian Arab Republic)

أهمية استخدام الإجراءات التحليلية في تحسين أداء عملية التدقيق (دراسة ميدانية على مكاتب التدقيق في الجمهورية العربية السورية)

3041   12   68   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2015
  fields Accounting
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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This study aimed to identify the importance of the use of analytical procedures in the audit process through the discovery of the audit and the auditor to draw the attention of potential risk of errors, and to show the role of analytical procedures in reducing the cost of the audit process, thus improving the completion of the audit process. To achieve the objectives of the study have been identified in the theoretical side of the search on the concept and importance and methods of analytical procedures, and the field side to find a sample of auditors working in the Syrian Arab Republic accounts included, the number of the final sample and approved for the purposes of research and analysis (60) auditor factor. The study concluded the importance of using analytical procedures to reduce the potential risk of audit, as well as effective role in reducing the cost of the audit process.

References used
Tom Lee، "corpoarte audit theory"، Chapman& Hall، first adition، London، uk، 1993.، p177
HEIMAN. B. Vicky، "Auditors' Assessments of the Liklihood of Error Explanation in Analytical Review". The Accounting Review، 65 (4): 875 – 890،1990
CHO. S.، LEW. A.Y، "Analytical Review Applications among Large Audit Firms in Hong Kong". Managerial Auditing Journal، 15 (8): 431–438، 2000n
rate research

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The study aimed to demonstrate the importance of applying the Business risk Audit Approach (BRA) by the auditors to improve the Audit Quality in the Syrian business environment. The study followed the analytical descriptive method and the question naire which prepared and distributed to the offices and auditing companies accredited by the Damascus Securities Market committee and the Insurance Supervisory committee.
performance audit it is interested in all aspects of activity of public an administration, including the organization and management systems .I want to talk in this research about the concept of performance audit as definition, types and objectives . I want to mention on the most important terms and tools that should be available to be applied to the work of public affiliated to the control of regulatory agencies .
The study aimed to test the role of planning in detecting the significant irregularities in the financial statements of the clients in the audit companies and firms, where the research came to provide a knowledge about the concept of planning an it ‟s activities, beside its role in increasing the ability of the auditor in detecting the significant irregularities in the financial statements of Clients. In this context, the research community is determined as audit companies and firms, a sample of (60) individuals that are working in the field of auditing in Damascus companies and firms were picked up, finally the researcher reach to a group of conclusions: 1. There is a significant positive correlation between obtaining information about the customer and detecting the significant irregularities in the financial statements of clients. 2. There is a significant positive correlation between obtaining the information of the legal obligations of the client and detecting the significant irregularities in the financial statements of clients.. 3. There is a significant positive correlation between the implementation of the initial analytical procedures and detecting the significant irregularities in the financial statements of clients. 4. There is a significant positive correlation between the assessment of materiality and detecting the significant irregularities in the financial statements of clients.. 5. There is a significant positive correlation between audit risk assessment and detecting the significant irregularities in the financial statements of clients..
After the collapse of major international companies, the attention has been increased to provide appropriate mechanisms to reduce the causes of these collapses. Some of these causes were related to fraud in financial reporting. One of the used mec hanisms is the audit committee which plays the role of supervisor in the companies. The objective of this research is to study the role of audit committees in reducing fraud in the Syrian public companies, and to achieve this goal, the researcher has prepared questionnaire which has been distributed to some members of audit committees in the Syrian public companies and some external auditors, the questionnaire has included audit committees’ characteristics and their tasks which would reduce fraud. The researcher has found that audit committees’ characteristics and their tasks reduce fraud according to the research samples.
The study aimed at identifying the method of joint auditing of the financial statements and the stages that must be carried out to complete the audit process using the statistical survey. To achieve this objective, a field study was carried out th rough the creation of a questionnaire distributed to a sample of practicing auditors according to the Association of Chartered Accountants in Damascus, and then analyzing the results and testing the hypotheses using SPSS. And research found the following results: There is the role of the joint audit in raising the efficiency of the use of a preview qualities in the audit and special evaluation of test results jointly. There is a role for joint auditing in raising the efficiency of the use of the examination of variables in the audit, especially the assessment of relative importance in a joint manner. There is a role for joint auditing in raising the efficiency of determining the size of the sample and the factors affecting it, especially the acceptable risk rate in common. There is the role of the joint audit in reducing the risk of use of statistical sampling in audit, special audit is divided between the auditors' joint accounts on the basis of the applicable auditing or corporate functions business cycles.
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