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بيان حكم خُلو الرِجل عند الفقهاء

326   1   6   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2003
  fields Sharia
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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البناني محمد بن الحسن بن مسعود-الفتح الرباني حاشية على شرح الزرقاني على متن خليل.
البهوتي منصور بن يونس-كشاف القناع، مكتبة النصر الحديثة، الرياض.
الترمذي محمد بن عيسى-جامع الترمذي، دار إحياء التراث العربي، تحقيق أحمد شاكر.
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Scholars spoke on condition that the right which is owned by the owner to give it up to him, may relinquish it; owner of the King has the right, and have to dispose of it, properly, and the health of disabsolution depends on the former king; not on ly acquitted acquitted Ibra right holder. In some cases located disabsolution which is not the right holder, and most important of these issues, disabsolution the guardian of the orphan's wealth, and disabsolution the guardian of the dowry, which are taken over, and disabsolution the mother of her husband from the custody of the minor, and disabsolution the agent from the wealth of his client, and healing the curious, is located such Healing?, or not?, the researcher defined the disabsolution, and to study these issues and the statement of its judgment, has concluded a researcher to several conclusions, the most important, is intended disabsolution: "concession holder the right to his right, who has disposed of it", and disabsolution of the dowry before entering is the right of the husband, and that the right of custody right enjoined Shara cuddled and mother has more right than others in the nursery may have a disabsolution from custody, and the public agency, including discharge, and disabsolution curious void.
يهدف البحث إلى عمل دراسة في طرائق نظم التوصيات الخاصة بشبكات التواصل الإجتماعي ، بحيث يتم ذكر العديد من هذه الطرائق والمقارنة فيما بينها ،والتركيز على موقع تويتر من خلال شرح عمل نظام توصية شخصي للتغريدات والمتابَعين معتمداً على بيان المعرفة .
This research is an attempt to make a jurisprudential justificatory study. I started with an introduction, in which I explained that the Islamic Religion is based on collecting the interests of creatures, and that its provisions are justified, but some of its causes appeared to us, but others have not appeared to us. We worshiped Allah, to Whom be ascribed all perfection and majesty, by conceding to the order of Allah about them. If this proof ever indicates that the text was mentioned for a certain case or cause, and then that case changed, or that reason, for which the provision was ascribed, fell off, the provision must be changed according to the change of its reason. Here, I quoted the sayings of the senior scholars that supported this meaning.
This paper focuses on the religious life of Persia under the rule of the Parthians, and begins with a review of the early theology, such as the worship of the ancestors and Mithraism, and then the discussion of Aryan beliefs such as Zoroastrianism , which explain the origins of this religion and its status for the Persian community and Ashkani monarchs as well. It also refers to the other Aryan beliefs that were popular in the kingdom of Parthia, such as Buddhism which originated from India. Finally, the paper discusses the spread out of the heavenly religions represented by Christianity, and the position of the Ashkani state about the spread of this religion.
الزكاة ركن من أركان الإسلام الخمسة، و فرض من فروضه، و هي أولى الوسائل التي شرعت لعلاج التفاوت بين الناس في الأرزاق، و تحصيل المكاسب، و تحقيق التكامل الاجتماعي في الإسلام؛ لأن الله سبحانه و تعالى فضل بعضنا على بعض في الرزق، و أوجب على الغني أن يعطي الفقير حقًا واجبًا مفروضًا، لا تطوعًا و لا منة ليؤخذ بيده لاستئناف العمل و النشاط إن كان قادرًا، و يساعد على ظروف العيش الكريم إن كان عاجزًا. فيحمى المجتمع من مرض الفقر و الدولة من الإرهاق و الضعف. و تيسيرًا على المزكي و تحقيقًا للغرض من مشروعية الزكاة، فقد أوصى الفقهاء و في مختلف المذاهب الفقهية الأغنياء إلى الكيفية التي بإمكانهم إخراج زكاة أموالهم بمقتضاها، و هي تتمثل إما في إخراج الَقدر الواجب إخراجه من العين المراد تزكيتها أو دفع قيمة ذلك الَقدر الواجب. و هذا ما هدفت إلى بيانه و توضيحه في هذا البحث.

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