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أساسيات النظام القضائي القطري ماضيه و حاضره

1394   1   34   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2007
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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References used
-لمستشار أنور طلبة: . موسوعة المرافعات المدنية والتجارية، الجزء الثاني والرابع، القاهرة 2001.
د.أحمد الشلق: . تاريخ قطر السياسي،مطابع الدوحة الحديثة،طبعة أولى,1999.
د.أسامة روبي عبد العزيز : . الوسيط في قانون المرافعات المدنية والتجارية، الطبعة الأولى 2007.

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يتناول البحث دراسة أهمية تحديد المحكمة المختصة بالمنازعات المتضمنة عنصرًا أجنبيًا، إذ يجب على القاضي إذا ما عرضت أمامه منازعة ذات طبيعة دولية خاصة أن يبت في مسألة أولية مهمة، تتعلق باختصاصه من الوجهة الدولية بالنظر في النزاع المعروض أمامه أم عدم اختصاصه؟
الأمر القضائي هو طلب موجه إلى الإدارة لتقوم بعمل محدد أو تمتنع عن القيام عن مثل هذا العمل، و قد كان الأمر القضائي دومًا من قبيل المحرمات المفروضة على القاضي الإداري، و ذلك استنادًا إلى أسس قانونية تاريخية خاصة بفرنسة، و إن كان هذا الحظر لا يؤخذ على إطلاقه إذ توجد بعض الاستثناءات التي تجيز توجيه الأوامر إلى الإدارة من جانب القاضي الإداري أو العادي على حد سواء.
3575 - MIT press 1999 كتاب
Statistical approaches to processing natural language text have become dominant in recent years. It provides broad but rigorous coverage of mathematical and linguistic foundations, as well as detailed discussion of statistical methods, allowing students and researchers to construct their own implementations.
Tranquility, stability and psychological calmness is a goal that the marriage contracts aspires to achieve, besides to the goal of founding the first brick in the society including the family and rearing up children. After establishing a family be completing the contract of marriage, the stability of the marital life might be affected if the husband doesn't spend on his wife. In fact it might vanish at all because of what it means of avoiding a necessary duty from the marital duties. However marital life may have a chance to go on and achieve its goals and intentions, even if the husband doesn't spend on his wife, if she spends on herself and doesn't claim for expense , which will not affect on the other party, Knowing that the building of the marital life is built on living and intimacy, which is contradicted to proving the alternative of separation for every emergent event. Avoiding expense is considered a cause of disturbance in marital life which makes it not obligatory for the other party to continue living like this after it is confirmed by law. The integrity of psychological stability in general doesn't contradict with the tracing and stipulating making the safety procedures in offering its due procedures by outweighing the choice of separation though the litigation procedures.
In developing an online question-answering system for the medical domains, natural language inference (NLI) models play a central role in question matching and intention detection. However, which models are best for our datasets? Manually selecting o r tuning a model is time-consuming. Thus we experiment with automatically optimizing the model architectures on the task at hand via neural architecture search (NAS). First, we formulate a novel architecture search space based on the previous NAS literature, supporting cross-sentence attention (cross-attn) modeling. Second, we propose to modify the ENAS method to accelerate and stabilize the search results. We conduct extensive experiments on our two medical NLI tasks. Results show that our system can easily outperform the classical baseline models. We compare different NAS methods and demonstrate our approach provides the best results.
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