جرت عملية الاعتيان العمودي لمجذافيات الأرجل Copepoda خلال الصيف و الشتاء بين عامي 2009 و 2010 في منطقة قلعة الزوزو التي تقع في المنطقة الشاطئيّة لمدينة جبلة . التي تتميز بخواص بيئية مميزة، و ترافق جمع العينات بقياس درجة حرارة الماء، الملوحة، و الأوكسجين المنحل في الماء .
بلغ العدد الإجمالي للعينات المدروسة في مناطق الدراسة جميعها 106 عيّنةً. تمّ تحديد 100نوع خلال الصيف، بينما تمّ تحديد 89 نوعاً خلال الشتاء، ينتمي معظم الأنواع إلى رتبة Calanoida. كما لوحظ من خلال الدراسة أنّ معظم الأنواع قد ظهرت في الفصلين معاً، بينما ظهر بعض الأنواع في فصلٍ دون الآخر. و لوحظ من الدراسة أنّ غزارة مجذافيات الأرجل كانت أعلى في فصل الصيف حيث بلغ متوسطها (5314 فرد/م3) ،بينما بلغ متوسطها في فصل الشتاء ( 4353,40فرد/م3). كما تبيّن من الدراسة أنّ المحطّة القريبة من الشاطئ كانت أقلّ تنوّعاً و أكثر غزارةً من المحطّة البعيدة عن الشاطئ فصلي الصيف و الشتاء معاً.
Vertical sampling process took place to Copepoda during the summer and winter of
2009 and 2010 from Alzzouzo castle which is located in the coastal region of Jableh city.
This region has special environmental properties. Sampling was accompanied with
measuring water temperature, salinity, and dissolved oxygen in the water.
The total number of samples studied in all areas of study is 106 samples. 100 species
were identified during the summer, while 89 species were identified during the winter;
most species belongs to the order of Calanoida. It was noted by the study that most species
appeared in two seasons together, while some species appeared in the season without the
other. It was also noted that the abundance of Copepoda was higher in summer with an
average of (5314 individual / m
3), while the average in winter was (4353, 40 individual / m
It was clear from the study that the station near the beach was less diverse and more
prolific than the offshore station during the summer and winter together.
References used
ABDEL-AZIZ N.E.M., Dorgham M.M., - response of copepods to variable environmental conditions in Egyptian Mediterranean near shore waters. Egypt. J.Aquat. Biol. &Fish., V.6,N.4,2002,283-300
Abdel-Aziz N. E. M..,.GHOBASHI.A, Dorgham M.M.,.TOHAMI.W, -qualitative and quantitative study of copepods in diamitta harbor,Egypt.Egyptian journal of aquati research, Vol.33, No.1,2007,144-126
The aim of this paper was to assess the level of air contamination by
bacteria in enclosed broiler houses through summer and winter
season .
The numbers of bacteria (mesophile, staphylococci, streptococci and
gram-negatives) were determined in enclosed broiler houses with
chicken of different ages (1-6 weeks old) in 14 points (3 inside and
11 outside) .
The study included 132 Free – living fish in Lake of 16 Tishreen Dam,
collected randomly during the period from 22/11/2011 until 22/10/2012, on
average once a month, for detecting the infection of parasitic copepoda, and
determine the distribution rate, and their effect on the fish productivity.
general study of counted Bacteria and Chlorophyll a Give us an initial picture to the environment safety and vitality of marine environmental, which constitutes one of the basic components. In this paper, we show the most important results related to
This paper Introduces a clear idea about marine and coastal
biodiversity of crustacean zooplankton and its quantitative and
qualitative monthly variations and its relationship with the changes
of some of the main environmental factors such as temperature,
salinity,dissolved oxygen, transparency and pH.
Half quarterly water samples were collected during the period between March 2015
and February 2016 of four different stations from Banias city water that is subject to the
effect of sewage and estuaries. The concentrations of nutrients (H3SiO4