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Types of Obscurity in Thomas Hardy's Jude the Obscure and Maurice Blanchot's Thomas the Obscure

أنواع الغموض في رواية ثوماس هاردي" جود الغامض" و رواية موريس بلانشو " ثوماس الغامض"

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 Publication date 2009
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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This study is an attempt to view the concept of 'obscurity' as reflected in two fictions belonging to two different writers with different intellectual ideologies and artistic backgrounds. As the present study shows, each novel betrays its own type of obscurity and careful inspection illuminates both the conscious and unconscious manifestations of this topic as well as their grounds.

References used
Adorno,Theodor. Note to Literature,Vol.2. Ed. Rolf Tiedemasnn. Trans
Shierry Weber Nicholson.NY:Columbia UP,1992
Arnold,Matthew.The Strayed Reveller and Other Poems. London: B.Fellows, 1849
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The dandy was an elusive cultural icon which found expression in many literary works and attracted the attention of prominent cultural critics. The general undiscerning assumption was that the dandy was merely a man interested in clothes and matte rs of style. A more discriminating examination of the dandy figure reveals, however, that he was much more sophisticated than this assumption makes him to be. This paper examines the nineteenth-century theoretical debate about the dandy in the works of Charles Baudelaire and Thomas Carlyle, particularly in Carlyle’s book Sartor Resartus and then proceeds to study the presentation of the dandy figure in two novels by Charles Dickens, Hard Times and Bleak House, and Edward Bulwer-Lytton’s Pelham.
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Similarity measures are a vital tool for understanding how language models represent and process language. Standard representational similarity measures such as cosine similarity and Euclidean distance have been successfully used in static word embed ding models to understand how words cluster in semantic space. Recently, these measures have been applied to embeddings from contextualized models such as BERT and GPT-2. In this work, we call into question the informativity of such measures for contextualized language models. We find that a small number of rogue dimensions, often just 1-3, dominate these measures. Moreover, we find a striking mismatch between the dimensions that dominate similarity measures and those which are important to the behavior of the model. We show that simple postprocessing techniques such as standardization are able to correct for rogue dimensions and reveal underlying representational quality. We argue that accounting for rogue dimensions is essential for any similarity-based analysis of contextual language models.
This paper proposes to examine the role of the English aristocracy in the colonial process and in empire building as shown in The Caxtons, a novel written by the nineteenth-century novelist Edward Bulwer-Lytton and published in 1849. The novel wil l be contextualized within a larger framework of other literary and non-literary texts.
This research tries to focus on Jahili Orations: oral, written and Documented. These three cases are the most important cases. Arabic Literature men of letters are busy with them.
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