الهدف من البحث: المقارنة بين أربع مواد مرممة (MTA– كومبوزيت- و فوسفات الزنك- و الاسمنت الإينوميري الزجاجي) من حيث القدرة على الختم التاجي لفوهة دخول الأقنية الجذرية المعالجة لبياً للأسنان المقلوعة وحيدة الأقنية.
تألفت عينة البحث من 60 سن N=60)) مقلوع وحيد القناة الجذرية, و تم إجراء الصور الشعاعية لها لتحري عدم وجود شذوذات تشريحية أو معالجة لبية سابقة, ثم تم قص تيجانها باستخدام قرص ماسي, حُضرت الأقنية بالطريقة التقليدية, و حُشيت بإسمنت أكسيد الزنك و الأوجينول و أقماع الكوتا بيركا بطريقة التكثيف الجانبي. و تم الانتظار (24 ساعة) للتأكد من تمام تصلب المادة الحاشية, و بعد ذلك أُزيلت المادة الحاشية عمودياً باستخدام أداة محماة حتى عمق 2 ملم ضمن القناة الجذرية, ثم قُسمت الأسنان عشوائياً إلى أربع مجموعات بحيث تضم كل مجموعة 15 سناً ((n1=n2=n3=n4=15, و حُشيت فوهة الدخول لكل مجموعة بإحدى المواد المرممة الأربعة, بعد ذلك تم طلي الأسنان كاملا بالفرنيش ماعدا 1ملم حول منطقة فوهة دخول الأقنية الجذرية ثم غُمرت مجموعات الأسنان بصبغة أزرق الميتيلين 2% لمدة خمس دقائق و غُسلت تحت تيار من الماء الغزير, ثم أُجريت لها مقاطع طولية بالاتجاه الدهليزي اللساني, و فُحصت مقاطع الأسنان باستخدام المكبرة الضوئية و تم تقييم التسرب و قياسه باستخدام مسطرة ميليمترية صُممت ببرنامج أوتوكاد 2013 .
Aim of study: to compare the ability of four restorative materials (MTA - Composite
- Zinc Phosphate - Glass Ionomer Cement) in coronal sealing of the endodontically treated
root canal orifice in extracted teeth.
Materials and Methods: 60 extracted teeth with single canal were chosen. X-Ray
Images were taken, then their crowns were cut off by using diamond disc, then the canals
were classically prepared, after that, they were filled with Zinc Oxide Eugenol Cement and
the gutta-percha cones using Lateral Condensation technique. They were left for (24) hours
in order to ensure the quite hardening of the filling material. After that, the filling material
was removed vertically by using an eraser tool up to a depth of (2) mm inside the root
canal. Then, the teeth were randomly divided into four groups, each contained (15) teeth
(n1=n2=n3=n4=15). The entry orifices of all the teeth were filled with one of the
restorative materials. The teeth were coated with Varnish except for 1 mm around orifices,
After then, they were immersed in Methylene Blue Dye of 2 % for five minutes. After that,
the teeth were washed under a stream of plentiful water and left to dry. Longitudinal
sections were made in the buccal lingual direction. Then the sections were examined under
the optical magnifier to measure the liner dye leakage using a millimeter ruler designed by
“AutoCAD 2013” Program.
References used
Abbott, P.; Sriwalee, L. ;Sandler, B., Apical dye penetration with four root canal sealers and gutta percha using longitudinal sectioning.J Endod,1992, 18(11):322-6
Abdullah D, Ford TR, Papaioannou S, Nicholson J, McDonald F. An evaluation of accelerated Portland cement as a restorative material.Biomater.2002;23(19) :4001-10
Akbari , M.; Rouhani, A.; Samiee, S.; Jafarzadeh, H. Effect of dentin bonding agent on the prevention of tooth discoloration produced by mineral trioxide aggregate .International Journal of Dentistry, vol. 2012, Article ID 563203, 3 pages
Aim: to compare the apical sealing ability of three root canal sealers in human
extracted teeth using dye penetration.
Materials and Methods: thirty extracted human maxillary teeth were instrumented
1mm short of the anatomical apex and randomly as
The specimen consists of 72 extracted teeth with curved roots
(15-35)degree . They were cleaned and preserved in formalin
for 48 hours. Each tooth was mounted in a self curing acrylic
block. The samples were divided into three groups. Each
This study aims to evaluat of the effect antibacterial for some materials
which are used dressing and irrigating fluids in infected root canal then
compare of the effectiveness of each of The irrigating fluids and
materials used Dressing in infect
The apical seal, which is achieved by application of a retrograde
filling material, is considered one of the importan t elements in healing of the periapical lesions after apicectomy operations.The aim of this study was to compare the apical sealing ability of amalgam, MTA,and Bioaggregate when used as retrograde filling materials.
Aim: to compare the shaping ability of NiTi hand instruments with Stainless- steel instruments in preparation of curved root canal in extracted teeth.
Materials and Methods: a total of 24 of curved root canal were randomly divided into two groups. O